Friday, January 25, 2013

My balik kampung, outings and Food

Loosing words and mood to write... enjoying the new fad.. Instagram....are you not peeps? It's simple, using the phone to connect to your followers... like facebook, kann.. just insert photos and write a few lines..senang dowh!
That does not mean I'm closing this blog. Oh tidakk!  love this's my space to express my excitement and untuk tatapan kawan2 yg setia menjenguk. Insyallah, I will always update when I have the time.
Was occupied with my play house *sedap sikit bunyinya..kann* yang tak habis2 tu..Hmm, setakat ni still loving it.. and the activities with Hb and my friends..ada ada aje. I missed a few of my Cootoo gatherings but my sweet friends made an attempt to pay back what I'd you girls, muah!!

At  Upstairs Cafe...

Buulatttnya muka ku!!
This outing was on last Friday 18th January. The planned was breakfast at 'Bawang Merah' and Coffee/dessert at 'Upstairs'. AT Upstairs we were told that Friday close at 12.30pm for Friday prayer.  We then moved on to Subang Parade at Coffee Bean... three eating places in one day. Special treat by our Stephanie...thank you!!

With Mala

Stefh..what's so funny??

 The three ladies of Leisure..

Saturday..19th, January 'Balik Kampung'
I went back  to my Hometown for three days and of course you can imagine the clothes brought back from the 3 days plus the one in the house...mengunung! Stress? hmm..I took my sweet time to finish it...tak payah nak kalut... tak ada siapa nak marah....hmm, taking a deep breathe...phew!!
Some pictures from my balik kampung.

The first night, Saturday, we slept at my eldest sister Teh's house.  We had promised her a few times  but never had the chance. This time we made an afford to spend at least a night. Thank you Abang Din and my sister for being such a good host. The hospitality you had given us macam 5 stars Hotel..betoi!
We didn't had much time together actually, I arrived late around 7 pm and left after breakfast the next day.

She had plenty of potted plants and flowers..that's typical of us..who loves gardening and making ourselves busy.
We can easily adapt to our surroundings...  another word.. tak suka goyang kaki duduk saja2. She loves sewing and cooking like I do. As age is catching up everything is rather slow...interest still ada kekuatan saja yang kurang.

Bleeding Heart

Her orchids are so healthy, I was inspired...can't wait to be back and take good care of my neglected plants since a month ago.

Green Velvet Caladium

That night they took us for dinner at Koh Samui Thai food. The throbbing  headache did not turn me on tho how delicious the food was... we enjoyed the crowd with my nephew Taqi happened to be around.

The three days and two nights were quite hectic for the three of us, Hb, Fifa and me.. visiting not only mine but Hb's family too...through and fro from one place to another. A small price to pay after all what matter most is to visit our parents.... how we wish to visit them often. Even though it took us months to pay our respects, we never miss calling them as often as we can.
Sedih..bila tengok keadaan berubah..they're getting old and frail each time we see them. We thank God for giving them good life.. somebody reliable to watch over them and Alhamdullillah, their needs are taken care of....both our Parents.

The weather that was so so hot and humid making my migraine throbbing to the did spoil my stay. 


I hate to disappoint anybody especially family members. I was obligated but at the same time honored on the insistence of my sister Intan to visit her 'River Cottage'. Bearing in mind of our busy schedules and my Hb's condition... I could not be pleasing everyone..I hope they understand sure they do. And I cannot say NO to my sister Intan for inviting us.. it's been years we have not stepped our feet at her 'River Cottage'... a complete change.
The environment with Flora and Fauna that you will love to go again and again.

Life has slightly change .. trying his best to fit in like he used to.. Picture above, Hb resting at the balcony in one of the houses at River Cottage. I did not encourage him to move about unattended. He might stumble upon the tree roots or uneven ground.

Luffah or petola can be seen hanging as you passed thru the cottages.
And other kind of vegetables planted everywhere on the ground for the
guest and source of food for her two care takers.

 It's so inviting...time did not permit us to dip and splash in the water..
just singgah for a short while before we drove off to KL.

..yet, she could not resist dipping her feet in to test how cold and soothing the water was.

One of the five cottages

My sister Intan

Another attraction... the Livestock... there are many types of ducks, chickens and goats.
Back to Nature peeps..
The home coming this time I only spoke to my dear sister Leeza on the phone...insyallah we will meet sometime in KL.

Like always tak sah without showing pictures of my food.

 A simple Pasta for lunch today

 Varieties in one plate
Pasta Salad with fried chicken

 My very own Coney Dog...with Old De Paso Chili powdered added to the filling..

The weather is kinda chilly tonight and it had been like this for several days already.
It rained heavily during the day and keeping us indoor most of the time..tho it's cold outside but my inner body temperature panass membara, sore throat is on the way..
Night everyone, nothing is better than to be wrapped under the Duvet.


  1. Hi Sis
    Wah! time awak ke kebun dpt.jumpa segala kambing n angsa...kita tak dpt.jumpa pun...hehehe
    Tapi kita sgt.ayornye sejuk!

  2. Assalam Iha .... and to Leeza too ..
    Kat River Cottage ada banyak jenis itik? Whoaaaa... I like (sebab I pencinta itik sejak azali). Kalau tak silap RC nih pernah appear dlm Nona, tul tak?

    I pernah ke Upstairs tahun lepas. Masa tu tempat tu kurang debaboom tapi last Thurs when my doter went there for dinner, dia kata tempat tu dah tak macam dulu lagi; yalah kan, dah maju mesti ramai pengunjung. Parking kat situ during day time adalah azab. Kat SParade tu juga ada mini restoran B.Merah. You dah pernah kesana? Dah 2x I kesana. BTW, you dah try BurgerBakarKaw2 lum? --CS--

  3. Salam sis Iha,

    Gambaran photos tanaman segar dari tamannya sis Teh begitu cantik, adore itu bleeding heart... dan adore suasana Cottage-nya sis Intan, yang bergantungan buahnya petola, teruja Ratna... dan adore masakan sis Iha, terutama sekali coney dog kelihatan yummy !

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  4. Leeza...
    Bila sampai kat Kebun, Intan told her care takers to keluar kan binatang2 tu.
    Takut kat angsa tu...asyik nak dtg dekat. We only spent around 1 hour aje, I didn't want to get stuck in the jam *kat KL*

    Kat River Cottage 3 types of itik, tapi satu dah mati turkey.. Tak pernah pulak my sister cerita dia keluar kat Nona..I rasa tak kut.
    Yes, Upstairs tu sedap you, especially the dia pun sedap.
    Memang parking dia a nightmare. 2 kali I pegi bernasib baik pulak. Yes again, I tau B Merah ada kat Subang P..tapi I tak pernah try. Burger bakar kaw2 kat mana???? let me know.

    Rumah family I memang penuh dengan bunga@ dr my mum sampai kita orang.
    Cottage my sister Intan memang tenang mata memandang dan ..udara yg nyaman terasa sangat berbeza dari riuh rendah suasana bandar.

    Mekasih pujian menu yg tak seberapa itu ya..

  5. salam sis Iha...yg three ladies of leisure tu yg pakai tudung mcm penang ke ,dulu air-stewardess...harap tak silap... hehe...

  6. Wkmslm Eni..
    Nama dia Fairus, memang orang Penamg and X air stewardess.

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