Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ohh!.. Desserts and Sweets!!!

What a beautiful morning today, cold breezy air. Alhamdullillah after long hot days.
 I cooked Nasi Jagung today for lunch. Rasa tiba2 nak makan this old fashion rice that I used to have during my younger days..

Nasi Jagung with Sambal tumis Udang, Ikan masin,
and ikan belah belakang

More often I would be on my Sofa during the frustrating hot weather *see, blaming on the weather* Being lazy and resting my butt on my favorite Sofa has to be shortened to a certain limit. As of late..I have chosen to do painting/needlework for long long hours..lacked of movement, not to mention no more exercise or even a brisk walk. Food too, had played very important part in my life *foodie kann*.. I need to slow down a little..errk..a lot yo!  Tho, it's quite an effort to do but I need to have strong determination for the sake of my health.
I got my blood test results last week..nothing to be jumpy about...but I have to look into this matter seriously, Insyallah, before it cannot be controlled. My Cholesterol level has gone up compared to the last time. Still, within my control...  I did the ovary and colon cancer tested as well. Argh! it gave me a fright, before the result was out. Alhamdullillah, everything went okay. Even my Arthritis had no trace...strange! before it was above border line. And my Uric acid was normal..*not what I was told recently* Due to stress anything can trigger...according to the Doctor.
Thank God, my Hb's Cholesterol result was good. Only recently his Diabetes gone up due to some changes in his medications..*it worries me..*
In my case..I need to be out at the garden for at least 2 hours or so.. would help.. I could sweat, sweat sweat! Boleh burn the cholesterol..kasi turun.. hump! Jangan cakap tapi tak serupa bikin, sudah.
Sigh! the panting was the sign, each time I climbed the stairs or even walked a few steps away from the parking to the car...never care, and don't want to care.
About food.. *I think..* only had a few scoops of whatever the sinful delicious desserts that I cannot resist..could not be that tak?  *tak mengaku lol* It's not only how many times I had, but the quantity *the calories* of food that I took..Oh! my Desserts and Sweets..!!! My Curry Noodles... also my McD Fries *not the burger*..I got crazy over that lately..and Potato Chips with Sour Cream flavor and so on.. I love those food! Strictly no Munchies..*for a while..until it comes down..hehehe*

Okay, what is done is's better late than never..So, let's start a new chapter.. cook good food, not too elaborate and not too controlled...makan mesti makan, but with moderation..*it's the same saying I mentioned all the time, lol*

 We started our brisk walk at our Park

Everything has A limit, correct... But we human never realize until we are trap in the situation. However, it is important to have self control in ourselves or a soft reminder by reliable/caring  people. I am not just saying about food... anything that we do.We are only human.. Teguran mesti berlandas kan bahasa2 yang tidak mendatangkan terguris hati...alright!

Roast Chicken breast with Toast Bread, Sweet corn and some 
sauteed vegetables.

Saturday's lunch..

Assam Laksa

Boiled and slightly fried veges with Salmon

For the kids, fried beef with mashed potatoes

So, what do you think of my Menus so far? still early to tell ya ..

Last Sunday Morning breakfast with our neighbors..
Dim Sum. It was planned a few weeks ago. But...I was well behaved..Berhenti sebelum kenyang, beringat sesudah terkena, hehe...

Later..same day..
My Niece Ida with her twins, hubby and daughter came from Perak, had lunch at my house which I had cooked before I left for breakfast.
They were here for the school Holidays. Then later my Nephew Taqi and my sister Intan came to have tea with us..I  baked Cinnamon Rolls. My sister and Taqi bought some kueh on their way to my house.

The scene at my living area

Hb and me looked after the twins while their parents had lunch.

Cinnamon rolls for the guest...

 Arsenal Fans..

This was given by none other than Arsenal die hard supporter... Mr. Big Mac to dear Hb.. Whooh! thanks Big Mac!

Thank you for visiting me today.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Everything has a limit..

Howdie everyone...
 It's a wonderful day! The weather was really fine this morning, a bit windy. Love the view of my garden. How I wished I could be out there. But there were other thing that we were excited about.. watching American Idol's finale. I made the right guess.. Philip Philips was the winner...Yeah! But I do love Jessica Sanchez too, she has a fanstastic voice. Mana boleh dua pemenang kann.
While watching the show, I was also rushing preparing Hb's chores before I left to Empire meeting  some friends. I am learning to make time for everything, also trying to do things within it's limit. Everything has a limit. And I must remember.. being discipline helps a lot.

And  here are some blooms I would love to share from the garden..

 Darker pink Azalea

 White Azalea. I have three more colors which are yet to bloom.

This birdhouse need to be repainted..

Magnolia or Cempaka Telur.

