Monday, June 18, 2012

What we did on Father's day....

'Happy Father's Day to my Dad, my Other Half and all Dad in the whole world..

Dad's smiles can brighten any moment,
Dad's hug put joy in all our days,
Dad's love will stay with us forever..
And touch our lives in Precious way...
Happy Father's Day!

We celebrated Father's Day in our house. The kids wanted to have Dim Sum but I who decided to cook. I cooked Nasi Beriani Prawn with chicken Darca and etc. Baked one special Cake 'Flourless Moroccan Cake' We simply stayed indoor just to make our own food...together. It's better that way, once in a while.

 I know that taugeh macam tak kena..tapi I nak jugak..

Flourless Moroccan Orange Cake.

 BBQ, later in the evening...
My kids were busy.. from the Supermarket getting the stuff and marinated the Chickens, Lambs, Potatoes and did the Coleslaw...started from 2.30 pm.
Around 5 pm, they started the fire for the BBQ set and grilling the Meat sometime around 6pm.
It was really fun to see them arguing over that small task.

At the the BBQ scene...the three siblings...

Ended with some burnt chickens and hard to bite lamb when one of the volunteer was busy snoozing on the wooden sofa, hahaha.

 Love those kan! It's been a long time they have not done that as siblings...not when they were younger. Taklah special mana the food that they prepared, tapi seronok kecoh2 macam tu.. Selalunya on this occasion we Eat Out... hassle free but no team work...
BBQ was such a messy thing, I always thought.. but they made up the time for their father on that special day! Thank you kids.

I got someone ordered RVC for Father's Day...
Hope she liked it..

See you peeps later...


  1. Akak
    My my my....everything looks lovely........sikit lagi blh bukak restoran.....i'll be ur partner for sure!

  2. Sis really a good cook...bertuah family sis ada mak yg pandai masak dan serba boleh....seronok tengok dia orang pakat `merenung' bbq chicken tu....hehe...

  3. Dik...
    Bukak Restoran? boleh ke laku...Memang seronok kalau ada kedai..tapi kita ni hangat2 taik ayam. I would prefer to do business from the house.

    Hi Eni..
    Terima kasih..Tak lah terer mana pun. Tapi suka di dapur dan mencuba recipe2 baru.
    Anak2 I memang suka BBQ..kalau dapt tiap2 minggu.

  4. Salam kak Iha... woahhh...what a feast for daddy's day ehhh.. nasi beriani tu macam rupa nasi Arab lah, terbaek dari ladanglah! bbq mmg best, boley kecohkecoh jom heboh! plg best dpt bergader2 sesama kheennn... esok2 boley teruskan ngan cucu cicit plak *winkwink*
    p/s : drooling over your RVC lah, looks so tempting dow...

  5. salam kak...
    (boleh panggil kak?)

    lama dah tak ke sini..apa khabar?
    tengok semua gambar makanan yg dah terlepas, tak mampu nak tahan2 betapa kecurnya...apalagi tgh berpuasa...aduiii...

    moga akak n family semua sehat walafiat ya kak!

  6. Wkmslm Yong..
    Home cooked food is always the best Yong. Tak lah sesedap Nasi Arab weh,
    jadi anak beranak enjoy makan. Oooh.. cucu? insyallah akan ku pamerkan nanti.

    Wkmslm Queenie./
    Baru semalam I tgk your nasi Beriani..malu I compare to yours. Jauh mana you punya nampak sedap..itew kambing.
    Alhamdullillah, sihat walafiat..terima kasih Q.

  7. asssalamualaikum.....bertemu blog yang seronok dibaca...terus baca baca dan baca. Ralit. TQ for sharing...

  8. Wkmslm Jun.
    Terima kasih kerana menziarah..
    You r most welcome to share.

  9. Salam sis Iha,

    Betapa terpegun lagi teruja-ruja Ratna pabila menatap segala bagai makanan juga manisan berhidang yang disediakan dengan sempurnanya, bertuah lagi beruntung seisi keluarga punyai seorang Ibu kepada Anakandanya semua juga seorang isteri bertaraf Mithali yang semestinya diberi limpahi dengan puji-pujian yang tinggi sekali.

    Setiap kali mampir di-blognya sis Iha, Ratna bagai didendang oleh sebuah lagu yang bertajuk Ibu Mithali dari Rabbani, syahdu jadinya...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  10. Wkmslm Ratna..
    Menyediakan makanan perkara biasa..itu ada tangungjawab Ratna.
    Cuma, resepinya yang berlainan..kalau ada ocassion special, barulah beriya sikit..
    Isteri Mithali tu sungguh bertaraf tinggi..saya belum lagi ketahap itu.

    Enjoy yrself with my food..Ratna.

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