Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My passions...

I was enjoying every minute of my time, in the house..bergarderning and cooking *and of course time with my family* Cooking and gardening are a must do tasks. Firstly, I want to share the pictures of food. I made Cornish, a few days ago , macam curry puff. Bezanya, you have to bake it instead of fry. It was for dinner and we ate it with fruit salad. Tho, it's kinda big in size tapi my kids kata tak kenyang,*kesian, lepas tu makan maggi*
kalau lah my mum tengok, mesti terkejut, *Karipap Beso, * to her anything big, tak dainty* or tak beradun gitu!


Wantan Mee.

Hidangan makan tengah hari.
Kari Ikan, stew Ayam dan telur masin.
Pancake for breakfast, on last Sunday, lepas tengok blog my niece Ida, tetiba teringin pulak.
We had it with banana and apa yang ada dekat breakfast table.

My passion for gardening..
I see that my plants are responding to me, by being healthy and flowering happily *pokok2 pun pandai balas jasa* Everyday I had been out in the garden, watering them, and once a week I put fertilizer. But, I am not happy with my Fruit trees. Kenapa?? Now, let's watch.

Apa nama bunga ni? Kalau tak silap Bunga Telur. It looked
like Camelia.
Tak tahan lama, cuma kembang sehari saja.

This is Australian Lemon tree, I bought almost 1 1/2 years ago.
According to the guy that I bought at S. Buloh, by 6 months it can
bare fruit.

And this one is Passion fruit tree, pun tak pernah
berbunga, asyik mabuk daun.

My kantan tree, almost 8 years, from my old house brought
to Kota kemuning, satu bunga pun tak keluar.

Huh! I must not give up, if my flower plant can grow healthy, why can't my fruit trees.. You never know, maybe in future my garden jadi orchard pulak.

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