Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happenings in the 2nd week of April


We had leafy greens Salad for dinner tonight. I added Pasta, baked Chicken and Potato. Avacado, Cranberry and Raisins too. A dash of  Olive oil and a splash of Lemon and brown sugar as dressing...superb!!
For lunch, I cooked Ikan Tiga Rasa upon requested by Hb dearest and Fried Asparagus with Udang kering. We left to Subang for Acupuncture after lunch and I visited my friend for about an hour...and stopped at Carreforre on the way back to get my groceries... AlhamduIlillah, the whole day I was on the move at the same time managed to cook complete meals for the day.


Fried Mee hoon with Fried Salmon seasoned with herbs and chilli flakes. I was desperately out of idea on what to cook. Rasa nak makan mee hoon and ikan....and ended that menu above. So far, no complain, hehe.

No intention to blame on the weather...but it's undeniable the temperature is far above average. It's cloudy and warm the last few days. When I drove to Subang to have breakfast with friends yesterday morning, I had to wear my sunglasses eventhough the weather was gloomy and hazy...sakit mata.  And we ought to be careful of what we eat too. I should have known..makan makanan yg tak terlalu lemak or berminyak. Cuaca yang panas can upset your tummy from the food you eat and seterusnya naik ke kepala. But thank God!!! it rained yesterday night and this evening..syukur!

 Since Monday, I had drawn down the curtains and resting in the semi darkness feeling sicked nausea and splitting headache. Alhamdullillah I was on my feet again and off to meet my friends..

We had Breakfast at Upstairs Subang, it was a Treat by Mala. Very sweet of her to invite us
 who did not attend the Cootoo gathering last week. Two hours with friends and quickly packed lunch for Hb and rushed home before my dearest daughter leave for class.

And here are two menus I prepared for the family..  soft diet. And it helped not only for the stomach but something different from our normal diet.

Congee, or Bubur Nasi.

And Yee Mee Fish Soup for lunch on Tuesday. Hmm, rasa lega dan segar  badan selepas habis semangkok...Soup is always my favorite.

A few days ago..

And this was what we had.. Chicken with Pumpkin and Avocado Salad.. The  chicken was quite oily and pumpkin could have make my tummy gassy.

Ladies in the neighborhood organized High Tea cum fund raising for the new Mosque to be built at our Area. Eat, spend and earn a place in Jannah. We had makan2 *that's for sure*  jumble sale, and lucky draw. Guess what, guess what??? Yeay... I had won a Gift Certificate One Buffet Dinner for 2 at a Hotel.

The Hi Tea was done in a one of my neighbor's house, who was so gracious to offer her place for the venue. Abundance of food spread not only on the main dining table but everywhere.

Happy ladies after being served good food and gifts

Goodnight and sweet dreams..


  1. Huishhhbagus beTul neighbourhood akak siap wat fund raising. Glad to know masih mengamalkan suasana ukhwah eventhough dok dlm kota metropolitan, kt area saya... Haruslah aku yg duduk sorang bwh tempurung huhu...akak masak n mkn mcm2 tp badan maintain jeee huhu

  2. Sedap nye congee tu. Dah lama tak buat n dah lama tak makan congee.
    Rasa macam nk buat pulak!

  3. Yong..neighborhood kat sini mengambil berat tentang Masjid yg belum juga lagi pecah tanah. Rumah2 ibadah bangsa lain dah naik tinggi dah.
    Oh..maintain ya badan kak? terima kasih..yg penting makannya makan jangan lebih 2 pinggan/manggok..hehe.

  4. Leeza.. I dgn Syaz memang suka makanan yg bersup or lembut. So Congee tu habis hati lah kami.
