Tuesday, April 24, 2012

About Plants and Food..

Aslmkm friends...
I kept myself busy with my garden. Love to see my plants growing and cannot wait for some to bare more flowers... The weather today, hot and sunny and sometimes gloomy and humid..making you sweating, and feeling not so fresh and smell *masyam..*- easily, especially when cooking at my outdoor...despite that I do love the surroundings where I get to be with my herbs and plants. My Lemon tree after so many years had bare one tiny fruit..Ohlalala...dah terlalu lama menunggu!

The same time, rather disappointed at some herbs that I bought almost a week ago..About 2 pots that didn't seemed to survive well.. cilantro *ketumbar* and mint leaves *pudina*.. could not adapt with weather here.. bawak turun dari Cameron Highlands..kata penjual di Sungai Buloh. But what about Oregano, Thymes, Rosemary these three is originated from the cold country.. they're quite hardy that can last for months and sometime years.

Rosemary, Oregano and Thyme look so healthy..


Peria *bitter gourd* I planted from seeds *wink*

 Left, the white bloom is Gardenia, new species, I bought for my Mum.

And my two chillies..still surviving..  Alhamdullillah... My orchids too growing healthy since I placed  them to somewhere shady and sheltered. Plants, Animals or even our Children are the same.. you have to attend to them, belai with kasih sayang yang ikhlas....you will get the respond in no time...
During the past, I normally bought plants from shoots *anak benih*  took care from scratch..Not anymore, no patient to wait until they're big enough for me to appreciate them..Tak sabo..Nah! kedebab I bawa balik from Sungai Buluh..and took care until become bigger shrubs. What ever size you bought..feeding and caring are about the same..The price of young shoots compare to the big shrubs, of course banyak beza, but berbaloi..To those who wish for a green garden or express one, buy one or two big shrubs. It depends on what plants you like.. Like Petunia, if you buy the small pot, cost you around 8 to 10 rm..small, tak sempat apa dah layu.. But if you get the bigger ones, cost about 25 rm and above...you sure get the satisfaction, big enough to enjoy the blooms in your garden.

What next..Food.

 After what happened last week, I was  awakened *not anymore of the comment*.. about how bad food can do to us..dengan berkobar2 rasa nak berdiet sekejap...but how long? I don't know, sekurang2nya ada rasa kesedaran.. Diet here means, You can eat but moderately..so, the picture of Scones above was prepared at one fine morning. It's a new recipe which I got it in the Net.. crunchy when you bite and soft like cake texture in the inside...then back to our normal Oats with fruits the next morning and so forth. This is one meal that both Hb and me never get bored with...yet it's healthy.

Since less Outing, I was more into cooking and my gardening...melayan tekak ni dengan makanan yang tak memudaratkan kesihatan. Eh.. do you see any Desserts displayed? Memang completely no sweets for the past few days.. berapa lbs lah turun ni.. Tapi, dah mula rasa nak bukak kitab2 resepi for Tea.

This was what we had for lunch today, something not elaborate but kenyang.. Alhamdullillah.

 Monday,  Hb at Physio, once in a month at Pantai Specialist Centre..
 My girl was on study leave, asked her to tag along. We went to Bangsar Village *only 5 mins drive from the Hospital* intention was to stock coffee at the Groccer..*habis pulak, coming in a months time* and promised my girl to treat her breakfast at Plan B..

And she ordered Macchiato Coffee and Ox Tongue's sandwiches..*sedap giller* Well, I had a bite only, I know it's bad for Cholesterol and Uric acid.. As for Fifa, still okay, but not too much and don't make that as a regular food in your diet. I only had  Flat White Coffee, as I wanted to have lunch with Hb. We had lunch at Hasrul in Subang.

So..what's for dinner then?
Well, I had sent *whatsapp* to everyone who live under the same roof to get approval on this food for dinner...takut nanti complaint pulak Roti Jala for dinner!
The feedback I got...Alright, Ma!! Thank you, Cik Som, gara2 tengok you punya menu la tu...

Whilst I was making this Lacey Crepe, I was all over sweating, and I guess that was what make the food tasted ever so good....heeehhee!

Well, let me end it here, will get back in no time...
Adios...lovely peeps!!


