If it didn't bring you joy
Just leave it behind
Let's ring in the New Year
with good things in mind
Let every bad memory go
That brought heartache and pain
And let's turn a New leaf
with the smell of New rain
Let's forget past mistake
Making amends for this year
Sending you these greetings
To bring you hope and cheer.
When you make a mistake
don't look back at it long.
Take the reason of the thing
into your mind and then look forward.
Mistakes are lessons of wisdom
The past cannot be changed,
The future is yet in your power.
A New Year will appear at any minute from now. How time had passed leaving us with good memories to cherish. The bad one... will linger in our mind. The 2011 was so full of life. Being someone very important to the beloved family. Hope the New Year will bring more pleasant surprise to us all.
Everyone has their differences and misunderstandings along the way, be it with their spouse or with anyone else.. lidah pun tergigit ini kan pulak kita sesama manusia. Mustahil tak ada misunderstanding during the past..everyone had! Mistakes are part of human life.. don't take too long to mourn for the mistakes you've done. Because it will take you no where. Just have faith in yourselves for correcting what you have done. For as long as you admit your mistake.. Take people for what they are. As we do know all human being has bad and good qualities in them....One could have good heart but bad manners. And one could have good manners but No heart. Never judge a mans actions until you know his motives. Look at the brightest or good side of others. No one is perfect! neither me or you.. Don't punish a person for their one stupid mistake...they could change to a better person. We never know what our future says.. if tomorrow we might make the worst mistake...Na'uzubillah!!
And remember; what ever happens, happens for a reason. What is meant to be is meant to be.
You only live once..but if you do it right, once is enough.
Sempena menutup tirai tahun 2011 ini, kami sekeluarga ingin meminta kemaafan sekiranya ada tersalah silap dalam penulisan atau perbuatan kasar. Sebagai manusia, tidak boleh lari daripada membuat kesilapan.
Semoga tahun 2012 membawa sinar yang baru dari Allah Swt.
To err is human; to forgive, divine...
Let's bring back memories of FOOD during 2011...
Thank you for visiting this humble blog of mine.
Happy New Year Everyone.. May we have a wonderful year in 2012..insyallah!