Saturday, March 9, 2013

Allergy...Plants and Get together

It's hot. The hot season is back! I do hope you peeps are well. Do drink plenty of water, as not to get dehydrated. The temperature had reached up to 38 degree Celsius last few days. Yesterday with heavy downpour in Subang and only few drops of rain at my place. But today, gloomy with humid air that makes you wanna splash yourself at my sister Intan's River Cottage.

 Portugis Assam Steam Fish and fried Kacang Botol for lunch today
During these lips are really dry and crack, so frequent with headache in the afternoon.
What more being out at 11am till 5.00 pm, it was unbearable even to look out through the window...and I would normally draw down the curtains. And rather leave my hanged clothes to be collected at late evening...biar lah luntur baju2 diampaian rather than I melt in the hot sun...*tak sampai hati nak buat gitu*

 Baked Macaroni for mengaji on Wednesday night

My sinuses just got worst since I have been friendly with the broom which I had avoided all this time. Well, I do have a choice.. just close one eye! The garden and pavement around the patio need to be swept everyday or paling lama every two then, bertepu debu. 
Honestly, I can't stand the dust. I was prescribed anti histamine pills before the allergy attack. Sometimes I stopped, then continued again when I can't bear the allergy...phlegm/headache and itchy. I prefer not to be dependent on medicine...if possible.

 Homemade burger and sweet potato
Am lactose intolerance since my younger days. I have to reduce the intake of dairy products, sugar, chocolates and ice....*not stop completely, but to reduce*
Milk that actually increase phlegm in the throat.'s not 100% cured but at least I don't get the stomach pain/headache due to sinuses/itchy on the skin so often. Each time I had a few gulps of Coffee with milk, I didn't feel good...*unless coffee with creamer.. help! I am a coffee lover*
Coffee.. I must least a cup a day, milk can be substitute with creamer *wink*

How can I avoid this Chocolate Ganache with Milk Tea...
too good to resist!
However, not all people has the same allergy towards certain food, different people reacts differently..I think. Don't worry, you can get other alternative for calcium, and it can be found in dark leafy green.

Enjoying Rice with home cook lunch lately...

Rice with Tiger Prawn Curry, Fried long beans, Fish soup and Salted fish

Rice with Gulai Masam ikan Kurau, Asparagus/Brocoli and

Okay, lets proceed on to my garden.
Orchids of the week

Now, I love getting up early not only to avoid the hot sun but to do  gardening *one of the way to sweat* Huh, I went to Sungai Buloh to get some herbs and fertilizers, yes.. despite the hot weather. Kalau nak suatu, tak kira what comes your way.

2 pots of Oregano in the middle and 2 pots of Italian Basils


We left to Sungai Buloh as early as 10.00am and already back by 1.00pm, just get what I wanted and off back home after having our lunch outside. Oh dear, everything has gone up..I used to buy the herbs at 8.00 rm and now since it's written Organic on the pot, it's 12.90rm, giler mahal. I love to have my own vegetables and herbs garden at my backyard area, but my fingers is not green enough.

 Sweet Basil

Lettuce Basil

 Cinnamon Basil, I planted about a month ago.
I bought mostly Basil.. a few types of them. Loving this herb... putting in my salads and pastas or as ulam ulaman with rice. It has a strong pungent smell and a slight minty taste.
Satisfaction to me..enjoying the variety of greens that goes into my cooking, not only having them as to beautify my garden.

Cootoo Get Together..
Belanga Cafe, Empire Subang on Friday 8th March.

The hostess for the day was Kak Non, sitting at third left.

Welcome to the 50's club!

Have a productive Weekend with your loving family..
See you next time..In shaa Allah.


  1. kak, byk2 gambo food tu yg ada ikan masin tu sungguh menangkap! tambahan tgh pose sekarang, drool habih weh! apatah lagi ada sambal belachan perghhh...
    p/s : herbs mcm Rosemary and basil senang tak nak idup nak2 tgh cuaca panas ang-ang sekarang ni? i would love to beli sepasu dua tp takut mati *huhu*

  2. Yong..
    Itu yga Kak Iha tak nak masak nasi..sepingan tak cukup.
    Those are harga plants..memang nak panas esp.Basil
    Pergi Sungai Buluh memang banyak herbs..tapi dah mahal.

  3. Salam sis Iha,
    bagi Ratna, sis Iha punyai tangan hijau dan pandai memasak karena setiap kali dengan apa sahaja yang diperagakan tampak begitu subur menghijau berbungaan mekar kelihatan cantik menawan juga segala juadah sajian sesangat menyelerakan sekali, yummy...

    salam mesra semanis madu...

  4. Assalam Iha
    I pun a bit under the weather. Ke RD last weekend, I lebih banyak berihat. I make peace with all the insects esp the cicak :-)

    Macam2 jenis basil yg you beli tu. Semua tu dijadikan bahan untuk berlainan jenis masakan ke? Kat C.Storage ada jual herba2 cenggitu dlm pasu kecik. Geram aje tengok tapi I berpijak dibumi nyata (almaklum tangan tak hijau, hehe).

    p/s: Nyumssss *meleleh dot3*

  5. Hi sis...
    Frust menonggeng tak dpt nk post masih dlm workshop. This comments are made thru i-pad...
    Bila tgk ur plants baru teringat nk mintak tolong awak beli kan anak pokok buat nona kalau ke Sg.Buluh...tq!

  6. salam! love the food pics…and the plants…my mom used to love planting all sorts when she was younger! hmm, cun semua in the 50s club, hope my old friends and i will turn out the same inshallah!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. CS..
    I hope you are okay by now..
    Basils tu I like to have with anything, dlm apa2 masakan, ada Uuumm bau dan rasanya. I pernah beli kan Cold storage boleh bertahan if you repot kan to a bigger pot.

    Hi Leeza..
    Nape tak mention earlier nak pokok Nona, I went last week dah..
    Next month I will go again..In Shaa Allah., I get one for you.

    Wlkmlm, Hibiscus Rosa Noor..
    Thank you for loving my food and plants..that's my passion you know, hehe.
    Ya, In Sha Allah will grow gracefully with our friends.

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