Monday, October 31, 2011

Losing Weight? Painting in between Busy Schedule.

Whooh!..*panting* putting my butt onto my bed pun meletihkan... with the weight that went up and up every time I checked. Huhu.. takutnya, the craved for food cannot be tolerable. Dulu, ada jugak come and go ...but now the crave came and did not seemed to go away.....This time around I would choose to cook the menu with the ones with high in calories. Nak Raya pulak kan, sure akan masak macam2. That's not the way to a healthy living, I know. Not only worried of the weight but also very2 concerned on the calories and the result of Cholestrol nanti. Apa2 pun takut sahaja, tak akan ubah segalanya. But most of the time... I whispered to myself, takpe2 bila gemuk pas tu diet...dahsyat tu.
As of late , we've been eating rice...berselera la sangat. I normally think twice before I cook kampung food. Why? because once I started to eat, I can't stop, heee...

My Nephew Taqi and family spent the weekend with us. Kan dah kata, masak nasi dan lauk pauk. Only during weekend that I got to cook slightly elaborate, when the kids are around. And Sunday, masak Lemak mussels dengan nenas, Fried chicken masak Tom Yam, Ikan belah belakang, sayur goreng dan ulam with Cincalok..memang berselera. Bertambah nasi pun buat2 tak sedar!

And below, was our Lunch on Saturday, nasi lagi...

Fish Curry, fried kacang botol belacan, Butter Prawns and Pecal..
Wah! meriah gitu, mana tak tembun.

Huh, this are my malas and simple kind of Menus, Pasta and Salad.
We normally had it during Dinner.

Beef with Pasta and Potato Salad.

Do You Like The Paintings?
Painting in between my busy schedule.
Once I started I couldn't stop!
That Cookie tin was painted special for Hb...cookies with
less sugar.

Psst psssst...
Hey peeps, today is 31st Oct, Baskin Robbin 31% discount day. What's your flavour?
Ours? of it is Chocolate Mousse...
Dah pi beli?


  1. aluhluhluh...tak menahan betul klu ngan lauk2 kampung, pastu makan ngan sambal belachan ngan ulam-ulaman, mmg mantopslah! nak2 tgk akak punyer mussels ngan nenas masak lemak tu perghhh!
    p/s : akak buat folk art ke? saya sebelum preggie tu ari giler wat decoupage, dah preggie n beranak ni terus terbengkalai, stok2 tissue tu banyak lagik kt umah tu haiii lah...

  2. Hi yong..
    Memang tak bole menahan tekak melayu ni, nak makan nasi je. Ini pun baru abis memasak..nasi dan lauk2.
    Ehuh, memang kak buat Folk art... many years ago.
    But since Hb not well, I stop for sometime.

  3. Hi Iha (boleh ke I panggil you Iha?)
    Pagi2 subuh sepi I dah blogwalk :-)
    Ginilah jadinya kalau dah terlebih zzzz...

    You nih memasak dengan erti kata sebenar, no joke punya (unlike me). Kalau ada yg memakannya, memang seronok. BTW, mana gemuknya you? selim jer I tengok.

    Lama dah I berkenan painting mcm tu tapi tak yakin I can paint flowers that eventually will look like flowers, haha...CS

  4. Hi Cik Som,
    Yes, pls do..

    I masak when my kids are around..if not very2 the simple,hehe. Itu yang takut, sebab belum gemuk, tapi kesan2 akan gemuk sudah mula..Look at the rate I eat.

    Painting is something I love to do dr kecik.
    But when I learnt Folk Art, lagi make it interesting. If you want, go to the right teacher and no such thing as you cannot paint..

  5. Salam sis Iha, ya ampun .. hidangan masakan yang teramat sungguh yummy semuanya mengembalikan suasana bermakan berhidang bersama se-isi keluarga ditanah-air, Sis Iha bikin Ratna termenung gitu ... rindu sekali dengan masakan melayu kita! Gimana pun masakan-semuanya begitu menyelerakan sekali, sis Iha sama seperti Ibunda Andong Ratna.

    Adore hasil lukisan-tangan dari sis Iha terutama sekali Cookie tin, superb!

    Salam manis manis madu.

  6. Hi Ratna,
    Pujiannya sungguh menggunung, apa2 pun terima kasih. Disini kan masakan nya begitu, penuh meja. Itu pun kalau ramai2 makan bersama.. tapi tak lah selalu sangat..berat badan pun dah mula naik.
