Sunday, April 22, 2012

Small de tour

Asmkm to all readers...
My passion of writing blog had to take a small de tour because there were some rubble on the track.
I am touched but not badly affected to this.. but since I like to share I just love to bring this matter up.
I received some insight of comment on my blog which had taken me aback. My aim for making a blog was only to discuss something light and hot favorite amongst Foodies and Hobbies.,that was the main driving factor. I had a lot of satisfaction sharing and getting response from this hobby that I had undertaken. As time passes the scope expanded on daily routines, family affairs, activities and what not. I got a lot of satisfaction blogging ..sometimes commenting on fellow blogger's problems or me getting feedback and encouragement from those frequent correspondence. In fact, that makes my day. The supplementary impact I got from the blog... I had improved many things which I never dreamed to achieve before. At the same time I realized that the world is an Oyster *a lot of things to see, hear, discuss and accordingly response from my own perspective* after all we write from our own hearts.
 Out of the blue...your good self had prick my conscience by commenting on my blog *thank you, your insight is welcome* I cannot comprehend whether it's good or bad..
But I have to say what I want to say...It surprised me that a newcomer who is not my personnel acquaintance can make such an explicit comment on my we are good friends or known each other for a long time..or perhaps the sharpness of your mind warrant you to be a top professionals Psychiatrist or Management Guru by just reading through my blog....
Sharing your thoughts openly in my blog is uncalled for, for if it is in that tone and in that language.

It would be better to comment to me personally. I would not be side track. Another thing, my eldest always remind me when  giving comment, give them politely..
From my reading of your statement about life and death it seem to me it's about one or the other.
This is being stereotype..Death advertisement only appears in special obituary columns in Newspaper and others else where.. I take the opportunity to remind us that life and death is just like on the flip side of a coin. When tragedy happened people mourned, cried, but after some time back to normal. life  has to go on..This sombre atmosphere  should only be true at the graveyard, or at scene of tragedy when it happens..
In my mind basically, I think it is wise to mention Death of somebody close to me in my personnel heart feels for him and his family and would like to share it with my friends.
 I am not Pretencious... and writing only about good Food or good things. The news of the demise of my cousin was after all spontaneous and I felt good to write about him and family at that time.
Anyway, I don't bare grudges.. I like to let it out to clear what's in my that people understands how we feel and respect what we dislike..not keeping it and expect people to make their own statement and unfairly at that.

Like always... My presentations of the week....

Sunday Lunch..Chicken Tortilla's..

Saturday lunch...Laksa lemak

  Friday's dinner..Vietnamese Noodle Soup

Thursday's dinner..Chicken Pie..
  Homemade Chicken Pie is not that high in calories..cut down on butter. And homemade gravy without using can Mushroom soup.
 Say No to the sauce or gravy for the topping..
slightly oily.

Sandwiches was back in demand for dinner..
Chicken and Mushroom Sandwiches

 Till we meet again in my next entry..


  1. La Tahzan..teruskan berkarya...I suka baca....cuma kadang tak sempat komen...
    cuma nak minta maaf kalau ada komen atau tulisan ada menyentuh hati kawan..kami org utara kadang bergurau kasar...minta maaf sekali lagi..hehe...salam dari bukit mertajam...

  2. Assalam....
    Well all i can say that 'jangan dilayan peole like that' I think she/he nak some attention kut. Blogging shld be a place where we make friends n not make war!

  3. Wkmslm Sis..
    One has to know the truth how one feels..instead of keeping it. I lega, letting it out..bcos I don't want to keep any grudge on anyone..

  4. Salam sis Iha,

    benar sebenarnya dan sopan sesopan-santunnya itu lah pembawaan diri yang dipinta olehNya, jadinya pabila seseorang itu ingin meneran tegas kan lagi buah pandangannya umpama "a top professional pyschiatrist/management guru" semestinya dahulu ngerti terhadap budi bahasa yang bertahap tinggi! bagi Ratna "si-pemberi pandangan" itu tidak ngerti latar belakang blog-nya sis Iha, itu sahaja.

    Gimana pun, apa sahaja yang sis Iha masak dan hidangkan senantiasa mendekatkan Ratna kepada IbuAndong... setiap hari bertukar dan berlainan beraneka rasa yang menambat selera...

    Jangan tergugat rasa perasaan hanya semata dengan barisan ayatan yang "bref/brief" itu!

    salam manis semanis madu.

  5. assalam Iha
    HER remarks truly uncalled for. Abaikan aje and let us be merry with the things we enjoy most. Hug sket :-)

  6. Wkmslm Ratna..
    Takpe lah Ratna..dah tak simpan dah..semua org ada cara masing2..itu cara dia.
    Cara kita tidak suka menyakiti hati orang, apatah lagi mengajar. Apa2 pun kita ada hak utk mengata hasrat hati kita.

    Wkmslm CS..
    Tersentak seketika..but after sometime, what the heck man! Life should not be affected with those remarks..Hugs and kisses to you too

  7. Yuhuuuuu salam utk Cik puan Iha yg smokin' hot,
    alololo... setujulah dgn pandangan semua teman2 di atas, takde apa hal ngan komen tu, bio je kan lah, you keep on be yourself, dlm dunia berblogging ni, we are responsible of what we write, some of our writings might touch people heart, some might be misjudged by others though we just point out our honest thoughts, but you do keep writing girl! selalu tak sabar nak jamu mato den kt sini, semedang je masak beh-beh.

  8. Aslm, my lovely Yong..
    Thank you, this kind of comment makes my day!!
