Hb started Therapy at UMSC yesterday at 2 pm. and finished at 4pm. I hang around shops at Amcorp Mall for two long hours. Only the Book Store interest me.
But two hours in Bangsar is a short time. You can never compare window shopping at Bangsar Village (the place I used to go when Hb did Pyhsio at Pantai Hospital) Bangsar is known for the Rich and Famous...*suka tengok orang* I used to linger from one shop to another without feeling bored.
But *sob* Amcorp Mall is rather run down..nak pergi toilet pun takut, kinda spooky...
No choice.. that's the nearest place from UMSC to lepak lol!
Baking with fun...
Wanna share some wonderful recipes I did during the weekend.
First recipe was Scones, I baked on Saturday morning... got the recipe from Nigella. It tasted so gooood that you could keep it for one whole day *and still soft*.... I think that's the best Scones I've ever made. And thanks to my kids for the Recipe book. I had tried 4 recipes from the book and it didn't disappoint me at all.
The 2nd recipe was Cheese Cake. Not from Nigella but from my Sister Teh. I totally forgot about the cream cheese that I bought almost a month ago and already close to it's expiry date. So, I started to baked. And the result was .... Wallah! soft, creamy and Yum!
Well, you see, tho Raya has come to its end but I was still baking......
That's all for today... Adios!