Sunday, October 21, 2012

Another Cuttoo do..

Thursday,18th October.
What I am about to share is none other than Food and Get together.. It's true alright I haven't relaxed from my kitchen lately, cooking for the Raya and now came another round of our Cuttoo Gettogether. It's our monthly affair Cuttoo do. The last Cuttoo session ended in July and we started the next round immediately the following month. I and Rita are still partners *partners in crime, hehehe* and ended up getting no 3 cabutan bertuah. So, nasib laa, we have a long way to go paying for the rest of the months ahead. Kudos, to our  Queen Cuttoo Fairuz who is very efficient in money collections  and invitations. While Rita and me only get the food done. I do not have to rush home or worry about Hb, and volunteered to do at my house again.. Speaking about Hb, he preferred to be in his room with food sent up and enjoying his computer and TV program while we ladies enjoyed ourselves eating/chatting downstairs. Well, Hb is always a sport if you should know, he wouldn't mind to join in but I know the ladies would find it awkward with one gentleman around, or they would have to behave well...boleh ke?

The Menu was always and forever be the Selera Kampung style. Oh Gosh! kena sekali dengan kawan2 ku yang suka makan apatah lagi with all the selection of ulam ulaman. I hate making Sambal belacan so Rita had to provide  that *beli saja* And one more favorite mouth watering  kerabu Jantung Pisang was Roslina's specialty, too bad not in the picture, she came rather late.

The Ulam ulaman with sambal tempoyak
With Gulai Tempoyak, Masak lemak Nenas Ikan masin,
Terung masak Cili, and Kerabu Mangga.
My Western Menu: Roast Beef and Chicken Pie.

To me, the heavenly savory food is always the kampong know, two plates the least I will have compared to the western food.

Dessert Corner..
Left: Chocolate Oreo cake, Sticky Date Cake, Red V. Cake
and Croissant Bread Pudding.
*Hmm..wondering kalau buka booth selling those food, laku ke*

Sticky Date Cake with Caramel Sauce.

 Rita *partner* in baju kurung came early to help up..

Stefh and Jenny

The Turban Girls..
It was very funny, the theme for the day was *Turbans* And as for the hostess, I decided not to wear, turban tu sungguh memanaskan keadaan, running around with the food... so tak sporting langsung.
 Apa2 pun.. tied it up later after everything was served and Wallah! don't you think we look like Gurkas?

The Gurkas, hehehe..

Auww! mengancam Kak Shidah.


What's the joke about, frens?

Alhamdullillah everything went well according to plan...and we had a great time.
Well, thats' all folks for now. Till next time with more updates on beautiful flowers or craft/paintings instead of food ya..whooh!


  1. Omg...tetiba laporrr tgk kampung mouth watery! N dessertnyer sgt membunuh perasaan ku mengancam you..
    P/s I think you look younger with that turban thing,gurka pun gurka lahhh janji u guys had fun!

  2. Salam sis Iha,

    seawal pagi sudah bikin Ratna ter..mengidam dengan gambaran photos yang sesungguhnya mengancam selera..! Ya ampun... lama nian tidak bermakan berhidang sedemikian rupa penuh dengan masakan secara kampong, adore sangat-bangat!

    Gimana pun, ceria rasa perasaan dengan hanya menatap kemesraan yang teserlah tampak diwajah memasing Ratu-ratunya sis Iha...

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  3. Yong..
    Bukan you saja yang laporr tgk lauk kmpng..I pun. Sedapkan dapat ulam dengan sambal pun dah cukup.
    Thank you for the compliment nampak younger dengan Turban, mintak maaf je, tak kan ku pakai lagi itu turban.

    Wkmslm Ratna..
    Tak ada siapa pun yang tak suka makanan kampung kann..memang boleh berhenti bila mengadap.
    Berkumpula secara begini di amalkan sebulan sekali..sekurang2nya hilang stress bila ada gelak dan tawa.

  4. assalam Iha
    Patutlah you MIA seketika rupanya bizi memasak dan menjamu selera.

    Your friends semua tu LOL macam kita ke? Diorang semua tu baca blog you tak?

    p/s: kalau you bukak dessert corner jual those desserts, sure laku punya!

  5. Wkmslm CS..
    Apakah MIA itu?
    My friends memang pun LOL lebih dr I...baca blog I tapi tak suka berbloging..apa da! Tapi berfacebook...tapi kannn I yg x ada pulak.

    So you be my first customer lah bila I bukak corner jual desserts, ya..
    nnti boleh dpt discount taw!

  6. Iha
    MIA is missing in action :-)
    Kalau I tak jadi your 1st customer, I tak dapat diskaun ke? Huwaaaa...shedih nih...

  7. CS...
    Ohh ok.
    Tak pa, not being the 1st customer pun I still can give you discount untuk 1st time customer ok!

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