Saturday, June 12, 2010

A New Chapter

It's more than three weeks in the house back from the Hospital. Hubby was doing well, improving everyday. Though, slow but I was pleased of his progress. He was walking with walker instead of being on wheel chair. I would rather say, he was highly spirited at the beginning but slowly, he became sensitive and lacking.. Not easy, neither for him, nor for us. But we have to make him belief what's reality.

And me, a little extra work than before *not complaining* but a lot of time spent with him. I bathed, cooked, and feed him. And drove him to Hospital Damansara every three times a week for physio,and another three times for acupuncture. I guessed it's the physio that made him stronger and the right way to carry himself. Thanks to Aina *physiotherapist* actually, who had been very patient and giving him more confident.

Alhamdullilah, we had been blessed with people around us. I realized what had happened to us was a blessing. I came to understand the meaning of giving, sharing, and patience... in friendship especially. I could never forget the people who had been so supportive all the time in the ward. Megat, fairus, maziah, kak faridah and Abang Fauzi, and not to mention my other friends who had been visiting and bringing food for us each time they came. How I wished, I could name them one by one. To Steff, thank you for lending me the reclining chair that we used in Hospital Shah Alam. And Mala, who came all the way late night to lend me her wheel chair. Kak Non and Zaiton thank you, who never missed sending sms to comfort me. And many more thanks a million.

And for hubby's friends, and school mates, thank you, for accompanying him when he needed someone.

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