Rose of India


Rose Begonia and Rosemary

Maiden Hair Fern

Thursday La Bodega, Subang. 
We had breakfast at La Bodega, Empire Subang to celebrate our friend Rita's Birthday..
Honestly, I did not really fancy the breakfast stuff in the menu below.. no choice, it's breakfast time anyway....

The big Breakfast Set

..Why? b'cos that was what I normally prepared for the family at meal time...during my lazy mood..hehe..but my family like it!

With the b'day girl.

Anything you do, has a limit,
Be it with Friends, Food, Hobbies or anything in life..
For it will only give you a moments passion..
But if you have a good heart and do things sincerely,
Than your life will be wonderful..

Giving a good smile, meaning you have made somebody's day!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bulan Rejab....


Bulan Rejab merupakan salah satu dari bulan-bulan Haram di dalam Islam.

Allah berfirman, ”Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan pada sisi Allah adalah dua belas bulan, dalam ketetapan Allah di waktu Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulan haram. Itulah agama yang lurus, maka janganlah kamu menganiaya diri kamu dalam bulan yang empat itu, dan perangilah kaum musyrikin itu semuanya sebagaimana merekapun memerangi kamu semuanya, dan ketahuilah bahwasanya Allah beserta orang-orang yang bertakwa.” (QS At-Taubah: 36)

Bulan Haram yang dihormati itu ialah: Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah, Muharam dan Rejab.

Umat Islam dilarang berperang dalam bulan-bulan ini kecuali jika mereka diugut.

Al Allamah Ibnu Hajar menulis, telah meriwayatkan oleh Abi Daud bahawa Nabi (صلى الله عليه وسلم) memandubkan (yakni SUNAT) berpuasa di bulan-bulan Haram.

Berpuasa dalam bulan Rejab adalah digalakkan tetapi tiada satu hadis sahih yang membuktikan bahawa berpuasa pada hari-hari tertentu dalam bulan Rejab akan mendapat ganjaran istimewa.

Diriwayatkan daripada Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik رضي الله عنه beliau berkata: Adalah Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم apabila telah masuk bulan Rejab, Baginda صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم berdoa: Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami, limpahilah berkat kepada kami pada bulan Rejab dan Sya’ban dan sampaikanlah kami ke bulan Ramadhan. (HR Imam Ahmad, ath-Thabarani dan lain-lain)

Semoga sama2 beramal di bulan yang memberi ganjaran kepada kita...insyallah.

Walaupun hari ini panas..angin bertiup kuat sekali..sekurang2nya berangin. Tanda2 nak hujan tapi tak juga turun. Tanaman di taman cepat mengering disebabkan panas dan tiupan angin. Fortunately yesterday, it rained heavily for only half an hour, after many days tak hujan... immediately it cooled down the temperature..alhamdullillah.
Since it's hot out there...I spend my lazy time on my favorite sofa, dah jadi tak empok lagi dek seharian menghempapkan diri diatasnya..either doing my needlework/with my laptop/ watching TV or soundly zzz in my dreamland...
Gantian puasa.. still a long way to go..pause due to *P* Gastric was giving problem again... the  reflux made me sicked...
My daily chores, biasalah macam2..that makes us alive running through the hassle bustle in the City.

Fifa and Anik, had a bad experienced yesterday night, being chased by a dog *small but very fierce* while jogging in our residential area. They were passing through the house when suddenly the dog jumped out of the gate. Imagine how the two ladies got the strength to climb the fence of the opposite house and trapped there for quite sometime...kerana terlalu takut..boleh jadi superwoman! The stupid dog kept barking.. Fifa called me..and thank God, I thought of the Securities.  Noted...they already knew the house as the same incident happened a few times. When I arrived with my son they were being rescued...looking paled and Fifa. Her left leg were badly bruised. Keshian...
The next day..the owner's son came to oppologise. Fifa looked angry, tiba2 terkejut..x classmate dia rupanya, hehe.

About food.. have to slow down... Teguran from my Sister, my food on the rich side.... A good reminder.. not good for my Hb. Will do and try to control some calories.

Last Wednesday...

I made this Cold Salad on last Wednesday night during my *Mengaji session*  It's soo... sedap. I fried the beef before I pressure cooked it and cooled it in the fridge before adding. I put lots of greens, like basils, lettuce also not forgotten Lemon zest...the taste of lemon menaikkan rasa.

My Uztazah in blue and left, is Linda

Hb and me were invited by our neighbor Abang Fauzi and Kak Faridah for a ride in their new Lexus Not only a ride, biasa lah...menjamu selera sekali... they treated us at Ole Bali, Empire Subang. It was a good meal! Abang Fauzi and his wife are not only neighbor but  dear friends  to us. Since the day Hb was in the Hospital and until now, they never failed to keep us company.

Love the presentations..the Balinese style

And desert for my break fast yesterday..
Banana chocolate chip Muffin

Meriah kan menu Berbuka..

Tonight's dinner...

