Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aidil Fitri Nan Mulia

Selamat Menyambut Aidil Fitri kepada semua umat Islam.
Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk memohon maaf zahir dan batin. Sekiranya ada terkasar bahasa dari segi penulisan atau apa jua yang menyinggung perasaan sesiapa sahaja yang mengunjungi blog ini. Setelah sebulan menunai puasa dengan perbagai dugaan melanda semoga hari lebaran ini membawa kegembiraan pada kita semua.

I managed to bake this Viennese cookies, after viewing
from a few bloggers's delish!

Sehari sebelum menjelang Raya, like always my entire house smelled of Rendang. I had prepared the ingredients days before *mengupas bawang*Whilst my daughter helped to clean the house, mop and vaccum. Still no Anik, but I had channel my thoughts in the positive way...make do without maid.
I had cooked Chicken Rendang, Rendang Paru paru the Perak style, Kuah kacang and Masak Rempah Daging...also my mums ketupat pulut. Started to cook very early before the sun start to shine and just nice done before Open fast..

Suasana di pagi Raya pertama..

Seharian di rumah with only us with no visitors berkunjung... Tetamu yang di jangka datang tak kesampaian dik kerana hujan yang lebat..
It's quiet and melancholy day, it rained heavily from noon till night..
Rainy days often put me off!

Juadah di  Pagi Raya..
My two kids..eldest and youngest off to Perak on the 1st Raya night after spending the whole day with us.. Do not want to be selfish for not letting them spend their Raya with their grandparents, Aunties, Uncles and cousins. The joy is to be shared... of course where else if not at Grandparents house where everyone will be there. My second son had to stay back.. First and second day Raya we only recieved calls from relatives  *nak datang* But no one came.. trapped in the heavy was so unlike the previous years. It surprised us...on second thoughts..bagus jugak, maid tak ada kann, it's best to relax and watched TV.
The 2nd Raya we went to Empire for some coffee at The Loaf ..haha I was relieved to be out of the house breathing the fresh air and it had been the whole of Ramadhan I kept to myself in the house with my chores.. except to Imigration to settle Anik's case.

At the Loaf Empire.

3rd Raya
The third day hb's sister, Aline and family came kinda early while I was preparing for Hb's cousin who wanted to have lunch at our place..I was still in my caftan *no pictures* Giler punya kelam kabut, I was alone to do the cooking without Fifa.
Hb's cousin Azizah came sometime at 12 pm..lega. They all helped me with the serving and washing. Azizah and Hb are close as they were brought up together by their grandmother.

 I was with Hb's anak buah and menantus.
I look tired lol!
Tak sempat nak berbaju Raya. Kann, nak buat kerja..

Azizah with her family..8 children plus 3 menantus
and 4 cucus.

 Hmm, siap ada cake for birthday boy, Lokman.

 Next 5.30 pm on the same day 3rd Raya..

My neighbor Prof Fauzi and wife,
my cousin Megat and wife came over.

Drained out! But, could not put myself to rest until my two darlings arrived home safely.
Glad to welcome them back from Perak.. Listened to their never ending 
stories about their Raya days with family.. I thanked them for being there on behalf of us.

Today, 4th Raya, Open House at Selayang.. Hb's cousin's house.

Hb's cousin Fauziah, 2nd right and the nephews and niece.

See you again in the next entry with more pictures and stories about Raya..insyallah.
I am feeling not so well, loosing my voice. Hope I'll be okay tomorrow.
Have fun people on this Aidil Fitri!


  1. Selamat Hari Raya, Puan Iha.
    Nampak meriah sekali.
    Don't forget to get loads of rest and get well soon.

  2. Aslmkm Muna..
    Same wish goes to you too.
    Pls Muna, dont be formal with me.
    Just call me Kak.
    Huh, I tak ada suara hari ini..suara katak.

  3. Salam lebaran buatnya sis Iha,

    Ratna juga mengucapkan kepada sis Iha&seisi keluarga, Selamat meneruskan sambutan HariRaya AidilFitri disepanjang bulan Syawal ini juga bermohon ampun kemaafan seandainya ada kesilapan yang bertaraf terlanjur dari segi penyampaian tutur-bahasa penulisan selama ini...

    Indah lagi meriah suasana beraya dirumahnya sis Iha, teruja Ratna... adore sekali dengan gambaran AidilFitri dimana makan berhidang penuh sempurna dengan juadah perayaan...

    Semoga sis Iha sembuh sehat dengan sejahteranya, salam manis semanis madu.

    p/s: teruja dengannya baju kurung berwarna hijau lembut yang berlengan lebar begitu digambaran photo pertama, ada kah potongan baju kurung tersebut berasal dari Perak wahai sis? Trigin menempahnya nanti bilamasa ditanahair...

  4. Salam Kak Iha,
    Selamat hari raya aidil fitri buat Kak Iha sekeluarga.

    ps: walopon nampak penat dan tak berbaju raya time tu, still nampak berseri :)

  5. Wkmslm Ratna..
    Berhidang di hari Lebaran memang meriah, maklum lah setahun sekali walaupun penat..suara pun tiba2 hilang dah dua hari.

    Baju kurung yg dipakai adalah kurung Pahang..saya suker, selesa dik kerana besar senang utk pergerakan.

    Wkmslm Patin Pasta..
    Selamat Hr Raya juga utuk Aida.
    Memang penat dgn cuaca yg hujan/panas sehingga suara tak keluar..
    cuma boleh menunjuk jari saja..anak2 suker sebab tak dengar leteran, dahsyat kann..

  6. selamat hariraya Sis Iha...maaf zahir batin...meriah...juadah pun sedap2 dan menarik...semuanya elok.....get well soon...luv...

  7. Eni..
    Selamat Hari Raya juga kpd Eni sekeluarga..
    Semoga perkenalan kita berkekalan..

  8. Salam ALCWOC, and selamat hari raya;) I came here purposely to look at your food and presentation;) ketupat palas pulut hitam nampak sangat delicious,i love vienna cookies tu jugak,dulu without fail mesti order from my friend punya sister..sedap!

  9. Wkmslm Mamatiamia..
    Selamat Hari Raya to you and family. That ketupat pulut
    hitam is a must during Raya. I just love doing it as a
    tradition so that anak2 akan ingat sampai bila2.
    Oh yes, vienna cookies memang sedap tho it's so easy peasy
    to make.

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