Monday, January 23, 2012

Flourless Orange, Ginger and Almond Cake

This ia a short entry..
Sharing my Flourless Orange Almond Ginger Cake. Got the recipe from the Net. It's a classic Morroccan recipe. A simple ingredient cake with only eggs, sugar, oranges, ginger and almond..gluten free cake and *one bowl method* The simmering of the oranges took 2 hrs and the baking was about 1 hr. As I mentioned a few days ago, the cake has got a very special taste. And the recipe I got has fresh and crystallized ginger added to it. Well, I can't describe, how wonderful the taste was. The texture was moist and dense. I baked it on Saturday and I had guests , served them.. they love it to bits! I told ya'll...I will get this recipe in no time...Yeah! by half the day, nothing was left from the cake..gone!

Top with Crystalized Ginger.

Am baking Marble Cheese Brownies, peeps..When the kids are baking, baking, baking!
Adios..Happy Holiday!!


  1. Salam sis Iha, ya ampun ..... gabungan ground-almonds dan oranges sememangnya super yummmmmy + itu crystalized ginger lagi lah mega-yummmmy! Di-lain kali cuba coating kan dengan chocolat de couverture, kena serasi gitu!

    Begitu lunak lagi gebu gateau sis Iha, bikin Ratna mahu terus kedapur ......

    Salam manis manis madu.

  2. wkmslm...
    Memang sedap sangat cakenya...almond tu saja dah mengemukan apatah lah kalau ada chocolate Rat.
    Ayuh, apa tunggu lagi, kedapur lah kawan ku.

  3. i thought I commented on ur blog,,, tp takde plak... BTW I was at ur mumz.. nice to meet everyone,,, too bad ur not around... the food looked luvly...miss ur cooking n of course u,,, looks like we,re in the same boat, will catch up later... muahs.. cheque eee.
    ps my regards to lan n the kids(???)

  4. Oh my God...Che ee, How do you happen to find me here? Miss you too.
    Well, since you know where to look for me..pls dont stop commenting on this humble blog of regards to your family too.

    1. tetiba kotak komen kt blog akak ni tak dek.. ke saya tak jumpa...anyway, yr cake looks marvelous! saya suka beno le nak menerai cake2 yg tak yah guna mesin pemutar bagai ni, klu buleh disharekan resepinya lagik mantops heee...

  5. Salam..
    Macam mana boleh hilang? yes, the cake heavenly nice. Of course I will let you know my other blog for cakes.
