Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Food Presentation..

Aslmkm everyone..
What did you peeps do on Mother's day? Me, of all days the air con  men decided to come to service the air con. They took half a day to finish. My children wanted to treat me lunch.. but, had to postpone to Tea Time..Kena lah lunch dulu kann. Anik fried Meehoon and before that we had a hearty breakfast 'pancakes with fruits all over...just the way we love it.
 This is a blog about Food, let's enjoy the colorful pictures below.

Only after Zohor we left to BSC...at 'Alexis Cafe' Well, dessert is a must and whatever you guys order I am going to take a bite of everything, I told them *nak control, konon* But true, perut pun masih kenyang...just for the sake of going out to celebrate with the family. And my eldest son had  some work back at the office..*busy* They ordered Burger with very fine fries *Burger? apa kah* But to my surprise, yum yum! and Slow Roast Duck Breast *no picture taken, huhuhu, terlupa* Pizza, chocolate Cake and Upside Down Pear Cake with ice cream. And of course, Latte for me and Cappuccino for Hb.

I hate it when they serve Coffee in a glass..

My darling girl got me this! Girls never forget flowers on any occasion.
Hmm.. the entire living area smell of Lily.

The crispy thin crust Pizza
The photo above..was taken from my phone..my son enjoyed 
the Slow Roast Duck Breast

This is how we normally celebrate on whatever occasions. It's like a tradition now... 'celebrate with food' Macam ni la, kalau tak expand badan, tak tau la. Then, how else to celebrate? Present? okay jugak..but they said Present is only for Birthdays. Going out with the family members make us together. Lagi pun, we need to be pampered sometimes..and once in a while Mum too needs a break from the kitchen. Tapi kann.. one day tak masak... I sort of missing something, duk keluar masuk kitchen.
Whatever they plan to do on Mother's day it's really up to them..tak celebrate pun I do not mind.. the kisses and hugs sudah memadai. Pagi2 lagi,,.masih bushuk.. I got the hugs and kisses...Well, I love you too..guys!!!

Now let's see what I cooked a night ago..

It's Pasta! Pasta is my children's favorite..Me, not really.. it's something so easy to make. Sometimes I made it every alternate nights..just add something extra and try to make it different from the previous menu..there are so many recipes on how to make Pasta.

 We had this Apple Pie for Supper..I made extra..during the Cuttoo gathering.
My family loves having snacks...there's always something to munch...
My boys will search for food from the fridge
esp after midnight..macam cari harta karun.

We love eating out! When come to think of it..we too can cook like a Pro, Boleh kann?... So, why do we still spend money eating out at fancy Restaurants..?  Hb said, the ambience and the Cafe's environment are definitely different from our house *memang sah suka keluar* and from there too, we can taste how food actually tasted like and whether it's comparable to our cooking..then baru boleh kata you are a good cook.  Moreover, I love to explore about Food Presentations as I love table settings and making food look presentable. And where can you get that? Of course... you'll find that at Restaurants and Cafes..tengok aje through pictures mana best kann. You have to experience it..

 How's this..enticing? The topping, melts down.

Tonight's dinner..

Our Iftar tonight..buns and Focacia

Sup Tulang, Sambal tumis Udang and Fried tenggiri.

Puasa2 mesti ada nasi..

Talking about food presentation..at times, a simple dish can look very enticing, arousing or even drooling..it's how you present it..kekadang tak sedap mana pun. The serving and arrangment are very important..taste comes later. Nevertheless, taste is King. But remember, so as it's look.
People tell the book by it's cover. Biar sedap mata memandang dulu, baru lah rasa yang enak, tak gitu.

I have to end up now, I am rather flat, my 2nd day of Puasa Ganti. Huhu..7 days more!
Adios... and Goodnight.


  1. Kak Iha,
    Betul tu. Kalo belek menu or majalah masakan pon, kita mesti terpaku kat yang nampak sedap. Dari mata turun ke hati gitu :D

    Eating out with family is always fun. Quality and bonding time :)

  2. Aslmkm Patin Pasta..
    Not only me who got attracted to beautiful things/food etc..
    I guess almost everyone. Tapi tak semua yg cantik tu sedap,
    ya tak..tapi sekurang2nya sedapp mata memandang!

    I always encourage my children to tag along kemana pegi..
    tau2 aje lah, dah beso2 ni macam2 hal.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    assalam Iha
    I thot I have commented here padahal belum. Ish3.. gitulah kalau semakin hari semakin muda, hehe...

    Kalau ada rezeki, boleh tak you masakkan pasta yang cantik molek rupawan rupanya tu kot lah I tersesat kat Kota Kemuning dan sekawasan dgnnya? Presentation cam kat hotel jer. Desserts yang lain2 tu, what can I say ... *merintih dlm ati*.

    You bayar puasa secara pukal straight sampai habis ke? Syabas *wink*. I dah lama jadi muslimah 'baik' tak tinggal puasa, heheh..

  5. Salam ALCWOC:):)Happy Mother's Day to you..still:):)Lovely food,lovely lily and lovely daughter..and mother too..mana tak tumpah kuah kalau tak ke nasi kan:);)! Alhamdulillah:);)Always love to look at your food presentation:);)take care.

  6. Wlkmslm Cs..
    Insyallah, kalau you sudi I masak sebijik macam dlm gambar tu..
    termasuklah dessert2 tu sekalu..biar pengsan, hehe.

    Cadang nak ganti terus..tapi biasalah ada aje halangan..sambung next week.

    Wslmkm Zue..
    Masyallah, dgn pujian2. Alhamdullillah!
    Terima kasih kerana menjenguk.

  7. Salam pagi Jumaat penuh barokah.

    Macam biasa kenyang sokmo kalu masuk kt sini. look at those tempting food grrrr, mmg betul presentation memainkan peranan yg penting, klu dihidangkan dgn sememehnya terus ilang selera khenn...
    btw, ada anak2 yg sedang membesar dan berselera2 makannya mmg satu kepuasan nak masak kan kak, baru le semangat nak masuk dapur.
    p/s : kita ada satu hari hutang puasa, ntah bila lah nak setat qada', moga2 tahun ni pun sari dua je tokleh puasa

  8. Wkmslm Yong..
    Alhamdullh..kalau membuatkan Yong kenyang masuk kesini..mudah utk menguruskan badan..hehe.
    Semangat tak kira kalau anak2 tak sempat makan..memang suka main masak2.,,gitu.
