Each time when I was into something...mesti ada interuption. Huhuhu! my Sewing Machine masuk workshop.. gear patah *according to the SINGER technician*!! I just started to sew my cushion then, it happened. Well, there went my project.
Tuesday, Hb wanted to accompany me and Fifa to Midvalley, to buy our ladies undergarments.... *Fifa's on a semester break for one an half month* And being the only girl, Papa was always so generous. So, we had our lunch at Chili's. Then, to Metro looking for our....*under*.. while Hb waited at ground floor. I had not been to Metro, for quite sometime. I went crazy to see the household stuff. Can't helped myself, bought one Turrine bowl and a platter..cheap! And, like always, I was rushing before Hb get restless.
Wednesday, spent time with Sis Intan at the Curve and had our breakfast in Ikea. Then rushed to fetch Hb *Pantai* three hours later.
It was four long days my Sewing Machine at the workshop, until this morning the technician called wanting me to collect. My God! it's too expensive rm 210...don't you think so? I was speechless, but at the same time keen to continue what I had left on Monday...my Cushions.
I started sewing impatiently, and mistakes? Oh! that can't be helped...unpicked here and there. And... I managed to sow three Cushions today...hmm, will continue tomorrow, insyallah.
Pictures? I was too absorbed with my work.... but no, no, it's too messy with fabrics, pins, tassle and etc...everywhere. Of course, I want to share it with you guys. Tunggu...
Oh, by the way, if not because of my Sister who inspired me of the Cushion's idea, I would not be doing it. Thank you Sis Teh, now, I have new Cushions for RAYA...
Here are some pictures at Chili's Midvalley.
Our dinner some nights ago...pasta with Chicken and Mushroom.
Adios, Guys!
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