Saturday, October 1, 2011

Afternoon Tea With My Neighbors...


Time flies before you know it..sedar2 dah habis Syawal, and one month to another dengan sekelip mata. And now it had been a week I'd sent and waited for Hb, approximately 2 hrs everyday. Another week to go and we will see the outcome of the Therapy.
And this time, no more Amcorp Mall but to Bangsar and...Midvalley lol. It wasn't that far, not more than 5 kilometers after all. Jalan sorang2 and when you get parking far from the entrance is really a nightmare. But I did walked alone the other day, was lucky it was just a few meters away my car to the entrance. So, yesterday I brought my maid along. Wah! happiness mek Indon tu...smilling all the way, sempat called her daughter telling that she's out to KL.
It's Metro Sale.. nothing extravaganza. But you know, bila dengar 'Sale' mesti nak beli. Itu pun I got the really really bargain goods...mostly for my kids, bedsheets, towels and what not. Did I get anything for myself? Well ya, also from bargain corner, some plates. It's a must to be around the Living Quarters.

Tea With Neighbors...
We had Tea in my house with my neighbors yesterday on their request. A small group gathering. After coming back from my errand I quickly prepared Beef Pie, Sandwiches, Croissant Pudding and Triffle...a bit too elaborate eh! My neighbors's mum Datin Sharifah *someone I look up to, tho from a high society background yet humble and a wonderful Mum as I like to describe her and who adore me, wished to have Tea with us. We were pleased, of course. I invited a few more guests, Kak Faridah/Hb and Zulita *she came alone* Just a few days ago, my neighbor Kak Faridah had invited us for Tea *the same people invited to my house*..and from there it continues... There will be an invitation after this from Zulita. Alhamdullillah, melimpah2 rezeki makan tahun ni.

At Kak Faridah's house...

She prepared Laksa Johor and Shepperd Pie

Kak Faridah and Kak Sharifah *as she like to be called*

The guys

Hope you too enjoyed your Tea with your neighbors!
Wishing you a lovely weekends


  1. Bagus betullah relationship ngan jenjiran yek! walau tak ramai tp atleast ada le bercampur, cam saya jiran buleh kata gathering setahun sekali, tu pun klu ada rumah terbuka! klu terserempak hari2 biasa tu kira bertuah le tu, tu pun say hi hi bye bye jawapnya!
    p/s : pie tu nampak mengancam, klu guna instant pastry cam cap Kawan tu ok tak?

  2. kawasan kak tak banyak melayu, but kita melayu cina and indians here are rather close. The non malays kalau buat makan they make sure fr halal caterings.
    Oh yes, I used instant pastry, kawan memang ok. But if you can make yr own pastry lagi sedap.. *I used to*
