Monday, November 14, 2011

Why Worry Too much...

Orchids in my garden

The mind is rather tired, stress and my body ached since last night....I wasn't up to anything...I've been thinking a lot on unnecessarily things, lately.. *sometimes..* Excessive and on going worry and fear! I'm a hugh worrier. I worry about everything big and small. This is what happen... when the mind is so active and don't know how to control...It drains your mental energy, it keeps you from sleeping and unwinding, and wears your body out.
Adakah itu satu penyakit yang dipanggil Anxiety Disorder?

This stage is the stage whereby I have to control my coping with my middle age syndrome, with Hb's condition and coping with my growing up Children. These are normal to everyone, we sure have problems coming our way..betul kan? I fear something would happen each ever my boys came back late and then relieved when they were back safely. Not that I haven't reminded myself, that they can take care of themselves, but my imaginations were way far to be controlled. Sometimes, I was awake for a few hours....just worrying!
How to overcome worries?? Huhuhu.

Unlike Hb, he is One Cool Person. He never jump on things unnecessarily...I bet, if some people suffer what he's suffering now, sure in depression... but thank God.. he's trying his best coping it. Of course, not easy....
Nothing that cannot be solved. Whatever the situation is bawak2 lah bertenang, berzikir dan beristifar banyak2. Only to God is the right Path.

In any situation we could be in, the everyday meal is a MUST to prepare thing...
This is what Hb had for Dinner tonight, Salmon with Salad.

And something simple for lunch today..

Yesterday's dinner...
Roast Beef with Baby Potatoes. We had it with rice.

The night is still young.. but my eyes are showing sign zzzzz...
No worry and be Happy, right guys!
Adios..n Gdnight!


  1. Dok hilang kemana, ada kt sini je hehee....
    Oh dear, sindrom tu long ago dah melekat ngan saya ni, I guess we ladies mmg susah nak control emotions esp. tang worry too much over small-small thing, like me, kt tempat keje asyik tak tenteram ingat anak2, terpikir2 elok ke pengasuh jaga mereka, takut le mcm2 kes tercekik lah, budak hilang lah OMG macam2 hinggap kt kepala sampai migrain...well u r right, only to Him kita bertawakal dan berserah kan, and you are not alone dear.

  2. Salam Yong...
    Alah hai, I don't feel at least now, hehe.
    Hb kata I ni paranoid! Stress over nothing.
    Nasib baik ye, I got to ronda2 kat Malls kan..hilang juga stress.

  3. Iha
    Macam Yong tulis, you are not alone. Kita punya worries macam laut tak bertepi kekdahnya (cewah); mungkin kita kurang bertawakkalkah? Apa pun I rasa part worry2 nih memang kerja orang pempuan. I tengok my hubby tu, lepas say his wisdom words, dia boleh relax. I plak paksa diri to follow up on this n that hal ehwal anak2.. tu baru 2 aje tu, kalau sepuluh?

    Your juadah is to die for.. Tu mee sua soup tu, my hb's fav. I masukkan ketola n udang; or else udang with daun bawang jer. Dah senang, nak lagi senang, hehe.. Alhamdulillah..-CS-

  4. Salam..
    I tau worry ni memang kerja perempuan je.. tu yang I tulis ni nak tunjuk kat Hb.. betapa ramai we perempuan yang sengsara..heee.
    Kalau I tak creative kat dapur, kat mana I nak lepas gerammm. Just joking hehe..
