Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Incredible Book Fair...

Last Friday and Saturday my daughter Fifa and me spent mostly on bed..with bloated stomach. Fifa threw out a couple of times. Yes, we both got affected..Food Poisoning. It's an uncomfortable feeling. Must be the food we had that afternoon at Anjung Merah. The ailment could be caused by unhygienic food due to not cleaned vegetables or food served uncovered. People like us especially with weak stomach suffers if we are not careful.

By Sunday, we went to Book Fair despite the gas that had been disturbing us. The Book Fair was organized by 'Big Bad Wolf'. Was held at Mardi Maeps Hall A, in Serdang. When we reached the car park, there were a few buses waiting to send us to the Hall. See, we don't have to walk, and the Hall was quite a distance away....bestnya naik bus. Mana ada saja2 nak naik bus.

The bus ride.

When we entered the Hall, O.M.G. there were mountains and mountains of Books we saw. Gosh! Cookery section had more than 6 rows or so....giler...
While we separated from the kids, I clung to Hb..Well, not eazy, tiap2 kali tengok buku, pusing tengok Hb, takut hilang. If we knew earlier, we would have brought a bag. we had to carry piles of books by two hands, tak larat kan. Nampak kotak kosong, terus masuk kan semua buku2....Adoi, beratnya. So, you know berapa banyak kita beli. Worth going! Berbaloi..
Now, I have a collections of Cookery Books. Boleh lah nak buka kedai masak. I would really recommend that everyone should go..It's cheap about 75% to 95% sale..better go!! And you would not regret it. Hats off to 'Big Bad Wolf' for organizing such systematic Event. It's was well organized, Bravo!!
Hmm...thinking of going again and again.....

Best, tak tau mana nak tuju dulu..

Hey Pa, stick by me. Can't bare to lose you!

The Cookery section

You see that story book, yes, Danielle Steel, one of
my favorite Writer, only rm8.00..Cheap!

Hb's collections!!

Meanwhile, Dinner last night...'Beef Rissoles'

Have a fabulous week.


  1. apsal kita tak tau pung ada sale buku ni, tp kt serdang uihh jauh nun, sakan shopping buku yek, tp mmg tak buleh menahan klu tgk cook books murah2 cam tu kan.. nti klu dah try share2 lah resepi kt sini eh.

  2. Oh Yong, pegi lah..giler tau.. Actually tak jauh dkt Mardi, just before Sri kembangan.
