Friday, December 7, 2012

Color changes your mood....

Look at the time... it flew away leaving us with incidents that stay but sometime..  went by off our mind just like that. And all had happened, was a lesson that could help us to correct ourselves. But, that only depends... whether we take that as a lesson or at worst scenario as a punishment. Normally, we just sobbed through out those times and do nothing..not making any changes in life progress.
Sigh...trying to live to except life as it is... easy but hard to do. As we know that life is uncertain of what you will get in the near future.We never seemed to look at the positive side but always the negative. And makes life so complex. Then blame it on life. Even, if we look at the positive side..if things is going to happen, it continue to happen. Though, that's the truth... life is such, fair or not... we have to carry on with what ever undertaking that will be given to us. Don't get tangle up and try not to blow a fuse for nothing.Only by accepting it with a mind that had been set or channel it to the way you want it, insyaallah we will love what we are doing and not blaming on fate. I hope I bare that in my mind.
Nothing is simple in this world..but you can always try to make life interesting.

Two months had passed..being a Madame cum maid to  my own house, so far okay, alhamdullillah..I am still coping. I slept early almost every night and wake up extra early in the morning..lastly landed on the sofa during the afternoon...penat, lol.

Do you know that Colors can change your mood?

Orange makes you feel excited

Seeing Red makes us faster and stronger.
And it also associated with Love, Warmth and Comfort.

Chicken sandwiches
Blue is the color of Sky and Sea..It's the color of
Pure and Calm
Those colors I had choose to brighten up my kitchen.. I got the Orange Pot from a friend...I love it.
Whilst the Red Teapot and the blue plate was from my Granma's collection which has been given to me long long time ago. All the while I didn't take notice that I have plenty of radiant colors on my shelves. Now, when ever I be at my kitchen.. it will cheer me up..insyallah!

Enough for this entry sharing those two radiant and one calming color... maybe in the next entry will try to bring and share more.

I cooked a few dishes yesterday...and burp! nikmat makan yang tak terhingga. Strange but true, when you take charge of the kitchen, berselera makan menjadi jadi,.ish, ish!
And for dinner yesterday.. just a simple chicken sandwiches.

Top left, Fried bean sprout, Fried prawns,
Masak Lemak Cendawan and that Fish roe was the best...served
with warm rice..thanks to Sis Leeza who brought back from Sarawak.

We went to Mid Valley..with Hb and my daughter. It's been sometime, she had not joined us. Wondering around at The Gardens and especially Robbinsons, made me so alive with all the bright colors on display. Don't ask me the price.. please, it's ridiculously expensive...but I wish to have those for my kitchen. Nanti, simpan duit banyak2 then I will get what I must have... heehee
We stopped for lunch at Chili's.

What a spread...

This is mine..heehee
At Metrojaya, seronok bila bab menjamu mata walaupun tak membeli. Tak membeli? hehe...adalah a few things at the Living Quaters...nothing much to buy after all, but just for the fun of going out together. Do you believe that when you look at beautiful will drain down your stress or you become more stress if you cannot have it? Well... look at the positive side.

 Fried Lamb with rice on Sunday


Fried rice for lunch for the two of us..

Nice ya..having our lunch at our small Island in the kitchen
Can you believe it..we never had our meal there ever since we had a maid.
Our dinner on Tuesday...'Light and Easy'

Wednesday...Girls Day Out..
Since Fifa had no class on that day, I got green light by Hb dearest to spent time with K.Shidah and Dina to Rohani's house in Bukit Jelutong. She had invited us for lunch in her new house...beautiful, simple yet very elegant to me. The setting and placing of furniture was in the right places. And were served nasi Padang cooked by her maid.. Hmm..lebih baik dari Ratu Sari


The very famous Durian Crepe..prepared by the hostess..

Nice setting..

 The day didn't end at Ani's house..we proceeded to Subang Bistari to another friend's house Zurinah. Still..too much food were served on the table..Well, this is how Malaysian entertain guest, I supposed.

Zurinah has plenty of nice selection of crockery..from all sorts of brand. Phew, juling mata I..

Adios...see you later!
Opps..I just received photos from Cuttoo Gettogether via my whatsapp.. Sorry! not be able to attend.. No one to baby sit Hb dearest..Next time maybe.. You guys have fun, huh!!


  1. Hello sis!
    The teapot is lovely...the plates are lovely...n the food especially are lovely...lovely (3x)
    Sape yg tak ada selera nk makan...jenguk-jenguk lah kat ur blog...pasti terus kedapur mencari kudap2.

  2. Hi Leeza..
    you know that I forgot that I have that Teapot..nice kann..
    Sebenarnya my cooking bukannya sedap mana pun..make up cantik2 then baru snap..that's the trick!

  3. salam Kak Iha,
    mmg betul tak dpt disangkal lagi kata kak leeza jenguk2 kt blog akak mesti pitaammmmm keter-drooling-an ngan makanan2 yg mengancam tu.
    ni nak tanya satu soklan tp malu, u all punya alas plate sgt cantik2, mana beli ek? tp kalau mahal tak jawap soklan pun takper, kita simpan duit dulu huhuhu...

  4. Salam sis Iha,

    begitu juga dengan Ratna disini... semenjak bersuhu beku sehingga air dikolam renang menjadi beku sebekunya! sebagai penaik semangat dari seminggu nan lepas, sudah Ratna warna warni kan disekitaran dalaman dengan bunga-bunga kembangan nan segar... begitu nyaman serasanya dimusim yang sesungguhnya dingiiiiin... ya ampun... tatkala membaca isikandong coretan sis Iha, Ratna serta merta bersetuju dengan ulasan mengenai ber-positive sebolehnya terhadap diri dimana ada ketikanya perkara-perkara rumit yang melanda lantas melemahkan semangat diri... apa sahaja kesulitan yang datang menyapa, atasi lah dengan bijaksananya... dan jangan sesekali menyalahkan "kehidupan" karena kehidupan yang nyaman datangnya dari kita sendiri, terpulang kepada empunya diri gimana diwarna warni kan sebagai penawar semangat, itu lah namanya "perjalanan hidup"(indah & sedih)dan terima lah dengan seadanya yakni bersyukuran dengan apa yang diberkati olehNya walau pun sekecil/sebesar mana rezeki itu sejurus ber-Alhamdulillah...

    Dan... Ratna adore blog-nya sis Iha karena setiapkali diwarna warni kan dengan pelbagai masakan&manisan yang menambat selera beserta sekali dengan kemesraan bersama sahabat handai semua...

    Salam manis semanis madu

  5. Wkmslm Yong..
    Makanan yg di pamer hasil dr satu minggu..tak kira masakan sendiri atau pun dari mana2 asalkan memumenuhkan post ku..hehe.

    Placemate kak Iha collected semasa beli kat overseas sometime ago. Kat sini you can get kat Bangsar village..kalau tak silap kat tingkat 3..

    Wkmslm Ratna..
    Seronok ya..bila dapat mewarnakan sesuatu tempat yang kita selalu berada seperti dapur. Memang berasa riang dan bertenaga untuk menyiapkan makanan utk keluarga.
    Diharap Ratna pamerkan gambaran dapur warna warni Ratna di musim sejuk ini..
