Thursday, August 9, 2012

My old routine *without maid*

 Shooting star *Angel trumpet* blooming beautifully at my backyard.

Heap heap Hooray!!! I am a year older today...I  kept smiling the whole I read one sms after  another..Thank you all for the wishes!  
I am wishing and hoping for a wonderful years ahead. May I be in Iman always, with good health and having a positive state of mine... that's the most important things in life you could ask for.
And I had a great day too, getting warmth hugs and smooches on my cheeks by my beloved family.. Celebration? well, they want to do it on Papa's b'day that is just in a few days time.

Three days without Anik, and life went on as expected.. Capek dong!  It's your house and do the housework according to your capability. No one to force you..*if only I can get that into my head*
And as for Anik, we sent her home on Tuesday morning and this time no sobbing, no dramas..maybe both parties dah tak larat. That same night, she sent sms saying she was safely arrived.. Insyallah, kalau ada rezeki, she will be back on next Wed, 15th August.

During this Ramadhan, Hb would not bothered to wake me up as he understood I  had difficulty closing my eyes after Sahur as I kept tossing and turning and all I know the time was late...paling lambat about 9.45am baru lah terhegeh hegeh bangun. No worry, nothing to hurry about.
Dinner or food for Iftar was the easy peasy recipe to prepare. And also senang untuk di kemas..Normally, I was never alone in my kitchen, there's always Fifa to help me. Huh..of all the days she got herself teaching at Kumon centre that started at 4pm and finish at 9.30 pm. She is on long semester break.. anyway, tak pe, I can manage for as long as she hang the clothes and lipat them before she leaves to work. And today, I started making my first cookies, Cashew Nut cookies. I guess being systematic you make your daily chores organized tho how late I woke up..*wink, baru tiga hari, tunggu seminggu, pengsan*

Smell delicious..
Oh no! I could see hands in and out the cookie jar

Two layered Jelly with some fruits and cream..our dessert tonight.

Simple tonight,  I was very exhausted!
I cooked Curry Ikan Merah sambal/ulam to go with rice.
And fried Meehoon.


As you can see here, does it look like easy peasy? No? It's all easy recipes actually. Well, Fifa was at home *no work on every wednesday*, so helped me with the cooking..  Far right is Roast Beef, left over from yesterday. I only cooked Steam Fish, Sambal tumis Udang, Fried Veges and sambal with ulam.


Roast Beef, Peria goreng and mushroom soup..of course with 
sambal and ulam.

Monday..Anik was still around..

Fried Vegetables and chicken Masala.
I made Wraps with Chicken fillings and for 
dessert my Spiral Curry Puff.
I love this Wraps..It's chicken breast cut into small pieces then fried with Rice flour.
Add lots of vegetables and  a little mayo and thousand island.

Food fit for a king...
Last Saturday, my cousin Megat and family Open Fast with us. We welcomed him with open arms. He was too considerate for not asking me to cook for the night. He bought Food at a place he knew very well. As we all know Anik was sad.. thinking of her sick we tried not to burden her with the work load.

What a spread! Food Fit for a King..
Macam2 ada. I cooked two dishes, Masak lemak Asin2 and 
Sweet Sour Prawns.

  Too much food, don't know where to start! I guess that's what in my cousin's mind.
And for desserts I made Lopeh, kek gula hangus and Donut.

See you in my next entry...insyallah.


  1. kak iha,
    tak tahannye tengok menu, nampak sedap belaka.

    sama birthday dengan mak saya tau.
    wishing you a wonderful birthday kak ina

  2. Assalam Iha
    Happy birthday to you *smooch smooch*. May all your doas be fulfilled by the AlMighty, amiin.

    Where lauk semeja is concerned, with or without Anik takde beza sangat. Tetap mantap!

    Pagi nih I baik pe'el. Tidur at 6.45am and bangun at 9am. Terasa segar terus macam rasa rajin nak mengemas, hehe..

  3. Wkmslm Aida..
    Tak sangka same b'day with yr mum.
    And thanks for the wish!

  4. Wkmslm CS..
    Thank you, hmm selemuih muka kena smooch, hehe..
    I dah nak jelak tengok lauk pauk banyak2.

    Hr ni only one son makan rumah and hb..I cuti..
    My son nak bel McD foldover..Hb, I nak goreng salmon/rice n vege..sonang.

    Buat apa nak kelamkabut bangun awal..tidur puas2 nnti bangun segar bugar gitu..

  5. Dear Sis
    Happy Birthday once again....may all the nice things comes in your life thru out the years!
    Amboi Tapa! bolih ke habis makan all the food?

  6. Salam sis Iha,

    Joyeux Anniversaire buatnya sis Iha yang menawan semoga dilimpahi olehNya dengan kebaikan, kesihatan, rezeki juga kebahagiaan senantiasa sesungguhnya...

    Apa sahaja yang sis Iha peraga kan sempena selama dibulan Ramadhan ini sudah berjaya mendekatkan diri Ratna seolah berada disana... teruja dengan pelbagai hidangan makan-berhidang untuk berpuaka puasa yang disaji kan, walau pun tampanya Anik, sis Iha tetap mantap lagi prihatin menyempurnakan masakan&manisan semua...

    Adore sekali dengannya bunga shooting star angel trumpet itu juga suasana wet kitchen begitu nyaman sekali...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  7. Thank Sis..
    Being a year older is definately a bonus..Do the right things!
    The food he bought 'fit for a king'

    Wkmslm Ratna..
    Terima Kasih dengan ucapan yang manis sekali..

    Makanan saya selalunya meruja Ratna..maklumlah dah duduk di perantauan org.
    Dapat melihat pun Alhamdllh lepas rindu ya,..
    Memang Shooting star penyeri backyard saya ketika ini..

  8. Allah selamatkan kamu...allah selamatkan kamu, Allah selamatkan Kak Iha dearie, Allah selamatkan kamu...
    Happy besday dear, semoga senantiasa dibarokahiNya...
    p/s : masak easie peasy pung tetap menyelerakan*

  9. Salam Puan Iha,
    I hope it's not too late for me to wish you a belated happy birthday.
    May all good things come your way, insyaAllah.

    Ramadham kareem and Eid Mubarak to you and your family.

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