Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Counting the days to New Year used to be something so thrilled when we were younger..
Celebrated with friends or close relatives with some snacks and chatted away in front of the TV enough to make us happy till the clock strike twelve. But now, I kept wondering why people get excited when the clock strike twelve..like, so what? New Year? alright.. That's how our mind change as we age. Somehow, waiting for twelve midnight.. I dah tertidur dulu but Hb still depan TV...watching Twillight, hairan betul, a guy at his age loves that kind of movie...
Teringat dulu2.. why our parents tak kesah pun about New Year celebration. Now you know.. what goes around comes around, gitu kann.

With family
 Making new resolutions this year?  Well, I guess I am no good in keeping promises lol. No doubt.. it's easy to make but hard to keep.  Insyallah thinking the positive way ..I hope. Of course, and hoping for all good things around us. Pray hard and do more good deeds and get peace in our hearts...only with God's willing..

With friends..
Anyway ..wishing you all the very best in whatever we do in this New Year and get bless by Allah..."Happy New Year"

 My cakes..

I started the New year waking up very early as we had our Mengaji  Session at 8.00 am. And rushing home before 10.00 for the weekly maids to clean the house.
So this was the easy peasy lunch I managed to serve for the New Year.

 Mee Bandung

A slice of Carrot Cake

Last Kopek before New Year..Monday 31st Dec.
But when comes to celebrate food with friends...dah lain cerita. Tak kira New Year or what as long as we can get together.. and mesti nak celebrate *wink*
We had planned to meet up at 11.00 am at 'Upstairs' in Subang Jaya for lunch.
Ya laa, nak tutup tirai 2012 and meeting to chat for two three hours. And guess what..lunch Menu only ready by twelve thirty. Alamak.. and what else other than 'The big breakfast menu'.

 The big breakfast menu
I loathe to have this kind of food especially in a new cafe. What choice  did I have but to order like the rest.

Coffee is always the acception that I cannot resist.
We thought we could try some pastries or maybe pasta after that...burppp! that' was already full and can't have anymore...because we ordered 2 slices of cakes, RVC and Chocolate Cake...

True enough, time flies when we're having fun... that two hours was really a short time.
It's always a habit to linger outside the cafe before we say goodbye for 2012 and will continue in 2013..insyallah.

 Dinner at my sis Leeza house in Subang Jaya..Sunday 30th Dec

Only the guys were allowed to be in the picture, ladies not in proper attire...*kepala togel*.
Leeza cooked Mee Curry and Chocolate Cake.

Last but not least..
Mengaji at my place with Pulut kuning and Kari Daging.

Doa Selamat..

With Uztazah
Okay, I am out of words already...sleepy eyes..
Had a long day today, keeping the house tidy and packing for a getaway!! 
Adios..and see you soon, Insyallah!


  1. Assalam Kak Iha,

    Happy New Year Kak...semoga 2013 menanti kak Iha dalam penuh barokahnya, enjoy your getaway!

  2. Salam sis Iha & Selamat menyambut Tahun Baru 2013 ini, semoga apa sahaja yang dihajati do'a&niat buat tahun ini akan dipermudahkan hendaknya...

    Semoga blog nya sis Iha senantiasa berwarnawarni dengan hidangan masakan&manisan yang Ratna adore sekali !

    Selamat beristirehat&bercuti, semoga udara ditempat percutian menyamankan rasa perasaan sambil sepasang mata menikmati keindahan sekeliling yang semulajadi cantiknya...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  3. Salam Kak Iha,
    Like always, can't come here without drooling over your spread of delish food.

    Wishing you happy new year!

  4. assalam Iha
    Happy belated new year.... semoga segalanya dipermudahkan (+ with or w/out maid).

    Awal tahun dah bergetaway? This getaway aka honey moon juga ke? Auwww...

  5. Aslmkm Kenkawan semua..
    Sorry for the late reply. Baru balik dr Holiday.

    Yong...Semoga tahun baru ini juga membawa kebaikan kepada Yong sekeluarga.

    Insyallah, apa yang di hajati akan dimakbulkan oleh Allah kepada kita semua..
    dengan kesihatan supaya dapat mewarnikan hidup dan hidangan utk keluarga kita ya..

    Patin Pasta..
    If that make you happy by looking at my food..
    do come here often..I am delightful to present you more.
    Happy New Year!

    CS dear...
    Happy New Year to you and family..I hope so di permudahkan urusan rumah dengan
    kesihatan yang baik. My getaway tertakluk kepada anak bongsu, ikut cuti dia.

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