Salam everyone..
Alhamdullillah.. kini bersiaran lagi. Biasalah..busy with my daily chores and coping up with Hb's appointments. This time around, we dicided to seek another alternative.. Chinese Medical Doctor.. imagine of all places in Bidor, Perak. This was recomended by a friend. Yesterday, Tuesday, my eldest son drove us up North. The journey was about 1 hr from KL.
When we arrived at the clinic there were only a few patients, we were no 7.. but the waiting was really2 long. The consultation by he/she *two doctors, father and daughter* spent about one to one an half hours on average..depending on sickness. We entered the treatment room at 12.30 pm after checking the urine, pulse rates and what not..then break for lunch at one till two o'clock. At two, still no sign of the male Doctor..*Doctor went to dentist..pulak*..and back around three p.m *this is normal practice in small town.. kut* Then came the results..mine, blood circulation not so good, my intestine and liver panas..and uric acid is rather high..huhu...
As of late, I did not feel good,*always putting the blame on the weather* panas, headache, burning in the throat and bloated stomach. I know for a fact that the normal blood test done by the Lab is more accurate..however, it is a well known fact that Chinese medicines are known or best in terms to body cooling. And I was due to having my blood test with the normal doctor but skipped last month as my menstrual cycle came rather early whilst, Hb had done his. And pleased with the result except for slight trace in Uric Acid. And about the same what the Chinese Doctor diagnosed.. The test was not so much different from the the normal Doctors, getting the diabetes, temperature, and urine test, all using the same modern apparatus what Medical Doctors usually do. Chinese medicines using herbs could be good for Hb this time..will try with God's willing.. But Hb's case is somehow chronic where his muscles and maybe the cells are weak. So, the treatment will be done rather intensive. He did the Acupunture and took 40minutes to prick to the body and 1 hr for the therapy.
Well, what do you expect.. to grumble? I bet everyone would..But who can Hb depend on, and the kids..and those who understands what we are facing.. Only those who has no faith or love will back off. Those who cares will forgive and forget..and be there with us through thick and thin! More often then not, the heart over powers the mind especially when I am in my weakest moments...
We were there from 11am till 6pm..bayang kan betapa resah and boringnya ku...But, that's the life we have to go through. We must not give up. As we know tiap2 pengorbanan ada ganjaran nya. Like I used to say, a lot of obstacles had come our way.. .and as normal human being I cannot run away from having tantrums and being grumpy. Am I going to be judged on this? Unfortunately ..Yes! we human are being judged for our weak moments. Only God decides..He who know whats best.. we human, only do what is right. I always need to remind myself, Tiap2 apa yg diuji keatas kita, Allah tahu kita mampu memikulnya...Insyallah...
And I am thankful to my dear Mum, who always a phone call away. Calling me, updating on the family affairs. I don't demand anything much...but her *Hello* means a lot to me....
Meanwhile last weekend, the things we did, the food I cooked
and the place we went as a family..
Two Value Cut!! Kan...ada 31st this month..
Recited Quran at my place..Monday night 2nd, April
Three simple menus I made..Bake Chicken Macaroni with
potato salad and *Sticky Date Pudding* with Caramel Sauce..
Well, I have to skip the Salad for sometime..highly in Uric Acid.
Adios for now, my darling peeps...
Sister dear....
ReplyDeleteBersabar je la...take it as an 'amanah' for u. Insyallah nanti everything will b ok. U'll see....
Yg seronok about ur blog ni,makan tetap best punyaa! can i not, I love my family n amanah yg perlu di laksanakan.
ReplyDeleteI am looking at the brightest side..the world is full of colors..
be it in Cooking, gardening or painting..
assalam Iha
ReplyDeleteI hope you are feeling better now. Do take care of yourself. You have strong and positive attitude, insyaallah dipermudahkan segalanya.
Apa pun, sajian you tetap mantap! Yum..
ReplyDeleteI am feeling ok already..looking at what's around me.
Bnyk kebaikan dan keindahan yg Allah berikan..
Tetapi kekadang hati dan perasaan tu tergelincir sedikit.
Sajian makanan is part of colors in my life.
Salam sis Iha,
ReplyDeleteRatna percaya sis Iha dapat meredah dugaan/cubaan itu dengan redhanya karena setelah Ratna baca lah segala luahan hati yang datangnya dari seorang insan yang begitu penyabar, prihatin lagi penyayang yakni sis Iha akan senantiasa merentasinya dengan sepenuh kesabaran... seluhur kasihsayang yang ada teserlah berseri diwajahnya sis Iha.
Apa sahaja kerumitan itu akan dapat ditangani walau pun untuk menyempurnakannya hanya lah Allah swt yang mengetahui betapa dan alang kah beratnya bebanan itu yang semestinya dipikul dengan kesabaran juga kekuatan iman dan kudrat yang tinggi tanpanya pasti diri cepat menyerah kalah.
Apa jua usaha-usaha untuk mengembalikan kesihatan suami yang disayangi oleh se-isi keluarga semoga ia-nya akan memberi hasil tindakan yang positive dan dengan kehendakNya pasti usaha sis Iha akan diperkenankan...semoga hendaknya, bersabar senantiasa wahai sis Iha dan jagai diri juga kesihatan dengan sebaiknya karena tanpa sis Iha kecundang lah "pillar" sebagai pedinding yang kukuh!
Salam manis semanis madu.
p/s: seperti selalu, masakan hidangan yang membuatkan Ratna trigin pulang ke-tanahair, mega yummy!
Wkmslm Ratna..
ReplyDeleteTiba2 rasa diri ini sungguh bertuah..setiap yang dtg ke blog ku
semuanya memberi kata2 perangsang. Terima kasih wahai kawan2 blogger ku.