Sunday, February 12, 2012

Out of the Nest, to fly in the real world.

I suddenly feel lonely, deserted and Old'... As a Mum, I had been with my children all their lives. And never been separated from them only when they had to leave to varsity, and that's never more than a year. Never would I in my past would simply leave them for my own pleasure. Nope, never!.. I guessed if I would do that I'd be sulking away during the holiday. Until to a certain extent, when they 'd grown up and until I had a reliable maid to watch over them, I started to leave them for short trips with Hb. I had taught myself not to rely on others when comes to my kids. I love doing everything for and with them *but, the normal whining and groaning, that Mum usually do, can't be helped*


Looking back, how I was over protective, and so unlike Hb. He had wanted the kids to grow up with confidence and not to be overbearing. To be outspoken on reasons in the right way,with no regrets in the future. But, it's all up to them, to decide which ever way they choose their lives to be..of course the path taken is guided by God..God willing...

Scones for Tea on Saturday afternoon.

Ehh! what about being lonely, deserted and Old got to do with all this?? Well, I got so emotional today and broke into tears sob,sob.. when I implied in a subtle tone to my eldest son that he can move out for his personal convenience *traveling to and from his office on top of irregular long working hours. He had suggested a few times ago and now Hb and me understand his stand and will support his actions. Well, not that I do not want to let him go..No,No.. but this time with blessing, my Son. It's just that hard for a Mum to let go of her baby *ask any possessive mum they would feel the same* But honestly, one day.. or, the time has come for him to leave out, with no Mum to look after his needs.
Yes, my son he's matured enough, has a steady job and financially sound. So, why on earth should I be crying my heart out.. huh! He's not leaving me or not coming back at all. And not to mention how late he came back every night due to work load and the traffic. And what about friends? he needs that too. We only speak to him in the morning..just for a few minutes then off he goes to work. Anyway, he's just a few miles away from home and he will be back on Weekend, if not so whenever we need him and keeping in contact with us...hope to God. And this I hope would be a good training in lives for both of us. My son was deeply touched when he saw me sobbing and I realized how much he loves me and I guessed it's also difficult for him to leave his Nest..or maybe shouting with joy inside him, whatever...
But I have to accept.. this is real live. Well Son, I would be able to cope this changes in a matter of time. Whilst the love between us is strong and everlasting...Insyaallah. All we need is a lot of patients and understanding. And when you're out there, be sensible and remember what is taught according to a good Muslim..insyallah!

Simple Kayteow Soup

Saturday morning 10.30am.
'Maulidur Rasul Do' at Rita and Nizam our neighbor

The ceremony to be remembered by the family. Taking advantaged of the special month to celebrate their daughter's Qattam Qur'an. And to me, I enjoyed the Nasi Briani Gam and the unforgettable desserts...yes,'s to die for!

The Goodies we took back

That night my other neighbor Kak Faridah and Abang Fauzi
had Usrah at their house...

Kak Faridah, Rita and Zan and I baked chocolate slice for the host.
Oh, what a treat! Breakfast lunch and dinner all had been taken care of..
A break from the kitchen!

Till we meet again in the next entry...Adios!


  1. oh dear...rupa2nya it was that sad to lepaskan anak pergi ye.. walaupun dekat ek.. saya ni klu anak2 buat hal/meragam punyalah tak sabo nak tunggu diorang beso that I can stretch my arms and rehat secukup2nya rupa bila deme tak dek pulaklah kita yg kesepian hukhuk well that is life kan... cam kita juga, dulu2 bawah ketiak mak, sekali keluar rumah and find our own life..
    p/s : best eh your neighborhood, mengimarahkan hari maulud sambil merapatkan silaturrahim, i wish i could have that kind of n/hood, ini tak wat hal sendiri2 jerk sob sob..

  2. Salam..
    Well yong, when the time comes, baru kita tahu betapa sedih nak renggang dgn anak..kejap je kut..By the way, he's the eldest bnyk ambil berat dkt org tua.

    Memang my area ni activ pasal kenduri2 ni..

  3. Salam sis Iha, begitu sedih sebak ... sememangnya sukar melepaskan pergi lagi-lagi anak pertama, dari dikandungan serumah sebumbung, gimana pun haluan hidupnya yang didahulukan.

    Dalam sedih ketika membaca barisan ayat-ayatan seterusnya namun diperagakan dengan hidangan masakan yang yummy sekali jadi ceria sudahnya seperti pecal, scones juga kayteow soup, ditambah dengan acara amal kenduri sesama jiran-tetangga bikin Ratna rindu terhadap suasana cara bermajlis disana.

    Tenang-tenangkan rasa perasaan ya sis Iha.

    Salam manis manis madu.

  4. Salam Iha
    I dapat gambarkan kesedihan yg you rasai. Kalau I, sure dah berhari2 nangish belakang pintu (kat dapur, dlm bilik air...merata tempat kekdahnya) :-)

    Tak lama lagi, jika ada rezeki n umur panjang, I pulak akan rasa sedih yg amat sangat sebab terpaksa berpindah jauh (distant 2 hrs) dari rumah sekarang dan berpisah juga dgn anak2 yg masing2 ada hal di KL. Anyway, come what may, tak nak ingat sangat nanti takde mood nak berkarya/berblogging pulak, hehee..

  5. Salam..
    Ratna dan C.S.. T.q for the comment, memang sedih tapi satu benda yang semua emak2 akan hadapi..itu belum anak kawin lagi. Anyway, life has to go on, apa2pun we can make the best out of it..

  6. Salam....
    Dear sis, dah confirm ke Syaz nak pindah....kesian awak ya! Tak pe le pindah pun he's still in KL..jus around the corner. I'm sure he'll be popping in anytime to see u

  7. wkmslm..
    Well, I dah menangis sebakul, tapi tuan badan pulak yg melambatkan. Biarlah bukan senang, everything is being taken care when he's with us.
