Tuesday, January 17, 2012

'Brunch'... Recite Quran Get together..

Hi... I am back again with another new entry. This time I wanna share my Mengaji Day that took place at my house last Sunday. Started at 9.30 until about 11.30 morning. Menus that I prepared was something for late breakfast and early lunch or 'Brunch'. Porridge was a good choice, Tortillas with salsa was requested and I baked Black Pitted Cherry Tea Cake for Dessert.

The many commitments to the family, will never lead me anywhere...but I reminded myself to give some quality time for me not only I become knowledgeable in reciting Quran in a correct way. But also, a chance to socialize with one another *neighbors*, sharing what not about anything in particular *hope it does not lead to gossip* There are many ways to be good Muslims, attending to Majlis Ilmu is one of the things that required in Islam... *never too late tho, when the age is catching up. I love socializing in any sort, so why not make a habit to organize Gathering unsur2 Agama. To be a better person is to learn through previous experience or examples from other people's goodness and mistakes. Always be humble, as we know there are people better, smarter and richer than us and be easy to change towards the better of humankind. Eh..terlebih pulak! Not wrong to remind one another, ya...
Well, not only that, Food... yes we get to rasa every one's specialties during our meet on every Sunday. Don't you think our lives has to be filled with activities..absolutely yes! kalau life not fill with anything, you'll be miserable, stress and many more that can make us withdraw from society.

The Porridge is in the white Turrine.

Black Pitted Cherry Tea Cake with Sauce

Thai Style Fried Aubergine, to be eaten with Porridge.

Oops...I thought no fattening food for me this week!! Habis...


  1. Salam Iha
    Betullah.. kita berkawan bukan untuk berseronok2 aje; kena juga siapkan 'saham' untuk dibawa kesana (juga bersama kawan2).

    That Thai-style fried aubergine .. mind sharing camana you memasaknya? TQIA.

    Kek tu pulak mcm dara pingitan, dijaga rapi dari 'gangguan', hehe..

  2. wkmslm..
    maemang pun..tapi kawan2 seronok mesti nak juga *mengibur*

    Thai style terung:
    terung ptg serong digoreng.
    Bawang merah, bwg putih, cabai/cili kering sikit, udang kering.
    Ditumbuk lumat2 dan goreng sampai 1/2 garing, masukan terung dan put a lot of pepper and daun ketumbar..that's it! senangkan.

  3. Salam sis Iha, terpesona lagi teruja dengan cara berilmiah menimba ilmu agama bersama dengan yang lainnya terus bersedekah dengan makanan&manisan hidangan yang begitu menyelerakan sekali.
    Sayangnya disini tidak ada itu semua, gimana pun begitu senang dan terpegun sekali gaya-acara berunsurkan ilmu-agama yang dianjurkan oleh sis Iha yang budiman.

    Sis iha, kotak isi-nya tissue-paper sheet itu hasil dari lukisan tangan sis ke? Adore gitu!

    Salam manis manis madu.

  4. Salam kembali..
    Majlis diadakan sstiap hujung minggu, mengikut giliran.
    Saya lebihkan masakan utk keluarga sekali nanti lunch tak payah kelam kabut kan..

    Ratna suka katak tissue tu ya..kalau dkt, boleh saya buatkan satu..
