Saturday, April 7, 2012

The World is a better place to live in....

Flowers in my Garden

Salam and Saturday greetings to everyone..
Why sulk, when the world has so much to offer... wonderful creations that God has given us. I look around me, I see beautiful colours, and it makes me smile. Why waste a wonderful gift by focusing on things that brings you down and saddened your heart. The world is a better place to live in. If you can manage it well..tho sometimes you might slip but get up and try to mend it back. There are many ways to anything..depending on how you want it to be, your way.. you choose it. What you do is what you get. Yes, when I have the blues, my solution is to indulge into my passion... occupy myself with real colours...and so I paint. I always love the end soften my heart and sometime makes me cry...with joy!
And taadaa...This is what I got....

I painted the combs for my daughter's friends....they're celebrating their 21st birthday. So, it's like Pay Back time for my girl..they helped for the last party..and now Fifa's turn. She even baked a cake for the party..Hmm...that's my girl! The other paintings are my unfinished work from last year..requested by my Sister Leeza. Whilst the mood linger ....I might as well finish it...satu kepuasan, don't you think?

Talking about another kepuasan, what else... food. This time around I tried to avoid some favorite food.. on my plate...eating the healthy way, hehe. But as for the goes on. They need to eat nutrients and balance food. At times, I got carried away with cooking...extra here and there. A few peeps said, my food is.. mantap la, interesting la and ada yang ngangis guling2 dek just a simple Seri Muka, you! Huh, here let me tell you guys, that's how I make my life colourful and cheerful ... Life has to go on Babe!! Putting the blame on something else is just not right. Make the best of what you can do...Like I said.. The World is a better place to live in..

Cuba teka apa menu diatas? Tak tau? Maggie Kari Mee..I was craving for this one since tak tau la..So I had it at 5pm yesterday. Enjoyed habis! I know..not healthy..oops, what the heck!

For lunch..Cencaru belah belakang.

This is my plate..fried Tenggiri, masak lemak pucuk tahoon
I added pumpkin and fried veges.

Pengat Pisang for Tea... the santan , not too thick and not too sweet.

Another Plain Jane dinner for me..

Cuttoo Get Together..At Lina's, USJ
Thursday 5th April ...Brunch at 9.30 a.m.

Lina the hostess, in Red..One good Cook.
Who cooks whatever she could think of..delectable!

See, I told yeah, the food overflowed..

Kak Shidah and Dina.

Dessert Corner

Align Center
Goodies from Mekah for my Hb, by Kak Shidah.
So sweet...Thanks Dear....

Let's Live life to the fullest!


  1. assalam Iha
    Those dot3 (takleh sebut) yg sangat muai n pengat pisang, hadoi! *nak meraong jap*.

    Your taman is so full of plants/flowers. You shd see the kind of plants I am having in my garden. Either you nangis kejelesan atau you nangis kesian dgn I, hahahah... *sob dlm ati*.

    My sis Ndja, she has the artistic flair sementelah she was an art teacher. I plak, huwaaa.. baru nak belajar the art of 'menjala', hehe..

  2. Wkmslm CS..
    I must hve somethng for tea..kalau tak ke Physio..

    My taman ni ikut mood tuan dia..I need to sweat..gardening
    is one exercise too.

    I like to play with can change yr mood tau..
    Don't put yrself too low laa.. sometimes in life things
    change during later years..I think you lagi enjoy now kann..
    you have all the time in the world for yrself..

  3. Salam Kak Iha dearie,
    Nak kena berguru folk art ngan akak nih.. you are so good with your hands darl! kita wat decoupage je, yg kekdahnya ala2 copy and paste from tissue huhu...sejak ada anak kecik terus terbantut, nanti dia beso sket ingat nak sambung balik arrr.. anyway, what more could cheer you up from the bad hair days other than looking at the blooms in your own garden! Cik Som, kita buley kawan kita amik ayat yg "you nangis kesian tgk kebun kitew" huhuhu....
    p/s : fuihhhh brunch with such a feast of food! pingsannnn keterliuran!

  4. Sister dear.....
    I'm glad that u r in a high spirit...'positive thoughts manifest positive results'.

  5. Wkmslm yong..
    Memang pun..pergi kat garden sejuk hati..
    painting pulak tenang rasa hati..apa2 pun berzikir dan
    mengingati Allah ada lah yg paling elok kann..

    Alhamdullah, still in good condition..mentally alright,
    makan pun tak brhenti mencari kudap..risau badan naik!

  6. Iha
    Nak tanya sket, is Leezas touch your sister sepusat sepusing?? If so, dia ada blog tak?

  7. CS..
    Yes, she's my adik sepusat sepusing..
    Leezastouch.blogspot or Libra lady of leisure.
    Try both..

  8. Salam sis Iha,

    jika disini boleh ber-orchids dengan pelbagai jenis dan warna, alang/betapa lah sempurna untuk melengkapkan kehendak/kemahuan Ratna terhadap tumbuhan hijau namun... tidak semua didalam hidup boleh dirangkumi didalam satu yaitu semuanya boleh dan boleh... mahu juga kepingin...

    Gimana pun dapat melihat kecantikkan bungaan mekar dari taman sis Iha sudah mencukupi menyempurnakan kehendak yang tidak mungkin akan kesampaian ke-matlamatnya...
    Dan apa sahaja yang sis Iha peragakan sesungguhnya mendekatkan rindu Ratna terhadap IbuAndong diTanahair...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  9. Wkmslm Ratna...
    Terdapat bermacam2 bunga2an di Taman Ratna yg tak trdapat disini, Apabila kita tidak dpt memilikinya sekurang2nya dpt berkongsi melalui Intrnet.

    Wahai Ratna, silalah ke blog saya apabila rindu akan IbuAndong sekiranya ia boleh mengubati rindu mu..
