Saturday, June 22, 2013

Eventful activities..

We went back to Hometown last Tuesday. Huhuhu! totally forgotten taking any pictures. You know how excited meeting the family. My father in law is not in good health. We stayed a night at their house and went back home the next day as my daughter had to attend class. Syukur Alhamdullillah, he sounded much better when we called home yesterday.

Being outdoor, is really not a good thing to do .. not the right weather to be sun tanning..hazy days are back. Stubborn me...I could not stop myself to be out at the garden. I needed to organize the plants before the coming of Ramadhan. Gave them some boosting fertilizer, added more soil and some needed to be replanted and repotted. Sometime next week I will start organizing my indoor activities and most of all not forgetting taking good care of our health preparing for Ibadah during the holy month...with God's willing, In sya Allah.

I cleared some climbing plants around the fence and so it look very tidy and neat.
Though my body ached the next day, but I felt good.

This Orchid which has lovely purple colour flowers is flowering again.. do hope it will last until Aidil Fitri.

Some of my Orchid plants shifted to the front..hiding away from the direct sun rays. And the pot on the garden table is my *sherry baby* has a new flower stem shooting out since 3 weeks ago. Happy indeed, the plant had produced flowers about 2  or 3 months ago.

I am glad that Hb had insisted earlier on having Black Pepper planted in our garden.

Taa daa..  Black Pepper that I plucked and drying them under the sun.

This Passion Fruit had not bare anymore fruits.. only during the time when I brought it home from Sungai Buloh. But now, yiilekkk!

As for food, I was munching away with Carbs and sugar *trying my best to minimize* and still maintaining the leafy Salad once in a day...I am loving it.

My dinner tonight, half Chicken Wrap with Salad.

That was what I prepared for Father's day..Mandy Lamb and Chicken
Rice with Colorful Prune Cake.

My easy Peasy lunch

Today..Saturday, 22nd June.
Attended a kenduri Kesyukuran /Akiqah K.Shidah's grandson.

With friends and my far left is my niece Dira.

Selection of scrumptious dessert

The hostess, K. Shidah looking very vibrant

Another Cuttoo Get together on the 12th June at Rohani's house Bukit Jelutong.

Everyone in Jubah..even our friends Steph and Jenny. They were more than willing
to be in that attire..very sporting.

Oh tidak! showing my petticoat with lace 
which I sew many many years ago.

Sweetie Pie Steph with her Bday cake.


Kabsa Lamb Rice cooked by Rohani's maid who had lived in Jordan for 8 years
before working with Rohani.

Sedap..say whatt?? Perfecto. Everything was lovely, the food, the presentations and the company.
Ani, thank you so much, and till the next invitation ..ehem, Raya maybe.

Well, I need to have strong determination and have positive outlook of life...
My life is totally under my control and it depends on whether I can manage it well. If I let myself be cheated by those temptations *oohhh so so cannot tahan* I will be drifting away againnn.. diet!!!


  1. Cute lah your friend Steph...pakai jubah. Really nice of her to wear one kan!
    You should hv taken more pictures of the khenduri...teringin nk tengok...knowing Kak Shidah is very creative.

  2. Leeza..
    Bukan tak nak snap photos..the weather is too hazy..rimas sangat.
    My friend Steph tu memang sporting giler.

  3. akakkkk tengok food gathering tu *pitaaammmmmmm*, tabah betul hati akak klu tak merasa sumer tu ye hehe... siap ngan lamb khabsa lagik *2kalipitaammm* klu saya mmg tak kasik chan punyer sume saya sebat haha...
    it's good that you can eat tumbuh2an from yr own garden, sgt memberi inspirasi, tatau le bila saya nak berkebun nihhhh

  4. Yong,
    Memang pita n tak food yg sebegitu inviting.. Saipan kata I tak makan, itu
    Laa yg merisaukan ni.
    Gardening is always part of me..I suka makan dr tanaman sendiri, puasa rasanya.

  5. ahahahha... ni mesti akak iha type dr Ipad nihhhh, typo error sesaja sbb dia punya autocorrect sikit punyer bengkak ati kan...

  6. Allah..Yong..
    I nak kata..memang pitam tengok food... Saipa kata I tak makan.
    Suka makan dr tanaman sendiri, puas rasanya.

    Itu yg malas pakai ipad.