  1. yuhuuu.. baru tinggal komen kt bawah dah ada entry baru, kelas mak jemah! cam tu lah khannn semangat tak patah you go girl....
    1. wehuuuu...serius tu Rosemary, thymes sume buleh hidup subur kat sini? *awesome* kt dapur cheq ada versi kering2 je, beli kt ner? cher citer, cher citer... me tgn panas, dulu masa memula beli umah kurr semangat borong bunga kt SB pahtu sekor2 layu di tasik madu kekdahnya... hok beli kt cameron lagik lahhhhh...3 hari dah jadik arwah dow...so patah semangat mak jemah, but hubs ku, campak apa pun tumbuh, tu yg garden kitaorang macam semak dah sekrang, ngan tebu, ngan serai, ngan daun pandan tumbuh berjela-jela bersepah sana-sini hadoiii...
    2. food pix never fail tempting mak jemah, mak jemah simpan hasrat sampai sekrang nk bake itu scones tp tak mai jugak seru tu adoiii....

  2. Yong dearrr...
    Huh, kan kata beli kat Sungai Buluh hr tu.. Jgn takut, beli je..siram elok2. make sure jgn sampai kering kerontang. Kan macam jaga anak, attention tu bagi..cakap dgn dia..hehe..clear yr backyard, start with one or two pokok dulu..I think you will enjoy it! Go girl go...*I cabar you!*

  3. Salam sis Iha,

    sekarang ini Ratna sedang membelai manja tanaman strawberry, jika yang Bungsu ada dekat dikawasan Potager/sayuran dan terdengar Ratna bersembang mesra dengan pujian berselang seli berterimakasih dengannya strawberry yang sedang sarat berbunga/putik buah bermula timbul, lantas yang Bungsu memandang tepat ke Ratna terus berkata "perlu kah bercakap dengan tumbuhan yang tidak bertelinga?" aduhai... kemain bunyinya! Setuju dengan sis Iha, bahawasanya nature semulajadi seharusnya dibelai juga diberi perhatian dengan secukupnya gitu akan tumbuh dengan sejahteranya.

    Ya ampun... halus cantik sekali jalaan rupaparas roti jala itu dan penemannya berkuah curry tampak mega-yummy... gulai masak lemak ikan tenggiri buah peria bersama penemannya sudah lama tidak bermakan tengah'hari sebegitu... mengapa Ratna ter...jauh!

    Sis Iha, setiap kali mampir-singgah di-blog ini rasa perasaan Ratna terus tenang dan dekat kepada TanahAir, terimakasih dengan segala peragaan yang telah berjaya menceriakan hari ini yang mendung, hujan, berangin deras aka ribut taufan...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  4. Wkmslm Ratna yg jauh dkt dihati..
    Ya, apa pun kena dgn ikhlas, macam Honey Aristocrat kan Ratna berdua2an dan manja2an ada responnya.
    Halus ke
    Roti Jala ku, mungkin bekas pembuatnya..Saya dan suami, kurangkan makan Nasi, Kalau boleh dua hari sekali..Kalau ikut kan memang nak makan hr2.
    Alhamdllh kalau begitu perasaan nya trhadap Blog saya..

  5. assalam Iha
    Berderau darah I tengok RJ you itew... teruslah I tumbuk2 dada cam tarzan, ehhh sori, cam king kong sebab tak tahan memandang that lacey RJ. You nih, tak baek taw.. tangan I dah mula buat aksi memusing2 nih...

    Best kalau ada minat/passion bercucuk tanam. Once upon a time, I pernah juga berbaik2 dgn tanah tapi hasilnya tak berapa best .. I blame it on the tanah, hehe..

    Lunch tadi I makan kat Hasrul. I ajak hubby kesana, his 1st time there. Tapau bubur kacang + durian.

  6. Wkmslm CS..
    Hahahaha..tak tahan I berdekah3. Tumbuk2 dada itu serupa Achi punya ragam juga..Ayoyo! Sori Tangachi...saya suker itew RJ.

    My family love bercucuk tanam..kalau dpt segala benda nak ditanam..You pecaya tak I ada pokok Nona, durian belanda pun tau..tapi tak beso2..

    Suker ya..Hazrul.

  7. Assalam.....
    U kata ada pokok durian belanda ya....get it one for me blh tak. I read somewhere in the net saying that durian belanda is good for prevention of cancer...wish Syazwan Happy Birthday for me ya!

  8. Wkmslm Sis..
    I bought very big about 35rm..syaz tanam atas tanah terus mati..
    then I planted thru seed.. dah tinggi.

  9. Assalamualaikum...

    ternyata hasil tangan yang sungguh berseni....sampai ada orang jadi kingkong hahaha! hebat tu!

    tapi blog ini memang khellassss.........

  10. Wkmslm Queenie..
    Terima kasih kerana menjenguk.. Ada org tu akan jadi org jadian bila teng RJ, you..hehe
    Tak khellass mana pun blog I ni..hobi suka2 je..
