Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Good day and bye bye...

Twenty ninth years together as husband and wife. The relationship develops over time, we experienced our love so deep, strong and complex. The sad and happy moments we overcome together. For better or worst through thick and thin. The memories we cherished and never to be forgotten.
 Anniversary is the time to look back at the good times and time to look ahead to live our dreams together. And being soul mates to one another...the one that never want to leave or let go.. so death do us apart..insyallah!
May our future brings us more love, understandings, good health, prosperity to carry on a proper life, and more so peace of mind through Iman...to the journey of Hereafter till the place called.. Jannah...insyallah.
To my Husband, I love you, Happy Anniversary!

On this wonderful day to celebrate but something not so good turned up..
Anik is going back to Medan! Her mother was admitted and in a very weak condition. What saddened me most, I received an sms from the sister saying that Anik is not to come back here again..but according to Anik she will fight and definitely be back once things settled with her family..that was her promise through sob and tears. I hope it's not crocodile tears. Gosh! what a situation..

But anyway, our life has to carry on. I have to be prepared. Ya, I know.. back to square one! I will leave everything in God hands.. what is good for me and vise versa...only God knows.

The day my nephews and nieces came to Break Fast..

Desserts. Triffle with cream cheese topping,
Below, Bubur tepung pulut.
Bubur lambok and lee chee kang.

9th Ramadhan..

Tom Yam,Kerabu Mango and Ikan masak Kicap.

I am reconsidering the Param..atlas.
Think positive...for you will achieve peace.


  1. Hi sis
    Happy anniversary ....may both of u live in peace n harmony n in everlasting luv.
    Sorry to hear Anik is going back for sometime...awak confiirm turun berat badan dgn drastik sekali...t.care n byk2 bersabar!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mahap terpaksa delete kat atas tu..typo error gitu :-)

    assalam Iha
    Happy anniversary, semoga kekal sihat sejahtera bahagia ceria, insyaallah.

    Anik terpaksa balik kekampong halaman? Alahai, kesiannya you tapi rasanya anak2 you boleh diharap so ringan juga beban you nanti. Semoga dipermudahkan.

    p/s: nak semangkok lee chee kang, ada lagi tak? Tahun nih I am yet to masak air mata kucing...belum buat2 lagi.

  4. Salam...
    Happy 29th anniversary to you n hubby, may you live happily ever after and senantiasa dibarokahiNya...
    wahhh meriah betul resepi2 buka pose dia yer.. kita lemau sket sbb masih tak pose eiiii tak suka, tak sukeerrr!
    p/s : wahhhh ranggi betul si Anik ni yek...klu saya dok sebelah dia saya pulak org ingatkan bibik haha... like u said, i hope it wasn't a crocodile tears! semoga semua urusan dipermudahkanNya seketiadaannya Anik

  5. Wkmslm ladies...
    Leeza, thanks!

    Nak lee chee kang, mai lah ke rumah!

    Ranggi ke Ani..nampak je..

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