Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekend that was..


It was past 9 in the morning when I woke up on Sunday morning. I hurriedly prepared breakfast *grin, cereal aje*
Short while later, received a call from my Sister Intan..coming to fetch her daughter Kamelia who stayed overnight in our house. Humming happily in my heart, while cooking Mee Curry for lunch. My Sister will come sometime late afternoon. And Fifa's best friend Anna also in our, I must cook. Tho the night before I only had my beauty sleep for less than 3 age is catching up,  susah nak tidur bila dah terjaga. And that Sunday morning..   my eldest son was flying to I wake him up at 4.30 am. Like all Mum, even having a son yang dah boleh kawin tu, still need my attention. I have to make sure that he got his breakfast and all his needs packed nicely. Lemah longlai badan dibuatnya..imagine macam bangun sahur. I just cannot leave him on his own..dah jadi kebiasaan. Hopefully, this ends when he gets a wife. Bila? God knows!
I got back to bed right away after Solat Subuh, itu pun macam tidur2 ayam..sedar2 jam dah pukul 9 lebih.
So I waited and I waited for my sister... but no sign of her.  Tut tut, another call..her hb had business appointment..And I knew she was very dissapointed...Was all dressed up waited when her Hb called. We seldom meet eventho we are staying not far away..masing2 busy dengan hal sendiri .
It was a pleasant surprised....guess who came instead?.. my eldest sister Teh with her hb and daughter...betul2 langkah kanan.  The Mee Curry that was just cooked and still warmth on my stove. I was so pleased to receive guest when there's food to serve..itu lah dinamakan rezeki.
Know what time my Sister Intan came?  She finally came at 10.00pm..hehe..

The two girls Fifa and Kamelia still in pyjamas..ishh ishh!


Thank you Linda for ordering.. 

And below is a simple Kebab that my Granma used to make..
The crepe or pancake.. the recipe: flour, an egg, water and salt.
And the filling is basically mince beef with some spices added, fry it with a little oil and that's it.
Eat it with coconut sauce...just plain coconut milk and salt to taste. Bring it to boil for sometime on slow fire. Biasa lah.. I would tambah a little bit here and there. We had it with Moroccon Salad thick sauce, that was yogurt, onion, cilantro and cili padi...and a squeeze of lemon.

Superb! Why not try, you'll love this Kebab!

  Some photos of plants in my garden..

I am not too sure it's the right's called Malaitang.


Cempaka pisang/Magnolia Coco

Chempaka Telur../talauma Pumila also species of magnolia

The Exotic plant in the garden, Black Pepper.

Insyallah, will update more of my plants.
Till next time, Adios.


  1. Salam kak iha,
    dah dpt mood balik? hehe...nti bulan pose musti dptkan mood balik sbb ari2 kena masak kan hehe...
    hermmm dah namanya mak-mak org anak2 beso cemana pun musti nak jaga kebajikan dia ek? saya dulu time belajo mmg very2 independent, pegi kolej, blk kampung sendiri2 aje, bila tgk anak2 my sis yg parents dok berambik dan berantar ke kolej rasa how lucky anak2 zaman la ni haih....
    byk2 plant i loike black pepper tu, dulu, masa my Kak Long berpantang, selalu dia buat ulam je black pepper muda tu mkn ngan ikan panggang, pahtu ngan saya sekali pun suka wat ulam ngan nasi panas!

  2. Salam Kak Iha,
    Licinnye la kulit kebab tu. Sekali imbas macam popia basah pon ada. Mesti sedap!

    Suka la tengok segala pokok-pokok Kak Iha :)

  3. Wkmslm Yong..
    Sekarang ni anak2 dimanjakan lebih. Boleh ke anak2 menjaga kita
    seperti mana kita menjaga mereka tak tau lagi.

    I pun suka black pepper hb yg insisted i tanam.
    Ok, nanti nak petik dan makan.

  4. Wkmslm PatinPasta..
    Kulit tu licin disebabkan kuah santan tu kut.
    Dan juga memang kena buat crepe tu nipis baru tak rasa tepung.

    When I am in my garden, tak nak masuk rumah rasanya..ralik dengan pokok2 bunga.

  5. assalam Iha
    You memasak dan makan2 tapi lelemak tak lekat kat you sebab you rajin bercucuk tanam. Gardening is another form of exercise, is it not?

    Yes, I pun suka pokok black pepper tu. Lain dari yg lain.

    Iha, soklan you samada anak2 boleh menjaga kita serupa kita menjaga mereka, well...rasanya tak akan sama namun wallahualam. Diharap anak2 kita 'lebih hebat' dari kita, insyaallah....and psst, those food...huwaaaa..menci taw *sambil guling2 bawah meja tanda protes*, kih3.

  6. Wkmslm CS..
    Siapa kata tak ada lelemak..ada banyak, tapi I pandai hide.
    Yes, I agree, gardening gives you lots of good things..not only healthy,
    but peace of mind with their nice scent and colors.

    Apa2 pun berdoa aje lah supaya anak2 kita beriman..itu yang penting.
    Baru tau tanggungjawab.

    CS..maih nak pujuk...jangis ngangis nanti I bawak kat you setalam ya..

  7. Salam sis Iha,

    Adore.... adore sesungguhnya suasana didalam rumah sis Iha dengan decor-nya yang menawan sekali...

    Juga dengan kembangan bunga yang cantik... dan yang ter...paling adore ialah itu gâteau Red Velvet... cantik dipandang pasti yummy rasanya...

    Setiap kali menyinggah tatap di-blognya sis Iha, Ratna tidak pernah hampa dengan peragaan masakan&manisan&keindahan ditaman&kata-kata lembut dari seorang Ibu nan pengasih semuanya ada lah petanda betapa sejati-murninya pendirian sis Iha, terimaKasih segunung tinggi dengan entry yang indah ini...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

    p/s: satu hari nanti pasti termakbul nyata yang eldest akan ke-jinjang pelamin dan sis Iha akan bergelar Nenda... Insya'Allah semoga hendaknya, sebuah doa dari jauh...

  8. Wkmslm Ratna..
    Alhamdllh, setakat mana yg mampu utk menghias blog dengan berkongsi bersama yang lain. Seperti mana kagumnya saya melihat buah2an dan bunga2 yg Ratna pamerkan dlm blog Ratna.

    Senyum lebar saya...membuat org lain gembira setelah membaca/melihat entry saya..bukan senang ya nak mengembirakan hati org..itu satu rahmat!

    Hai Ratna, tugasan ibu tak pernah habis kann..
    Terima kasih mendoakan.. semoga dimakbulkan Allah apa jua niat yg baik.

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