Monday, October 8, 2012

Let our conscience be our guide..

Look at how time flies and before you know it, it's already a New Week. They say, time flies when you're having fun. Engrossed with things around us, tak sedar rambut dah putih, badan mula sakit and the next thing you know, our time is up. But that's life, as time does not wait for anybody. Only with  amalan di dunia adalah bekalan kita. True enough only our good deeds that's going to get us to heaven.
What have we prepared?  Do we deserved to be in Heaven? What have we done? Bila di tanya nanti, adakah  jawapannya.. Bergardening, Berjalan2, dan Bermakan2.?? Oh dear, apakah kebaikan yang dilakukan selain itu? Let our conscience be our guide.

*By time,
  Indeed, man kind is in loss
  Except for those who believed
  and done righteous deeds
  and advised each other
  to truth and advised
  each other to patience*     
  Surah Al Asr.

Ya Allah, permudahkan lah dan perbanyakan lah hamba mu dengan amalan kebajikan.
Do the right thing before our light is switch  off.

Dinner has to be of the good deeds in everyday life.
Tonight's dinner..

Beef Rissoles

Telling about how time flies *sigh* our youth has left us longer a young chick..already a Makcik, no doubt on that.. can also be call Grandma...*one day..pasti*
No more with fancy clothes or  those fashionable earrings and accessories...those were the days. The younger days... all was fun and worries aside...

That someone used to be so little, so doting has become a young lady and already making own choices in life. And putting on high fashion clothes, high heels shoes wearing accessories like the incredible ring on the index finger...* I suker, but never want to try* Smells of sweet scented perfume on her that you could smell even a hundred meters away. And sharing my clothes/handbags and shoes and sometimes my compact powder or what not can be found in her bag...OMG. I always thought my things was Old School to her..hehe, not anymore I guess.  Hmm.. one lucky girl, being the only daughter and we happen to be wearing the same size. Always joke to her brothers that everything Mum's is hers. Her whisper to Papa can take her anywhere. But one thing for sure she knows her limit...Thank God!
And I do hope that she won't mess her life with so much fun and putting worries aside. She will be better than me in so many aspect. May Allah lead her in the right path.. 

Hb was with second son back to Perak for family discussion *a day trip* Alhamdullillah, he's stronger and managing himself without me. Aside from me, my second son is the most reliable person when comes to taking care of Papa.
I took the opportunity to go out with my eldest son and daughter to Pavillion. We always love going to Food Republic. Crazy for hawker food ever since younger days lagi. .esp the Curry Mee.
But NO, NO, not this time, hehe, it's nothing better or healthier than C.Mee pun. Guess what? Fried Kotiaw...delicious, really spoon licking good!


Yong Tow Foo

 Claypot Mee


Fettucine with tomato Gravy and Fried chicken

On the same day..

My girl with Anik preparing a Birthday cake for best friend.
That's my girl. Life is not about being the special one.
Being in the kitchen is where we girls excel.


This day was Pasar Malam day, I usually buy fruits that could last more than a week.
I will serve my family with good nutrients food.. Fruits for breakfast with cereal and
after dinner.

Hmm.. thinking of making Apple Pie..

 Fruit juice, is  good for constipation..
Ever since, the call of nature is always easy for me


The favorite Coffee that we both must have.

Yum yum, cookies from Norway..


The simple Mee bandung



Thank you for dropping by. Till the next entry..insyallah.
Remember, The quality of your life, is the result of the quality
of your time.


  1. Salam sis Iha,

    apa lah yang seharusnya Ratna nyata kata kan lagi... karena apa yang sis Iha ulas kan dari mengopek sehingga tampak isinya sudah pun benar sebenarnya.. setuju sekali..

    Cantik, ayu lagi teserlah keanggunan satu-satunya princess kesayangan sis Iha, lindungi lah buah hati sis Iha dengan sepenuh kasihsayang...

