Saturday, February 25, 2012

What's for Dinner, this time?

My bougainvillea flowering proudly in my garden.

I let down a breakfast invitation from Yatie yesterday morning. A breakfast Treat at Club Subang. It was an unplanned Gettogether until the night before. Yatie dear, selamattt.. diet ku kali ni but still in my mind I cannot forget that delicious Dim Sum..hmmm..boleh rasa ni! By the way Yatie, thank you for the invitation and you know, I would loved to join, but due to certain circumstances..sorry!

Mengaji after dinner...
I invited Mengaji group over to my place on Wednesday night. The normal group was never on time but not my Ustazah, she always arrive on the dot. I had baked them something light for dinner, Quiche, potato salad and Chocolate banana cake. It was a warm and humid night..tak terkata. Linda, my guest had a splitting headache and was in no mood to indulge the food I'd served. Most probably, there will be a break from mengaji until April..a few of them will be going for Holidays.

Quiche and Chocolate Banana Cake. Oh! where is my
Potato Salad...

Abundantly full in calories, requested by the group..

A slice of Chocolate banana cake..the sponge cake was
a new recipe. Somehow, I still prefer my old one which is moist and spongy.

And some menus from last week dinner..

I baked it again for dinner 2 nights ago, Yogurt raisins Bread.
We can't seem to get enough of it..
It's nice to dunk into Mushroom Soup

This guy, who's very particular of what he eats
especially Home Bake Bread. And to my
pleasant surprise, my Son enjoyed the new recipe.

Yesterday's Dinner, Mee Kuah Tulang Tomato.
I substituted Spaghetti instead of Mee Kuning.
Not only it tasted good but healthy too...

The Usual Thursday Outing *Hb's Physio Day* Midwalley..

Hb's physio had been shortened from three to once a week since 3 months ago at U Hospital. And by next week he will be going back to Pantai Bangsar at the Hand Unit Therapy also for once a week. Yup..he'll be under the care of two Hospitals this time. And looks like I have extra visiting/wandering Malls again.....

We hang out at Starbucks for a quick coffee.

Have a Productive Weekend, peeps..


  1. salam kak, love your blog. im drooling tgk semua food yg nampak sedap sungguh! hehe

  2. Salam sis Iha,OMD ...(oh mon dieu aka oh my god), adore sekali quiche-nya, soup+roti gebu ber-yogurt raisins, mee kuah tulang tomato juga gâteau-nya dan bunga pinky Bougainvillea aka bunga kertas itu ... berbintang-bintang seperti selalu.

    salam manis manis madu.

  3. Salam...
    Macam tu le Afifa muka dah's about time u show ur face!
    Sis,sedapnye tgk ur quiche must try to make one but fattening lah! Tak pe i buat for the children only...

  4. Salam Iha
    Love all the food. Boleh ke you share secara ringkas resipi kuah tulang tomato tu? Macam dpt bayangkan betapa sedapnya kuah tu..

    Bagus juga you pi jenjalan ke mall while waiting for your husband to finish his physio. I pernah kesana a few times and twice bawak my doter for physio. Yg azabnya ke PPUM tu bila nak park kereta, kan? Berlaku satu insiden when my daughter for the first time drove to the parking area .. dia boleh tak perasan kena stop tempat ambik parking ticket lalu dia zoom aje.. Patah penghadang n almost rosak the parking booth.. OMG... kecot perot I..

  5. Salam Ratna...
    Thnk you Rat, mee sup tulang tu memang sedap, tapi tak boleh makan selalu..
    Dan roti tu pun memang lembut dan gebu.

    Masyallah Syukran!! pemberian Allah! Muka I kan selalu masuk blog..dah tak glamour dah!

    You enjoy looking at the food eh..betapa susahnya I nak pikir apa nak masak tiap2 hr.
    Mee Kuah: rebus tulang(I normally buang air rebusan tu 2 kali, takut lemak sgt)
    tumis bawang merah,putih,halia,cabai kring(dblend)Masukan sekali
    kulit kayumanis, ketumba,cengkih,bunga lawang. setelah garing masukan
    tomato paste dan air..pekatkan dgn sedikit tpg jagung.
    garam dan gula mengikut rasa.

    Alhamdllh ada nikmat sebalik menunggu Hb, dpt tenangkan mata dan hati,hehe.
    Ya Allah,nasib you both tak apa2. My girl duduk sebelah..selagi I tak nyanyuk..I'l drive.

  6. Hi Chequee..
    Come over then..I cook u a good meal!!
