Monday, July 16, 2012

Keeping busy...

Just came back with my daughter from Bangsar and O.U..looked for some groceries stuff and had our lunch at Plan B.. Maybe the Ox Tongue sandwich that drawn my daughter to this cafe. We had not been out together for quite kira *Girls day out* la ni. Puasa kann nak dekat, mesti lah cari makan yg best. After bought what we looked for at the Grocer, we went to O.U. Neither me nor my girl could resist going into the shops that were on sales. Disappointed, not one attract me, all the best ones dah habis, tinggal yang melapang kat dada yang banyak..aww!

For the last few days, I cooked rice until yesterday, we decided to change the menu..
Below, was our dinner last night...... dah lama tak masak cengini..

 Bread and Roasted Chicken Breast and Salad. Avacado sauce and eggs with mayonnaise.

Egg and Mayonnaise spread on the bread.

Puasa is around the corner, I prepared Karipap the previous years, and kept it in the freezer.

Karipap Pusing


My nephew Faiz and Niece Nadira, bertandang bawak Packets of Sambal Pecal from their Mum *Leeza* Thank you so much...Hb's favorite!
Almost all weekend, I selalu would cooked something extra. Alhamdullillah ada aje tamu2 yang berkunjung...*semoga murah rezeki* This week I made Laksa with two kind of with Assam, and the other one was Laksa lemak. Fifa and my second Son would prefer assam, me and my eldest son love lemak. Hb pulak, anything will do. So, buat lah dua2, semua orang boleh makan, kann.

Siapa yang menghirup kuah laksa tu?

My plants..

My orchid..sedang berbunga. Cantik kann.

And this is my Australian Lemon..
But why not oval in shape?

Anik and me are quite busy with things around the house preparing for Ramadhan.
Busy cleaning the whole household before puasa, so that we have a clean atmostphere without 
dust, nice clean tea towel, placemat baru *actually not baru, tukar lain. So, you see new
environment..bertukar wajah, gitu.
Oh.. friends are planning for makan2...the last kopek before Ramadhan.
 Adios for now..


  1. assalam Iha
    Ha'ahlah, siapa yg menghirup kuah tu?

    You selalu makan2 kat Plan B, jeles plak I. Nak cuba juga kesana satu hari nanti.

    Your food as always memang mengiurkan. The spread is awesome. Karipap pusing tu, dah siap preparation for bulan puasa ye?

    Selamat menyambut dan menghayati Ramadhan.

  2. Salam kak Iha,
    Ha'ahlah, akak selalu mkn kt Plan B, sodap ke??? cam tak menahan je tengoknya... tp apapun Plan A kt rumah semestinya yg terbaik dan terhebak ye dok? laksa lemak tu mcm laksam la kan? i pun very the likeee...ishhh terliur la pulok dohhh....

  3. Wkmslm..
    Hi ladies..I selalu ke Plan B asalnya tunggu Hb buat physio. I kan suka Coffee tapi kat Starburk *next to Plan B* tu kan tak boleh habis..besar sangat Mug dia, kat situ setengah aje... And the food memang sedap..try la..

    Laksa lemak is my favorite. Kuah dia not as pekat/manis as laksam.

    Persiapan utk puasa mesti..menyambut bulan baik. I tak suka beli kueh kat pasar Ramadhan, sudah lah mahal tak sedap pulak tu.

  4. Kak Iha,
    Siapa lah yang hirup kuah laksa tu? Siap tangan macam baca doa je. Hehe!

  5. Iha, you tak jawab soklan I maka PatinPasta tanya you soklan yg sama. Makanya, you kenot run, kena jwb gak soklan itew, hehe..

  6. Patin Pasta..
    Hahaha..nak tau juga ya.. tunggu next entri ya!!!

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