Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cooking Mood!

Tuesday, 15th Nov.
I went with Hb to 'Citta Mall' in Ara Damansara yesterday... We were looking for a blender/juicer at Harvey Norman on the 2nd floor. To our surprised, Mr Harvey Norman happened to be there with his VVIP...*tak perasan yang mana satu, org ni kata yg itu, ada yg kata yg itu..argh! tak penting pun* Sungguh melambatkan keadaan..every sales person were so formal and tense.
We were there also for Jalan2 dan Cari makan. Lunch, we had rice...slightly heavy, then dinner baru lah I make something light. My kids are light eaters..*depending on the food* They don't mind if its Noodle, Pasta or Sandwiches, anything but not rice for dinner. Tiba2 hujan selebat lebatnya. Our car was not parked at the basement, did not want to be soaked in the heavy rain.. jadi, duduk lah dekat Cawan, minum Teh Tarik. Tunggu sampai about 3.10pm *tak solat zohor lagi tu* But this is the way our life is rushing home... we have all the time to ourselves. So, why not enjoy life as is now. Alhamdullillah!...

Once back home... reached my laptop, and looked for Bread recipe from one Blogger *recipe books punya lah berlambak tapi... And I decided to bake hmm...guess what? 'Hokkaido Milky Loaf'' Simple as ABC..seriously! I never ever thought that it could be that easy. It was so beautifully cottony soft and of course Yummy! I just want to have it with Butter and Kaya. For the family I made Mushroom soup added with potatoes, carrot and add lots of herb *thymes, oregano etc..*..nampak interesting lah sikit.

Sprinkle of Poppy Seeds and Sesame Seeds on top

Simple food but nice to eat

Wednesday, 16th. Nov
Meanwhile tonight's dinner and dessert.....hehehe! *gelak berlagak*
*Mood rajin*

Marinara Pasta *Seafood Pasta*

And Dessert...Apple Pie

Makan dengan Cream

Well, enjoy the photos and Goodnight!


  1. Iha
    Enjoy the photos? nak nangish nihaaa looking at the apple pie n that cottony buns. I goda I untuk menguli nampaknya nih.

    p/s: Semalam I gantung pots n pans :-)

  2. Hahaha...memang pun I nak goda org memasak.
    Akceli kan, masak tak susah tau..I love FOOD, itu yang I cuba sedaya upaya untuk buat sampai jadi.

    Kan, kita housewife, apa nak buat lagi...
    Nape yang gantung pots n pans? Sentap lagi?

  3. Iha
    Tak sentap tapi dah penat keluar rumah atas urusan peribadi dan urusan kerajaan, cewah.

    Bun tu serupa Rima punya ke? -CS-

  4. Tak, I ambik dr blog Whiz. one day I post kan the recipe..insyallh.

  5. Salam sis Iha, ya ampun ..... mon Dieu! kenapa Ratna jauh nun dihujung dunia nan luas ini ...... menawan, cantik-jelita, terpesona hati menatap segala bagai hidangan masakan dari sis Iha semuanya tampak super yummy, yummmy ... berkenan kepada apple pie juga Hokkaido milky loaf dan paling sangat-sangat berkenan ialah dengan segala tableware/dinnerware services yang begitu elegant sekali, adore!

    Salam manis manis madu.

  6. Salam to my dear Ratna...
    Tergamam saya setelah Ratna masih lagi brblogging. Ingatkan tiada lagi Ratna menyingah..apa2 pun thank you Ratna for coming to my blog again.
    Gambaran tableware yg dipamer itu adalah collection sudah puluhan tahun umurnya..price yang paling reasonable..tapi very sentimental buat saya.
    Nice to hear from you..

  7. salam kak Iha dearie,
    fuihhhh gambo2 foodie akak makin mantopssss...dan menggiurkan, dan dah beso godang ngeh ngeh...keep it up hot mama, i just love feasting my eyes with gorjes foodie pix! mushroom sup bila musim hujan sgt ngam! bebila senang post sekali resepinya yek kak, kita ni suka kumpul resepi tapi nak masaknya...ada malas sket hahha...

  8. Yong..
    You nak resepi Mushroom soup? Shhhh..straight from Campbell's can la. I cuma add potatoes/carrot
    and dry herbs.
