Monday, July 23, 2012

Early Ramadhan...


I was full of life on the 1st day of Puasa. Rasa nak masak semua benda...but I had promised myself not to overdo during Ramadhan. Cook simple dishes that everyone enjoy.
Suddenly, at late noon, kepala sudah buat hal..rasa melayang layang.,,must be the heat or the gastric.. or maybe getting adjusted to the fasting month, I hope. Nothing serious.. just a slight headache and still can cope, Alhamdullillah. I missed the Terawih at the surau but Hb went with his son. That did not hinder me from missing the terawih..did it at home.
It's been 2 plus years now, Hb is recovering. Tho fasting but he's doing fine..well, he was able to endure pain without complaining..ini kan pulak puasa...syukur!

There are other better things  to do rather than being in the kitchen sahaja... Di fahamkan ganjaran berzikir dan membaca Quran/tafsir, sembahyang sunat, memberi makan pada orang yang berpuasa dan banyak lagi perkara baik dilakukan mendapat ganjaran berganda ganda. I guess, everyone would want to collect as much  reward in this holy month of Ramadhan or before the light goes out.. Of course our body and mind has to be healthy in order to be able to do ibadah.
 Do things moderately.. be it in anything. Even with my computer, I cannot concentrate for more than 1 hour..pening kepala  too much glare pun tak tahan. Well, I hope we will take this opportunity in this Ramadhan doing good deeds and insyallah the reward is there to be reaped.

So, what's cooking!
Here are some food for Iftar that I love to share...ahaks remember from my very own kitchen!
1st day Iftar..

Left, Daging goreng kicap, top right: Soup Sayur,
and Assam Pedas Melaka
Seri Muka Durian for Dessert. One look..Not inviting at all..
But once tasted...hulamak! it's to die for.. *wink*

2nd day Iftar..

Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup. This special Noodle mesti
kena makan with raw vegetables especially Basils...and that
make it different from other Noodle soup.
Ini Masak Lemak Udang. Only one dish to go with rice.
 I seorang yang makan nasi.

Refreshing drink *lian chee Kang* and Cucur Badak,
I did the cucur with Fifa,,

For tonight Iftar, my dessert is Honeycomb Cake..The mixture has to be kept for more than 3 hours, then only bake. Okay, sebelum I end this entry, let's look at my dinner.

 Honeycomb Cake.

Chicken Curry, Ikan Belah Belakang with rice and
Mee Goreng with Konon2nya Szechwan chicken
*terover coloring* simple kann.

This is the best drink ever made..
Cucumber/green apple/mint and squeeze of lemon.
Recipe from my dear friend Steff.

This is what I love about blogging.. is to share ideas of menus of what to cook and etc..
And I do hope what I had shared mine will give inspiration to others too..insyallah!


  1. selamat berpuasa dan selamat menyambut bulan yg mulia..sis Iha...ada resepi yg mudah2 nanti share lah ye..setakat ni tak sempat lagi masak yg heavy sikit...hehe..besides except puanrumah kebanyakkannya yg dlm rumah banyak yg kena pantang...seafood jauh sekali...itu pun kalau tuan badan sendiri yg teringin sgt baru masak....tq..

  2. assalam Iha
    Kalau setiap hari dah 3-4 lauk, dalam masa sebulan tentunya I takde modal lagi nak masak lauk2 lain melainkan recycle menu. Rajinlah you (Leeza too).

    My hubby tu, bulan puasa atau hari2 biasa, bila ditanya nak makan apa sure dia jawab, nasi....sayur...ikan (or ikan masin). In a way I blame him cos dgn selera yg simple gitu, tahap masakan I tak berkembang. Yang berkembang adalah I, huwaaaa...CS..

  3. Assalam sis
    Best jugak berblogging ni gives us lots of idea of what to masak by looking at each other blogs. Actually i dont mind seksa kn diri masak yg pelik2 cos Ramadhan is a special month n tak sabar dh nak berpuasa n bertarawih!

  4. Wkmslm Eni..
    Selamat berpuasa juga utk untuk Eni sekeluarga.
    Kalau ap2 yg Eni nak tentang recipe bagi tau aje ya..

    Kalau banyak yg pantang susah juga nak masak, kena masak
    mengikut cita rasa mereka.

  5. Wkmslm CS..
    Wahai CS..memang I selalu recycle menu..pening kepala mencari recipe..itu bestnya berbloging kan..bila tengok CS punya menu..ooh! terus buat.

    Walaupun I suka makan kat luar..tapi bulan puasa tu puas rasanya nak masak sendiri. You can always try new recipe, mungkin TB suker..

    Hi Sis..Memang best kongsi2 menu, senang kerja.
    Me and friends ada buat *gang whatsapp*..tiap2 mlm tengok menu masing2. Air yg I buat tu from there lah.

  6. Salaammmm Ramadhan kak Iha,
    huwaaaa... nampak simple2 lauk tp interesting n semestinya sodappp!!! anak2/hubby kt iha klu bukak pose mesti nasi tak? klu sume satu kepala senang kan? family kita sume ahli jemaah nak makan nasi punya! klu masak benda lain harus menangis haha.. yeah betull.. ni namanya ketuk-ketuk pintu Ramadhan.. kita pegi 'umah' org ni, 'umah' org tu boley bagi idea nak masak apa.. baru le meriah ek...

  7. Wkmslm Yong...
    My family never mind anything I cook be it nasi or anything..Tapi ada gak lah yg tak makan nasi..I puasa2 ni nak lah sikit nasi.

    Huh kan, tengok umah orang punya lauk bagi inspiration to us..
    So, menu tu dah ada in mind.. setelah menjenguk.

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