How many times do I need to be reminded to Eat well. I have failed each time I passed by any kopitiam that showed pictures of Curry laksa with cockles and maybe foo chuk in it. *Sigh* Sungguh lemah diri ku ini. But, Insyallah I'll start to cut down some calories tomorrow, maybe by doing exercise first, huh! I have been a fan to channel Zee(hindi) for sometime now, doing yoga and aerobic..*off and on*. For all you know, as we aged our movement is getting slower and so does our metabolism. That means, eat well and do the workout.Whatever... never give up! And have self control on anything that allures you like curry laksa, he,he.
Sorry, no picture of curry laksa!
Painting? oh yes, I'm doing blue and white cutlery box for a customer. It's pretty cool I guess. And still unfinished. Somehow or rather painting has given me a wonderful feeling of satisfaction. And sure does give a relaxing and laziness after spending hours of sitting. Every part of your body ached. Fats start to show around my hip downwards. Anything you do, do it moderately.
This is the cutlery box and has not been varnished yet. Cool, huh!!
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