Friday, April 5, 2013

Live life..

Asalammualaikum, and Good day everyone.
No better way to wake up with a good breakfast on the table!!
We started our day with Scones this morning..nice feeling having to chew this yummy crunchy bread.
Spreading it with jam and honey, what better way to wake up with smiles on everyone's face ..I love that!

I took too long to post a new entry. More than ten days from my last one..baru nak bernafas sedikit untuk berkongsi secebis of my life story and menus...hoping that I don't  bore you readers. How I wish to write and share more often, tapi tak terdaya..due to my in and out schedule and commitments. 
After so many months resting from the frequent driving my Hb for therapy, last week Hb started his Acupuncture and massage at a new Chinese Medical Chiropratic. Situated at Subang SS17 for twice a week. Whilst, maintaining the physiotherapy once in a week at our area...still hoping for the best... InSha Allah. Eventhough tak jauh mana dari rumah but the traffic in Subang, Subhanallah!  jam.

 Nasi Goreng for last night dinner.
There was one time, after I dropped Hb and drove to Empire. The journey to Empire from SS17 took more than 15 mins due to the construction works that is going on. Searching for parking was another problem, took me another 15 mins as it was nearly lunch hour. Imagine, how long can I spent in there.. time was too short, one hour to spare. Enough for a quick run to the Grocer.. got some things and off back to fetch Hb...braving the rush hour. Yesterday, I hang around at McDonald SS15 with my girl sharing the Menu set lunch Nugget to fill up my hungry tummy while waiting for Hb to have lunch somewhere.  By the time we got home it was already mid afternoon. It's heart wrenching to see dearest Hb after the session done.. physically drained out due to the massage. And me.. strong at heart..and still, still trying to be strong both mentally and physically to live my life...In shaa Allah, only with God's will!


Our simple dinner..Fish Soup Meehoon

Last Monday, my eldest son took leave to settle some things with Papa.. and we went to Solaris Publika. The best thing was.. I still did not know how to get there..tiba2 dah sampai. Ever since I have been a driver to my Hb and it's like a blessing to be chauffeured around especially seated at the back seat...wah! relaxing.
I don't think I like's a different environment from the normal Shopping Complex. Bigger space from one shop to the other....tak tau mana nak cari kedai, it is so confusing... to me. Still plenty of empty shops or maybe the place is still new.

A few inviting Food Cafes around but a bit curiga with the Halal sign and not shown anywhere. When asked.. it's Pork Free.  Hb felt that the best and safest place was Mee Jawa's cafe. The food was okay tho was slightly pricey. What do you's in Publika. I highly recommend the Assam pedas. Tasted more like Assam laksa gravy.. sweet and sour. Maybe with the pineapple added together made the gravy more umph! Yum yum..
Then to Empire for a cuppa at Coffee Bean after having bought my long wait colored tea pot kettle..haha. Now, with that in the house, we have no problem having hot tea/coffee in a jiffy.

 Comel kettle saya!!

Last Sunday..
We were invited by my nephew Taqi for lunch. His wife Mimi  made a yummy lunch but claimed herself as 'budak baru belajar' I must say it was a good one for a first timer..bravo!
Though, Taqi's birthday had passed the day before ..we still had a chance to share his Blue Chelsea fan  cup cakes. His mum my sister Teh with her Hb and Izian were around. We went back after tea, and my sis Teh later came to spend a night at my place...

Pavlova for dessert done by Mimi, and that Fruit Pie
look familiar..ya, hehe. Well, a gift for Taqi from his dearly Acik.

Nasi Tomato with three curries.


Cooking as always depending on my time and mood, sometimes simple and at times quite elaborate. The Laksa cooked after having a long chat on the phone with my sis Leeza. Was like a spur of the moment when I saw the noodle..without planing or preparation. And my dear Syaf..had two serving at one sitting. better way to see a smile on yr children's face having their favorite food cooked! But not a daily routine anymore, food only cook when time permit..

And that was early lunch on last Wednesday before sending Hb for Acupunture which started at 12.30 pm. I wouldn't want him to get hungry while doing the therapy.

Cold Pasta Salad made from leftover Turkey I had baked for my daughter's birthday. And the pasta too was also left over. We really enjoyed these Salad very much..I dare say it's very delish!!!
That was how I prepared dinner...haha, never waste food.

Okay peeps..till the next entry..


  1. Howdie...
    Cantiknye kettle awak!
    Sesuatu la dgn harga kann.....

    1. There it go again...i-pad ni...
      I was mentioning sesuai la dgn harga kann...

  2. Hi Leeza..
    Cantik kann. I wanted red tapi out of stock.
    Bila nak beli..cari yg kita suka, bukan selalu beli pun.

  3. Iha
    Memang grrrr to the max kalau masuk Subang waktu kerja (weekdays) esp pagi dan lunch time.

    Scones, food and more food. Tengok satu demi satu gambar sambil terkebil2 mengenang nasib, hahahah...

  4. Assalam Kak Iha,

    Beso pengorbanan akak tu take care of dearest hb, moga mendapat ganjaran sewajarnya In sha Allah.
    p/s : memang comel betul kettle tu, mana gok beli, nok sutir!

  5. salam, awesome food as usual...thanx for sharing...that's interesting to cafes without obvious halal many British Muslims now choosing Malaysia as their honeymoon/vacation...i always tell them majority of food places are halal...but the good thing is the Muslims here as so used to asking is it halal or not...even though its clearly posted, its a hubby does it all the time, esp in a new territory. its scary here at the moment, the muslim council have discovered pork and horse meat mixed in certain halal chicken and beef burgers/sausages sold...and provided at schools too. that's why we prefer to cook everything ourselves over here, we rarely eat out! sometimes I do miss the eating out culture in malaysia...

  6. CS..menyampah masuk Subang, memang kena pergi. Kalau ikut kan dr dulu pun dah
    jam..I ingat lagi kena tunggu beberapa trafik lights bila nak mengantar anak2 ke tuition and etc.
    Food tu biasalah apa yg masak I masukkan ke blog. You pun boleh buat.

    InShaaAllah, Pahala memang senang nak cari tapi susah nak buat...
    Selama hr kak pakai teko masak air panas..selalu terlupa sampai
    half air kering..itu yg beli electrik kettle..kemudahan.

    HI Hibiscus Rosa Noor..
    I love to share..
    Not all cafes here has Halal sign, not the food is not halal but liquor sold in their cafes. But like you say, it's a habit to ask and wish to see the the Halal Chicken's cert...shld have in every cafe.
    Yes, in your case living in a Non Muslim Country you ought to be careful and for sure it's safe to cook. Nanti balik Malaysia, makan kat luar puas puas..
