Monday, June 25, 2012

Dining with my Sis..and my weekly Menus..

Here I am after a week of silence.. I was keeping myself occupied doing beading for my Baju Raya.
As usual.. got carried away with whatever work I am doing... to finish it before Fasting month..insyallah.
Despite the hot weather I sat at my living area with beads dropping everywhere ..stopped when my mata went juling and neck strained..but I enjoyed what I was doing!

Busy entertained my two sisters who came at different time. My older sis Intan came to say hello at late afternoon and had to leave early..appointment with her best friend.
Kelam kabut was nothing new to me especially when Sis Intan in the kitchen while I cooked.
Moving about in my kitchen made me feel good..after what I had the last few days and hours spent on the beads....I could stretched my muscles.
I had already in mind simple Menus, something not too elaborate. My cooking was prepared in a jiffy...while sembang2 with my sister. I served her and packed some food to take home.

Later.. my younger sister Leeza came with her family for dinner at 8.30pm. Hb had his dinner earlier, took his medication and relaxed while the guest had dinner.

Want to know what I cooked? okay, let's watch.

My sis Leeza and me.
Hmm..purrfect! I think this pose was the
 tenth times but still on the same chair.

Spaghetti with Meat tomato gravy, Chicken Salad, Buns and Nasi Goreng Kerabu.
Dessert: Bubur kacang Durian and Marble Cheese Brownies.

 Marble Cheese Brownies.

I do hope they enjoyed the food. And I think they did... hehe. It was simple menus I prepared. The favorite of the night was my Nasi Goreng kerabu. The rice that was mixed with fresh leaves...ulam ulaman like Kantan, daun limau purut,bawang and chillies.
 And like always we had so much to share.... my beads project showing off from one baju to the other.. no moment of silence.
About 11.30 pm when they left Subang Jaya. Baru lah rasa keletihan to the maximum.. must be from the chit chatting or the showing off and lastly from cooking the not so special food.

My menu during the whole week..

Enough of rice..we had Homebake Buns with Mushroom soup and

Beef Tortillas

Last Tuesday, we went to Bangsar Village... had lunch at Nirwana Banana leaf Restaurant.
Burp! kenyang tak terkata..Hb loved it. Me, so so..

I loved the pickles and the fried bitter gourd.

We shopped at Village Grocer later for some stuff. Pricey however, but the selections of vegetables
cannot be compared, *semua ada*. actually I only buys something that I could not get elsewhere, like my coffee.

Stopped at Plan B..and we had our favorite Coffee..

A cuppa of flat white coffee
Too many cuppa bloats me away..

So, that's my activities and Menus..
Me and my girl were fasting today...just had our Open Fast.
See you next time..insyallah! Adios.


  1. What a spread. That, to me, is not simple food... it's a feast! A scrumptious feast, no doubt.
    Love the photo of you and your sister... so beautiful!
    Lastly, selamat berpuasa to both you and your daughter

  2. Hehehe..simple *dlm hati, my god!, memang jenuh..
    Actually, as a housewife that's kacang kann.
    Really, we look beautiful? Tq. Muna..

    T.q for dropping by..

  3. tu dia aihhhh... mmg bak kata kak Muna, bukan simple tu, klu saya yg buat mau tak keluo dapur setengah ari! (klu masuk masterchef haku lah yg first terkeluo sbb selalu terhegeh2 ngee..)hebak, hebak la kak Iha nih..sume pun nampak yum yummeh esp mushroom sup tew...
    baju raya dah siap? hermmm kita dah 4 thn baju tak hanto2 berjahit lagik, tahun ni cari baju dah siap lagik la jawapnya...
    p/s : adikkakak masih angguns gitew!

  4. assalam Iha
    Burpppp!!!! alhamdulillah.
    Your food ... ish, ish, ish ... I masak bagedil aje dah semput, what more to cook those!!!!! <- kasi 5x excl. mark, hehe..

    Yeslah those dua daras tu... masih cam anak dara pingitan; gorjes bangat!

    Note to Yong: Kita sama2 akan terkeluar dulu kot masuk masterchef..kita kan 'hebak'? har3..

  5. Yong..
    Hahaha..memang lah banyak perkara I masak..penat, tapi semua tak susah nak buat.
    Alah, spagthetti tu rebus daging, tumis alah kada je.
    Baju Raya tahun ni, beres..dah lama tak tempah on time.Pening2 la buat beading.
    Ohh! terima kasih memuji kita yg berlagak angguns.

    Aww! Cik Som..kemana menghilang?
    I bab memasak ni kejap je, insyallah. Tapi jangan suruh buat rendang atau masakan meremehkan.

    Helo, daras? amboi sampai begitu pujiannya ya! Anak2 ku dah beso2 belaka.

  6. Hi sis...
    Tu la kite sekeluarga ni bile expecting guest to the house tak sah kalau tak penuh meja kann!

  7. Sis..
    Sudah ikut turun temurun datuk nenek.. mana boleh satu dua.
    Kalau boleh, apa ada dlm fridge di masak habis.
    Anyway, thank you for coming!

  8. Kak Iha,
    Wah! Menu penuh meja and very elaborated gitu buleh siap in a jiffy? Mesti bukan tahap bersilat dah di dapor.. tu dah tahap berkuntau di dapor.

    Meriah makan beramai, mesti best kan? Suka tengok semua menu2 Kak Iha, buat saya drooling kat sini. HUhu!

  9. Patin Pasta..
    Penuh le meja, anak buah, campur yg dlm rumah lagi, kan ramai tu nak makan.
    When you have in mind apa nak masak, mudah lah kerja..
    Tengok pun kenyang ya..

  10. Salam sis Iha,

    Kali ini Ratna bukan ternganga akan tetapi terlopong secara tidak sopan gitu ketika menatap tatap segala bagai hidangan makan berhidang yang beraneka itu... lagi-lagi roti buns dengannya mushroom soup itu begitu menambat selera! Adore terhadap dedaun lada segar (Ratna tidak pasti, teka sahaja)juga setangkai romarin/rosemary sebagai penyeri...

    Rupaparas sis Iha seakan sama dengannya sis leeza, anggun bersama.

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  11. Wkmslm Ratna..
    Macam2 lah Ratna ni..Mushroom tu dr can tapi di ubah suai dan tambah herbs sedikit.
    Daun yg Ratna maksud itu ialah daun lada hitam..fresh from the garden.

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