Saturday, December 17, 2011

2 weeks gone by...

The time flies in a jiffy, it's time for Anik to come back. Guess what? she missed the flight back here, this morning. Was I supposed to believe when told, jam teruk. kalau Jakarta, I would understand, ini in Medan. Heee, rasa nak menjerit2... How could she waste money like that. Nasib baik, I know the agent that got me Anik and the previous maid. And she prepared a new ticket back here tomorrow..nak tau berapa? Rm 300, it's one way ticket..kan rugi.
In fact, we had got used without Anik and we loved doing the house work as a team. We do need some privacy once in awhile, and two weeks is just fine. Well, we'll have to wait and see what will happen tomorrow..

My dear daughter had been busy with her exam for three days last week which started at 8 am. She had to leave the house at wee hours of the early morning around 6.20 am to avoid jam and also for easy parking, gelap tu.. If only Hb is fit to drive he or me would definitely be sending her, not letting her drive that early, alone. I can't helped myself worrying. No choice but to tawakkal aje. She is one tough lady with a strong character, typical her father, not like me..thank God for that. Berkali2 berpesan 'do not be too confident, there are things that we ladies sometimes cannot do, don't take chances' Nampak je lembut tu but fierce like a tiger! Shh!..I am proud of my girl, being the youngest and the only girl, I can rely on her! She ain't a spoilt brad.. for sure!
I hope she is enjoying herself now at her friend birthday party...(send and fetch by big brother)

So, while Anik was away, here are some of the Menus along the 2 long weeks...
Starting with...Yesterday's lunch.
Today, we totally eat out, busy busy with phone calls to Medan..

After the long two weeks, NO rice. So, yesterday, I decided to cooked rice
with Fish Curry, Fried Beef and Veges...Lega!!

Mee Jawa *my style* and dessert, Bubur Jagung.
The most favorite Potato Salad with celery, dried cranberry,
Walnut,Chicken breast and Prawn.
Homemade bread with simple chicken soup,
Salmon and Pineapple Salad.

Two kinds of Sandwiches, Chicken and Cream Cheese Salad.
And a healthy Celery and Carrot Soup

Pasta with Fried Chicken and Plain Salad.

Last Monday, we had lunch at Saba' Arab Restoran in Cyberjaya.
It wasn't plan but a spur of the moment choice by Fifa. Who did we called? niece Izian Naziha, yang tak jadi balik ke Perak..being late to Putrajaya and the ticket was all sold out for the weekend..sob sob for her. Anyway, we were there to brighten her day for just a few hours..relax Izian!

Bye for now..hope for a better tomorrow with a stress free day!


  1. Salam sis Iha, kasihan Ratna terhadap sis Iha pabila selesai membaca isi kandung entry kali ini namun terus berbunga itu rasa perasaan pabila sis Iha menghidangkan segala bagai hidangan yang begitu yummy sekali buat tatapan disini, semuanya Ratna adore sekali kerna masakan hidangan setiap hari berlainan beraneka jenis yang menambat selera, teruja-ruja sungguh dan berbisik terus dianak hati pabila pulang ketanah-air nanti tringin sekali bertemu dengan sis Iha, Insya'Allah.

    Gimana pun semoga maid pembantu akan selamat sampai tibanya tanpa apa sahaja alasan kali ini dan bebanan dirumah akan jadi ringan gitu.

    Salam manis manis madu.
    P/s:sampaikan ucapan "terlambat" joyeux anniversaire kepada anakanda sis Iha ya, semoga tahun-tahun berikutnya akan dipenuhi segala harapan, niat juga doa olehNya.

  2. Salam kembali Ratna..
    Ya sememang stress dgn kerenah maid, tapi apa kan daya, kita memerlukanya. Apa2 pun alhmdllh dia selamat sampai pagi ini.
    Tak cukup tapak tangan niru saya tadahkan, sila hubungi saya bila ke pulang kesini..akan ku jemput seisi keluarga Ratna kerumah saya.
    Oh terima kasih, masakan nya simple aje!!

  3. tu dia... tak jengah umah dia beberapa hari tp tgk food feastnya meleleh yo! kan best kalu kita berjiran hehehee.... tak de maid pun kengkadang susah ye kak...saya dah 2 minggu dimanjai takyah bersih umah/basuh baju/lipat etc...heaven je rasa... lagi 2 minggu she'll be gone to Kuantan for good...owhhhh tak rela rasanya aww!