Thank you for dropping by...
Perbanyakan melakukan perkara2 sunat di bulan Rejab.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Food Presentation..

Aslmkm everyone..
What did you peeps do on Mother's day? Me, of all days the air con  men decided to come to service the air con. They took half a day to finish. My children wanted to treat me lunch.. but, had to postpone to Tea Time..Kena lah lunch dulu kann. Anik fried Meehoon and before that we had a hearty breakfast 'pancakes with fruits all over...just the way we love it.
 This is a blog about Food, let's enjoy the colorful pictures below.

Only after Zohor we left to 'Alexis Cafe' Well, dessert is a must and whatever you guys order I am going to take a bite of everything, I told them *nak control, konon* But true, perut pun masih kenyang...just for the sake of going out to celebrate with the family. And my eldest son had  some work back at the office..*busy* They ordered Burger with very fine fries *Burger? apa kah* But to my surprise, yum yum! and Slow Roast Duck Breast *no picture taken, huhuhu, terlupa* Pizza, chocolate Cake and Upside Down Pear Cake with ice cream. And of course, Latte for me and Cappuccino for Hb.

I hate it when they serve Coffee in a glass..

My darling girl got me this! Girls never forget flowers on any occasion.
Hmm.. the entire living area smell of Lily.

The crispy thin crust Pizza
The photo above..was taken from my son enjoyed 
the Slow Roast Duck Breast

This is how we normally celebrate on whatever occasions. It's like a tradition now... 'celebrate with food' Macam ni la, kalau tak expand badan, tak tau la. Then, how else to celebrate? Present? okay jugak..but they said Present is only for Birthdays. Going out with the family members make us together. Lagi pun, we need to be pampered sometimes..and once in a while Mum too needs a break from the kitchen. Tapi kann.. one day tak masak... I sort of missing something, duk keluar masuk kitchen.
Whatever they plan to do on Mother's day it's really up to them..tak celebrate pun I do not mind.. the kisses and hugs sudah memadai. Pagi2 lagi,,.masih bushuk.. I got the hugs and kisses...Well, I love you too..guys!!!

Now let's see what I cooked a night ago..

It's Pasta! Pasta is my children's favorite..Me, not really.. it's something so easy to make. Sometimes I made it every alternate nights..just add something extra and try to make it different from the previous menu..there are so many recipes on how to make Pasta.

 We had this Apple Pie for Supper..I made extra..during the Cuttoo gathering.
My family loves having snacks...there's always something to munch...
My boys will search for food from the fridge
esp after midnight..macam cari harta karun.

We love eating out! When come to think of it..we too can cook like a Pro, Boleh kann?... So, why do we still spend money eating out at fancy Restaurants..?  Hb said, the ambience and the Cafe's environment are definitely different from our house *memang sah suka keluar* and from there too, we can taste how food actually tasted like and whether it's comparable to our cooking..then baru boleh kata you are a good cook.  Moreover, I love to explore about Food Presentations as I love table settings and making food look presentable. And where can you get that? Of course... you'll find that at Restaurants and Cafes..tengok aje through pictures mana best kann. You have to experience it..

 How's this..enticing? The topping, melts down.

Tonight's dinner..

Our Iftar tonight..buns and Focacia

Sup Tulang, Sambal tumis Udang and Fried tenggiri.

Puasa2 mesti ada nasi..

Talking about food times, a simple dish can look very enticing, arousing or even's how you present it..kekadang tak sedap mana pun. The serving and arrangment are very important..taste comes later. Nevertheless, taste is King. But remember, so as it's look.
People tell the book by it's cover. Biar sedap mata memandang dulu, baru lah rasa yang enak, tak gitu.

I have to end up now, I am rather flat, my 2nd day of Puasa Ganti. Huhu..7 days more!
Adios... and Goodnight.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day and Our Cuttoo Gathering...

To my Mum, Mum In Law and all lovely Mums in the whole world, I'm wishing you 'Happy Mother's Day'
Have a great day with your love ones...

The heart of a mother is a deep abyss
at the bottom of which you will
always find forgiveness
-Honore de Balzac-


There is a no way to be a perfect mother,
and a million ways to be a good one.


Happy Mother's Day means more
Than have a happy day
Within those words lie lots of things.
We never get to say.
It means I love you first of all.
Then thanks for all you do.

But most of all, I guess it means
That I am thinking of
Your happiness on this, your day,
with pleasure and with love.



Cuttoo Get together, at my house on Friday 11th March

Let the pictures do the talking...

Below right, Me and Rita hostess for the day.

From left, Gulai Lemak Ikan Masin/labu, Fried Foochook/Tahoon,
Varieties of Ulam and sambals, gulai Tempoyak and the blur one
is Terung masak siam

 Western Selections..Potato Salad and Roast Beef..

And for my Cuttoo friends, thank you for the pot luck food..and 
Happy Mothers Day!!!