Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ohh!.. Desserts and Sweets!!!

What a beautiful morning today, cold breezy air. Alhamdullillah after long hot days.
 I cooked Nasi Jagung today for lunch. Rasa tiba2 nak makan this old fashion rice that I used to have during my younger days..

Nasi Jagung with Sambal tumis Udang, Ikan masin,
and ikan belah belakang

More often I would be on my Sofa during the frustrating hot weather *see, blaming on the weather* Being lazy and resting my butt on my favorite Sofa has to be shortened to a certain limit. As of late..I have chosen to do painting/needlework for long long hours..lacked of movement, not to mention no more exercise or even a brisk walk. Food too, had played very important part in my life *foodie kann*.. I need to slow down a little..errk..a lot yo!  Tho, it's quite an effort to do but I need to have strong determination for the sake of my health.
I got my blood test results last week..nothing to be jumpy about...but I have to look into this matter seriously, Insyallah, before it cannot be controlled. My Cholesterol level has gone up compared to the last time. Still, within my control...  I did the ovary and colon cancer tested as well. Argh! it gave me a fright, before the result was out. Alhamdullillah, everything went okay. Even my Arthritis had no trace...strange! before it was above border line. And my Uric acid was normal..*not what I was told recently* Due to stress anything can trigger...according to the Doctor.
Thank God, my Hb's Cholesterol result was good. Only recently his Diabetes gone up due to some changes in his medications..*it worries me..*
In my case..I need to be out at the garden for at least 2 hours or so.. would help.. I could sweat, sweat sweat! Boleh burn the cholesterol..kasi turun.. hump! Jangan cakap tapi tak serupa bikin, sudah.
Sigh! the panting was the sign, each time I climbed the stairs or even walked a few steps away from the parking to the car...never care, and don't want to care.
About food.. *I think..* only had a few scoops of whatever the sinful delicious desserts that I cannot resist..could not be that tak?  *tak mengaku lol* It's not only how many times I had, but the quantity *the calories* of food that I took..Oh! my Desserts and Sweets..!!! My Curry Noodles... also my McD Fries *not the burger*..I got crazy over that lately..and Potato Chips with Sour Cream flavor and so on.. I love those food! Strictly no Munchies..*for a while..until it comes down..hehehe*

Okay, what is done is's better late than never..So, let's start a new chapter.. cook good food, not too elaborate and not too controlled...makan mesti makan, but with moderation..*it's the same saying I mentioned all the time, lol*

 We started our brisk walk at our Park

Everything has A limit, correct... But we human never realize until we are trap in the situation. However, it is important to have self control in ourselves or a soft reminder by reliable/caring  people. I am not just saying about food... anything that we do.We are only human.. Teguran mesti berlandas kan bahasa2 yang tidak mendatangkan terguris hati...alright!

Roast Chicken breast with Toast Bread, Sweet corn and some 
sauteed vegetables.

Saturday's lunch..

Assam Laksa

Boiled and slightly fried veges with Salmon

For the kids, fried beef with mashed potatoes

So, what do you think of my Menus so far? still early to tell ya ..

Last Sunday Morning breakfast with our neighbors..
Dim Sum. It was planned a few weeks ago. But...I was well behaved..Berhenti sebelum kenyang, beringat sesudah terkena, hehe...

Later..same day..
My Niece Ida with her twins, hubby and daughter came from Perak, had lunch at my house which I had cooked before I left for breakfast.
They were here for the school Holidays. Then later my Nephew Taqi and my sister Intan came to have tea with us..I  baked Cinnamon Rolls. My sister and Taqi bought some kueh on their way to my house.

The scene at my living area

Hb and me looked after the twins while their parents had lunch.

Cinnamon rolls for the guest...

 Arsenal Fans..

This was given by none other than Arsenal die hard supporter... Mr. Big Mac to dear Hb.. Whooh! thanks Big Mac!

Thank you for visiting me today.


  1. Sis dear...
    Seronoknye tengok selalu guest menginap at ur place...dulu when we were in KL its either fr. my side or hubby's side pun always landed kat rumah kita...rezeki tau!

  2. Iha
    It depends on our bijak bicara mengatasi masalah. Kalau satu2 makanan tu membawa kemudaratan maka jauhi atau kendurkan pemakanannya. My hubby suka makan ikan masin n I pun suka juga tapi I betul2 jaga. Seminggu sekali aje dibolehkan. Last wk dia put a packet of ikan masin dlm troli tapi I diam2 keluarkan (lagi pun stok dlm esbok masih ada).

    You take care of yourself ya... moga segalanya hepi2 aje.

  3. Salam sis Iha,

    Usia Ratna sudah lewat dari 45 tahun+1= 46... jadinya pengambilan makanan semestinya yang segar sahaja namun kelemahan Ratna serupa dengan tajuknya entry sis Iha "desserts&sweets" tidak akan dipisahkan... adore sesungguhnya, gimana ya!

    Selama Ratna kenal blognya sis Iha sering bangat menerima tetamu sepusat sepusing bermakna petanda murah rezeki dan dihiasi sekali dengan peragaan masakan hidangan yang super yummy, teruja-ruja senantiasa...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  4. Salam ziarah......

    Zakiah sekarang dah mengidap penyakit darah tinggi, jadi pengambilan makanan mestilah bersesuaian dengan keperluan.....

    Cinnamon roll kelihatan begitu mengiurkan......

    Zakiah juga sering merai tetamu di musim cuti sekolah begini....

  5. wkmslm Sis...
    Riuh rendah dgn suara si kembar..ralit tgk kerenah budak2.
    I punya activities macam biasa juga..kesian Yong, duk kat umah.
    Insyallah, rezeki tu tak nampak sebenarnya..ketenangan hati dan sihat tubuh badan pun rezeki juga..

  6. Aslmkm CS..
    Dah berumur ni teringinnya bukan2..itu lah kena kuat kan diri kalau nak sihat..
    I think i selalu makan Hasrul kut..suka sangat siput balitung dng kerabu..
    Kat rumah I love desserts..makan tak banyak sgt tapi agaknya selalu, tu kan.

  7. Aslmkm Ratna..
    Rindu sekali kat comment Ratna..
    Memang Ratna kita ada kegemaran yg tak boleh ditahan2. Apa lagi kalau memang suka merai'tetamu, mesti masak hidangan yg best2...dan sterusnya makan..pengambilan yg tak sepatutnya..

  8. Wkmslm Zakiah..
    Terima kasih kerana sudi ke blog saya.
    Kita selaku tukang masak jenuh nak menahan makan walaupun masakan sendiri.
    Lagipun saya suka desserts...tersangat.
    Tambah pula ada tetamu...

  9. Laaaa....kat sini rupanya..
    saya dok intai2 blog satu lagi tu, dok fikir mana pi tuan rumah haha

    semua menu tu buat saya kecur sangat...

  10. Hi Q..
    You intai kat mana..yg satu lagi memang recipe desserts saja..
    Intai sepuasnya..seperti blog u pun..i loike the menu too..
