Monday, June 4, 2012

Wedding with a touch of class..

Last week was full of activities, my niece and the three little angels in the house. The same time berulang alik to my friend, Kak Shidah's kenduri. A well decorated ceremony that could be described as  a wedding with 'A Touch of Class' with English inspiration.  Gather some tips, mana tau for our own kenduri nanti, kann. Someone so creative as her, we already expected, the wedding was a dream come true to her only daughter Naida.
Yet simple in colors and deco, mainly white with sheers for the bersanding. However, the preparation for Akad was lavishly done, fresh flowers everywhere that brings out the warmth and calm garden atmosphere. Sets of different crockery on every tables...with Blue Spode, Portmeiron and Lady Carlyle were served beautifully.

On the solemnization night..

Preparation before the akad...

The Arrangement and deco had  make the house looks bigger with space of it's own.. every corner something to show. Cosy sitting area was provided for guest to relax... It was beautifuly planned..
Should have taken pictures on the cutlery/ napkins and the knick knacks's so nice..
My, I don't know if my kenduri can be this detail...pengsan!

Candy Corner for the Khatam qur'an..the one under the tent (not shown) was 
for the guest during the Akad Nikah (night)

Where the Akad Nikah took place.

Comel kedua pengantin, bagai Pinang di belah dua.
Ehem...itew Red Velvet, was from my kitchen...

Kak Shidah..



The door gifts

Hope you peeps enjoy the pictures and may give you ideas to plan for your future kenduri.

Just to share..
.Miss these little angels....



  1. memang class...very english.....(^_^)...first time tgk serve dlm pinggan mangkuk berjenama...
    dotter sapa kah cantik ayu berbaju hijau itu...hehe...

  2. Salam sis Iha,

    Teruja-ruja terhadap gambaran photos akad nikah yang begitu glamour sekali. Sekian lama tidak menghadiri majlis kenduri sebegitu rupa... penghormatan yang tinggi "itew Red Velvet" dari air tangannya sis Iha, adore sesungguhnya.

    Sis Iha tampak begitu elegant dan anggun dimajlis tersebut juga para hadirin semua berdandan rapi dan bergaya manis kelihatan berseri pembawaannya.

    Comel sekali anak-anak buahnya sis Iha terutama sekali yang berdua kembar mengingatkan Ratna bahawasanya AyahdaDaddy juga kembar...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  3. Aslmkm Eni..
    Kendurinya cantik dan well planned, especially pd malm..
    Saya tak pandai ambil gambar, pada sudut2 dan kelengkapan yg tertentu.
    Masyallah, kerana memuji..

    Wkmslm Ratna..
    Kawan saya tu memang suka mengumpul barang, alas2, crockery dan macam2.
    Tiap2 kali bila buat makan akan di displaykan..barangan tak lah semua yg mahal2 yg murah pun nampak cantik. memang suka menghias. Itu yg saya katakan..saya tak pandai nak mengambil gambar..apa yg patut sahaja.

    Aww anggunkah saya Ratna? Terima kasih daun keladi..
    Twins memang comel, seronok semasa anak2 tu di rumah saya..riuh dan sekarang kembali sunyi.

  4. assalam Iha
    Seronok bila hadiri majlis kawan2. Boleh nampak empunya majlis sangat menitik-beratkan kesempurnaan. Yalah, kalau dah ada artistic flair tu, yang murah nampak mahal dan yang mahal lagilah nampak so epic :-)

    Syok juga dpt door gift sepasang cawan dan piring. Lawa pulak tu :-)

  5. Wkmslm CS..
    Seronok of course..tapi kesian Hb I..I never like to go out at night without him.

    My friend shidah memang creative, apa dia buat mesti cantik.
    Bila pulak turn kita buat kenduri kawin, agaknya ya..

  6. Sis Dear.....
    Alahai! macam mana la agaknye pulak upacara wedding anak kita ya! Janji dpt yg betul2 menantu pun dah bersyukur kan.
    But nowadays everything are money,money,money walaupun simple tambahan kalau meriah sakan...pengsan!!

  7. Aslmkm Sis...
    kenduri kita..depends on rezeki lah kut, ada duit semua boleh buat.
    Kalau kurang buat apa yg boleh..guna tenaga/kepandaian sendiri.

  8. Salam Kak Iha,
    Wah, sungguh cantik and sweet tengok. Paling suka tengok hantaran tu. Tapi suka tengok dari jauh je sebab saya tak suka gi makan kenduri :D

  9. salam Artlover,cinnamonworldofcolours- not only the set is sweet but you are sweet too;) You look so nice in that turquois blue kurung -"touch of elegant' is the word:):)No wonder you tak masak lauk kampung at home..memang susah lah nak control diri kalau dah nampak gulai rebung nyerr:) I love cooking kampung food,walaupun tak semua i makan but suka tengok orang makan;);)

  10. Wkmslm PatinPasta..
    Cantik kann..itu yang I kata well plan wedding. The lauk was nice too..nape tak suka lauk kenduri?

    Wkmslm Mamatiamia..
    Thank you for the compliment..
    I love kampong to die for. But you know it's better kalau tak nampak..kalau diamalkan besar tempayan size I..

    1. Kak Iha,
      Bukan tak suka lauk kenduri, teramat lah suka. Tapi tak suka beramai (hmm anti sosial kah?). Mak saya selalu marah sebab tak mo pergi kenduri.

  11. Patin Pasta..
    You really sound like my daughter..
    Tapi, I don't care, I hangkut habih!

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