Thursday, November 3, 2011

What Are Your Colors?

My life is full of colors... be it in Cooking, Gardening, Painting. And of course that includes ada sedih dan gembira, it's part and parcel of life, like everybody else. My actual character.. entah la..tak tau nak kata, maybe to some people I may be boring or wonderful to be with.. well it's a mix bag.. depends on the eyes of the beholder. Whatever it is, I love colors.... it makes my day. I love to put some colors in my food. I am attracted to food that has at least one bright color added in catches my eyes.

BUT... when comes to Dressing, strictly NO bright colors, please! My clothes are mostly light and earthy colors..or shall I say...dreamy colors. I feel confident and contented in those light colors. I hate Red or Orange or anything bright on me....yang nampak baju dulu dari saya, hahaha. Or maybe, I prefer not to be the center of attraction. My Sister used to say, my choice of colors in my wardrobe is lifeless, not youthful, boring or not exciting. But simply... I don't care!! I just can't wear bright colors..I feel that its not me!
Maybe when I'm older, say.. 60 yrs old onwards, suddenly change to bright colors, who knows...huh!

And here are my Presentations of the Week...

Homemade Bun and Homemade Burger,

Chicken Breast on Mexican Bread *wrap*

Well, you see those Ice Cream below.. Yup! that's Hb's No 1 love, huhu,
so I ni 2nd best la ya! Anyway, tengok pun dah tergoda...
Yum, yum!

Yesterday's Dinner

My son wanted to have Burger for dinner, so buat lah
apa yang termampu... The bun tasted alright, only the
mince beef kurang rasa..less salt. Once, added
all sort of dressing, Ohhlala!! sedap lah rasanya.

Later, the same night.....

Right after dinner we headed to Bangsar Village.
Since Anna, Fifa's bf slept over, we took her along.
We had coffee at Plan B next to Starbucks.
Reasonable price and love the coffee!!

Tuesday night's Dinner...

I love eating bread or anything simple during the night.
*Wrap* I bought at the nearest Giant.
The filling.... reka cipta sendiri!

'Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha'
Maaf Zahir dan Batin!


  1. Iha
    Tentang pakaian, kita lebih kurang serupa. Masa kerja dulu, my baju takde yang warna gilang gemilang. Sekali sekala pakai colorful baju, orang dah tegur (kata cantik, auww.. but it was not me to wear warna warni).

    Over the years, my taste changed. Bolehlah pakai colorful baju but had never attempted to wear striking colors like shocking pink or flaming red (oh tidaaak!).

    Raya nanti dah plan nak masak apa? Sure full dining table you with Raya do. Selamat hari raya, may you have a swell one with your family... CS

  2. Ohh! Kita serupa ya...
    Sama2 lah tunggu when we're 60 baru nak go striking colors!

    I masak indian curries with rice this time *insyallh*. My nephew is celebrating Raya with us.

    Nway, Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha to you and Family ya..
