Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thursday Treats..

It was a marvelous day outing jalan2 dan cari makan with Hb and my daughter to Shogun at Sunway Pyramid. Hmm, as a food hunter and where food is concerned, I tell you, this place is Heaven. We were there at 12.30 pm till 2.00pm, can you imagine that.. having our own sweet time enjoying all the selections of food. Yes, more on Japanese Delicacies and also you could enjoy Chinese, Korean , Siamese and etc... The ambience and setting are definitely Japanese. Well basically, customers are spoilt for choice. When come to think of it, berapa sangat la kita boleh makan, the most is 2 plates, or perhaps 3 or.. whatever la!

Now, let the pictures do the talking...

Everything looked so good.. what's to pick?

Oyster with Cheese

Sashimi...Fifa's favorite. Me? thank you, tak makan mentah2.

Amboi Mamat ni, sempat posing.

Hb had Sushi and look at the baby Crab...crunchy!

Teppanyaki.. this one, I loike!

That small fish is Japanese Sama Fish with
a bowl of Shark Fin's soup.

I think I am now 10 lbs heavier, more fattening food next week.
Bye for now, and more about food in the next entry...insyaallah!


  1. Salam
    That 10 lbs dah cair lum? hehe..

    I've been to that place last Oct sempena my doter's birthday (dia suka dapat free meal) tapi my sisters kata tak pernah diorang makan kena tunjuk IC dulu just to get some discounts. Anyway, tempat tu memang heaven. Tomyam dia sedap, udang besar2.

  2. owhhh semalam kita baru gi Sunway Pyramid, lalu le kt sini, tp ingatkan non-halal food ngeh ngeh nampak sgt aku dah jarang ber outing, ada nasi-nasi tak? kita klu gi ngan Ammar kena cari menu hok ada nasi gek, dia nak mintak nasi manjangggg...haaa

  3. Salam, Cik cik berdua...
    I suka tempat ni sebab bnyk food and the price is reasonable.
    Oh yes, kena tnjk IC sbb org suka2 makan free,,hehe.

    Yong, memang ada nasi, lembut panas2 pulak tu. It's only 38.80++.
    I kenyang sampai hari ni taw..
