Saturday, February 4, 2012

Physically Off Day..

The week that was ... downed with bad gastric and followed by flu. Understood that age is catching up but, the truth is the body resistance is rather low. Two days was a nightmare, my head was spinning like I was on a boat. The reflux was so bad that I threw out a few times. Body was drained out and the sudden change of weather then lead to flu made my throat burning with fire. I hate to be in these situation, where your body ached so bad that all you wished for, to be on bed most the time. Well, I don't have all the time in the world to be curled up on bed. So, I have to be extra2 careful of what I eat and rely on supplements as to stay healthy. Do I need lots of rest? Rest, yes but not lots, it will lead to other complications pulak. By right, we should not manja ourselves so much.. that's mengada. Being up and about would be good for us, straighten our body and mind.
Thank God.. as a person I am quite active, a husband to look after, the chores and some hobbies to occupy myself. Hopefully by doing so the mind are free of Negative thoughts. I am enjoying what I have around me, alhamdullillah, bless to Allah, tho not as perfect as I wished it to be. I missed Hb's physio last week. The weekly engagement with Hb was worthwhile...I've got 'me time' That are always good and bad things to be experienced...
Tho the week that was not the best of physical me, but our door bells kept ringing and ringing bringing in guest one after another, from family to friends. Thank God for this welcome distraction. We are blessed with visitation and I believe, Guest brings Rahmat to our home and lives.

Meanwhile.. enjoy some pictures of my Food.

Roast Beef with Baby Potatoes and Coleslaw

Rice with a little of everything

My over baked buns, yet very soft..

Pasta with chicken stew, home made croutons and salad.

Salad and Celery Soup

Chicken Rice

Have a wonderful Holidays.
Salam Maulidur Rasul to all Muslim!


  1. yuhuuuu Salam, baru jumpa kotak komen,

    anyway samolah kito, tak baik2 lagik batuk2 selsema, sekrang ni rasanya lagik lah teruk, the humid weather fuiii, kang tetiba hujan, me and kids batuk2 tak baik2... well, betullah tu, makin kita ni aging, the body defense pun makin menurun, kena makan supplement itu ini, any way, roast beef itew looks delish... you take care yah.

  2. salam, Yong..
    Cakap pasal aging lagi rasa nak sakit..Kena lompat2 sikit badan ni..cakap je jog halfway dah balik.
    memang yummy roast beef itu..hehe..