    Setiap kali menyapa salam pasti dijamu indah dengan gambaran photos yang menawan terus berbunga rasa perasaan... adore dengannya itu wraps juga mee bandung..

    Salam manis semanis madu.

  2. totally true sis!! U really hav a quality life n bahagia nya u dgn family yg pnyayang, pergi mana pun bersama, ur daughter yg bkn saja cntik mnawan but look sgt brsopan + ur yummy food.. Hihi..

  3. next time bg la tips how u educate ur child, bole jd panduan for us!

  4. Wkmslm Ratna..
    Gambaran memang selalu nya indah belaka, cantik dan sedap mata memandang.
    Hakikatnya selalu pandang kearah positive..lihat lah keliling kita.
    Warna kan hidup atas kemampuan masing2.

    Masyallah dan Alhamdllh ke hadrat Allah.. dan terima kasih kerana memuji si dara ku. Insyallh, Allah peliharakan dia.
    dan akan ku lindungi penuh dengan kasih sayang supaya jadi anak solehah..Insyllh.

  5. Sweet Mom..
    Alhamdullah apa2 pun sehari dua ini memang kami selalu bersama..having quality time..bonding. Insyllh supaya berpanjangan..mintak2 sampai mereka berkeluarga.
    Hidup ini ada ups and down..adakala bahagia adakala tidak..tak kan I nak tunjuk gambar bergaduh kut..hehe.

    Mashaallah dan Alhamdllh, anak dara I tak cantik mana pun...suka melawakan diri.
    Thank you for dropping by.

  6. Assalam sis
    Jus by looking at ur blog is enough to make me drool. Tak blh jadi ni asyik fikir makan makan makan...i've put so much weight lately.

  7. assalam Iha
    . your mee bandung komain cukup sifatnya whereas mine, cincai jer
    . that fettuccine ... nyampah taw :-)
    . semuanya owh-SOM!!

    Nikmat dunia, alhamdulillah diberi peluang menikmatinya dan dipermudah untuk mendapatkannya (syukur sangat2 kan?)

  8. Wkmslm Leeza..
    Anything you snapped and paste kat blog pasti mengancam.
    Get some fruits to kudap2. Anyway, see u in KL.

    Wkmslm CS..
    Hari tu buat, tersedap lah pulak *hb kata* hehe..
    walaupun very simple resepinya. 2nd time buat..failed.

    Alhamdullh banyak peluang Allah berikan, cuma kita yang tak
    nampak..apapun walau kecil patut bersyukur.

  9. Assalam kak Iha..

    i love this post the most! keep nodding my head agree with your words line after line. tak sabar nak tunggu cik Aly besau cam Fifa and share girl's things haha.. but by the time i surely dah tua kerepot hoho!
    your food pix never fail to tempt my eyes! cam sodap je makan kt pavi tu, kita tak pernah pergi pun, cik abe klu ajak area kay el selalu nak ngelak, malas nak tempoh jem kata dia!
    p/s : akak... saya suka bebeno ngan stucture dapur akak tew, sgt awesome, yg gambo fifa tgh masak ngan Anik tu, amik kontraktor kt maner? if you don't mind to share I'll be glad

  10. Wkmslm Yong..
    Thank you for liking this post. I had Fifa when I was 31, so kereput ke I sekrng?
    I dah kata, apa pun food you snap n paste it here, sure nampak best kann.
    Memang sodap lah kat Food republic tu..semua ada.

    Oh you loike my kitchen eh. A cousin recommended me to this cabinet maker started as normal carpenter *family business* So bila I tunjuk magazine English Homes,dia terkejut u..I kata I nak juga exactly like that. So, being a business minded chinese man *hb/wife, they agreed. And because of my kitchen, dia pun ada air harga naik melambong..and take my kitchen as a model or ref to their customer. Nama kedai *lavender* belakang usj 17 berdepan Putra Heights.
