Monday, July 18, 2011

When I'm Bored...Cuttoo Day

When I'm bored.....I would baked, sew, or do gardening. I am not the kind of person who would sit still *goyang kaki*... I am the kind who like to be on my feet *angkat bakul sendiri* but honestly... yours truly is that kind....
Those days, long before Hb was sicked.. I would be busy a month before Ramadhan, sewing my only princess's dresses with smockings and bullions...two to three pairs *macam tak pecaya, you* and sew cushions for the house and what not. Came Ramadhan, I entertained my children and beloved Hb by cooking their favorite food. And not to mention the cookies that I loved to make for us, my Mum and my in Laws that was a week or so before Raya.. Getting prepared to Balik Kampong was another thing, to pack for five and can you imagine, beg sampai buncit..yes, semua nya baru, from top to toe. Two days before the journey, I had packed everything and the bag had been parked outside my room, at the family area. I remembered that one night, I dreamed that theft had broke in and took my bag away, hehe.. You can tell, how busy I was at that time, stressed, tension, and full of excitement...
*Sigh* I am missing all that. I don't have to rush for balik kampong or making lots of cookies...of course I will bake, insyallah. Everyone in the family understands.....
Tho, Hb is recuperating, I don't think is a good idea to travel back North in a jam. Tatkala ku terkenang, sedih di hati yang teramat sangat.. Whatever it is, what we do, enjoy to the fullest, as time will not wait for us. And cannot turn back the clock. But now, I really cherish the past!

And back to the present... I have all the time in the world, with Hb and the Kids. I want to enjoy what I had missed with Hb. I want to go slightly slow *if I can* with daily routine, as I have nothing to rush for, hmm..

As I said, when I am bored...I will sew..... in fact already started to cut a few pieces of materials to make cushions. I had not touched any of those materials that I kept for four long years. And guessed what.. I wore a mask, to protect myself from the dust. My sinus is bad.

Anyway, peeps wait for my new project... and now, lets enjoy some pictures I took at Cuttoo get together last Friday.

Cuttoo Day At Penang Nyonya, Subang Parade!!

With Kak Shidah

The few that turned up

Anis and Kak Shidah

My Curry Laksa
That was good, lobak and some Pie tee

Celebrating Zaiton's birthday.

Adios, and Asalamualaikum.


  1. Salam kak Iha,

    Nampaknya saya pun kena standby cam akak, our children - they grow up so fast aren't they? tak lama lagi saya pun nak masuk 4 series, pastu berenti keje, pastu anak dah besau sunyi le dok sesaja kt umah tu yek? kena belajo art and craft cam akak la to kill the time
    btw, I know that you are an amazing mom n wife, taking care of the whole family, moga cik Abe sihat seperti sediakala and you'll be like a lovey dovey couple all over again!

  2. Salam, Life is strange, you cannot predict what's going to happen in the future. But yes, preparation for yrself tu penting, learn to like being a wife and mother and apa sja that makes you happy. Take life as be happy then. Lovey dovey? Oh yes...hehe.
